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OTTOMAN ARMY IN GALLIPOLI (with a Wonderful Song and Pics) Allahu Akbar

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I'm not an Alevi but how exactly its related ? its was a simple example from history.
My Kurdish friend murat! sory but you are living in a delusion! however, as long as it serves the intersets of my country! I support you! please spread your views among your kurdish people! thanks bro!!!!

Are you sure he is a Kurd?

I only see a devoted Sunni with love towards Ottomans, and enmity towards Atatürk, which is also common among Turks.
I only see a devoted Sunni with love towards Ottomans, and enmity towards Atatürk, which is also common among Turks.

Really is that true ? How many such fellows are there in Turkey and is the trend on the rise or on the decline ?
Majority don't care, Kemalists and radical muslims are minority compered to that simple majority.
Really is that true ? How many such fellows are there in Turkey and is the trend on the rise or on the decline ?

Well i am not expert in sincerity of forummurat in his belief. Not for me to judge.

He represents Sunni centric political wing here.

Politics here divided into 4 factions. Basically, Sunni, Alevi, Turk, Kurd. ( written in highest to lowest)
Really is that true ? How many such fellows are there in Turkey and is the trend on the rise or on the decline ?

unless you are not a parasite selling Ataturk or Islam for living, the real agenda of ordinary people in Turkey is 1-their electricty or natural gas bills 2-their existing or non existing jobs 3- Fenerbahce - Galatasaray games :)
Well i am not expert in sincerity of forummurat in his belief. Not for me to judge.

He represents Sunni centric political wing here.

Politics here divided into 4 factions. Basically, Sunni, Alevi, Turk, Kurd. ( written in highest to lowest)

And you, my friend ? If I had to guess I'd probably say that you're a follower of Rumi's fusion of Islam and Universal Humanism...or am I being far too presumptuous ?
Sunnis are divided too, a minority is radical, have jamaats(don't know if the word is same in other countries) etc. , but majority don't care simply.
unless you are not a parasite selling Ataturk or Islam for living, the real agenda of ordinary people in Turkey is 1-their electricty or natural gas bills 2-their existing or non existing jobs 3- Fenerbahce - Galatasaray games :)

Yeah...we have the same agenda here in Pakistan but there are many from amongst us who think that Islam or Secularism is a magic wand and with a single swish all of our worries will go away ! I'm personally more for Governance then either way...take care of whatever you've enshrined in the Constitution, however perfect or imperfect it maybe, and the rest will take care of itself.

And yeah...Fenerbahce !

P.S Where have your adventures into Philosophy gotten you to ? Religious, Atheistic or 'I don't give a frig !' ?
And you, my friend ? If I had to guess I'd probably say that you're a follower of Rumi's fusion of Islam and Universal Humanism...or am I being far too presumptuous ?

Rumi is just one of the many. Shemsi, Yunus, Haci Bektash. i just try to understand as my language allows.
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