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Osmania University beef festival sparks violence

i also read in many places that humans took a giant leap in evolution when they started eating meat. dont konw how true it is. apparently since we have eveolved from apes, we used to be veggies and eat smaller rodents etc. but at some point humans or pre-humans learnt to eat meat, first step in adaptation.
another intereting fact.. have you noticed that in animals their teeth are set perfectly in the wild? have you ever seen any animal that needs orthodontic care?
Human teeth are all messed up because of our change in diet. again evolution. there was a nice explanation given for this.

From what I learned the greatest evolution in human history is when we learned to do agriculture. Agriculture helped human beings to settle down in one place and as the output to effort for agriculture is nearly 2:1 (Compared to 1: 1 for hunting) this gave humans free time to develop what we know as civilization.
Wonder how would these church-backed scum react if the host community had imposed it via dictatorship. I despise people taking advantage of too much liberty. Pathetic attempts by the loser Left to try to offend the Hindus. This is the respect they show for the majority community.

Good that they were attacked. :tup:
From what I learned the greatest evolution in human history is when we learned to do agriculture. Agriculture helped human beings to settle down in one place and as the output to effort for agriculture is nearly 2:1 (Compared to 1: 1 for hunting) this gave humans free time to develop what we know as civilization.

Agriculture was precursor of development of civilization (about 10000 years ago) but actually it was fire which was greatest thing in human evolution.

Fire lead to cooking of meat which breaks down the complex meat fibres into easily digestible ones.It was the most important factor in growth of our brains from the category of Apes to that of humans.

Vegetable proteins in form of pulses and cereals came quite late only after settled agriculture was practised and animal were only source proteins for most of human history.
Would you extend the same liberty to Danish cartoons in Pakistani magazines, or books from Salman Rushdie being sold in Lahore and Islamabad?.. Whoever wants to buy them can, and rest who dont, wont pay for it.. Viva la liberty ... Eh ??

portraying any image of our Prophet PBUH is haram. It's forbidden, so any attempt to make or publish such things would be plain STUPID.

it isn't haram to be around people eating pork; it isn't haram to be in the presence of pork.....any observant Muslim who is secure and has strong faith would not care or resort to physical attacks on people if the earlier hypothetical (about pork being served @ Osmania college/uni)

you can't juxtapose the cartoons thing to this incident.....that's absurd thing to do
Eat any thing you want, but dont make a poster of you food & play a jolly with it, if it`s hurting any other religions sentiments ...

They are morons, but if we react them with pork & cartoon thing then we are bigger moron then them... cose we are making their job done...
portraying any image of our Prophet PBUH is haram. It's forbidden, so any attempt to make or publish such things would be plain STUPID.

it isn't haram to be around people eating pork; it isn't haram to be in the presence of pork.....any observant Muslim who is secure and has strong faith would not care or resort to physical attacks on people if the earlier hypothetical (about pork being served @ Osmania college/uni)

you can't juxtapose the cartoons thing to this incident.....that's absurd thing to do

Atleast let non muslims read those cartoons and read Satanic Verses? Won't work would it? That will still lead to violence in pakistan, no?

BTW India bans both, for the same reason beef is normally not available.

I eat beef, and it should be allowed, but the problem it is a problem of law and order and harmony, just like those cartoons and satanic verses. For communal harmony if govt controls it, then its worth it.
People who worship animals act like one. That is evident case study.
The argument of "let those who eat it , eat it without giving a damn to the religious concerns of others", can easily be extrapolated to the various other issues which affect minority sentiments - an example being my right to read to read and distribute Satanic Verses.

If somebody asks who is the Indian Govt to decide banning beef, I ask who is the Indian Govt to decide which book I should read and should not. Minorities should be mindful of the religious sentiments of the majority and should not cry wolf when their own sentiments are affected. It's always a give and take, not take only. Majority of the 'minorities' also know that. It's only the attention ****** who play out these antics bringing a bad name to all concerned.
People who worship animals act like one. That is evident case study.

People who name themselves as a1master and behave like pigs eat sewage from gutter everyday.Another case study.
In India you kill Humans for the sake of Cows...end of.
People who worship animals act like one. That is evident case study.

Conversely how some muslims act leads to unthikable conclusions about what they worship...

Hence looks like that theory is invalid and based in religious supremacism like everything you say :)

In India you kill Humans for the sake of Cows...

While that is a sorry state of affairs indeed, atleast one can see a cow, touch a cow, own one and feed a family off it. Cows are REAL, not imaginary. Those who want to kill, kill for any reason.
portraying any image of our Prophet PBUH is haram. It's forbidden, so any attempt to make or publish such things would be plain STUPID.

It is a similar thing for a vast majority of Hindus, that cow should not be killed and should be revered. So any attempt to kill cows or serve them in food festivals would be plain STUPID.
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