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Osmania University beef festival sparks violence

The whole buffoonery began when one group of people thought it would be a good idea to worship cows. That's when the problem began.

Nothing to do with the worship of cows buddy
The whole buffoonery began when one group of people thought it would be a good idea to worship cows. That's when the problem began.
yep buffonery happen at different times in all regions of the world.. one set worship cows, one set claims men come back from dead so pray.. one set claims that god spoke to them etc.. that we should learn to ignore for peace in society.
As a Vaishnav i can say the cow is sacred for many reasons the most important for me is to do with association with Lord Krishna but other reasons is the cow gives so much to humanity but ask for little in return it is a remarkable animal to say the least.
Shelly, the great apes had already started eating meat.

Some never evolved beyond though .... as is obvious from some of the recent comments here.
Shelly, the great apes had already started eating meat.

Some never evolved beyond though .... as is obvious from some of the recent comments here.

LOL so true.. but really , i dont think the great apes eat meat even now, do they? i always thought they are veggies+ small birds+rodent eaters.
As a Vaishnav i can say the cow is sacred for many reasons the most important for me is to do with association with Lord Krishna but other reasons is the cow gives so much to humanity but ask for little in return it is a remarkable animal to say the least.

There may also have had been a sociological reason for regarding cow as sacred.

As i have have read in history book,Sacrifices including that of cow were a common thing during early rig vedic period, but as society settled down and started practising agriculture,there was a high demand of draught animals.To stem the habit of people sacrifising bovines,they were given an status of sacred animals in religious texts.

There is also an theory that vegetarianism became a religious custom by the advent of jainism and was absorbed as part of hinduism quite late.
I was wondering... What happens in Delhi? They invented Nihari and you can't have Nihari without beef.

Oh and what about Haleem? Haleem can be made of Chicken - a particularly Kashmiri touch to Haleem is Chicken Haleem.

But other than steaks and chops, many desi dishes have a central beef component.

Delhi has a fine mix ( and balance) on the subject of food.

During college days from the Delhi Univ hostel it was routine for us to swing by Jama Masjid after the night show ( 9 to 12) at Darya Ganj or Chandni Chowk ( Golcha , Moti, Naaz Cinemas) to eat local cuisine ( read : street food).Needless to say being in college meant the cheapest food to eat. One never 'asked' the man fanning the Kebabs what they were made of and one was told no lies.

In my opinion good food has no religion, yet in the case @ hand to having a ' festival' I feel was pushing the line . Those who did so must surely have been expecting a response.
I used to pretty much eat everything, was particularly fond of Pork Vindaloo and everything pork. Also had to have my Hamburger, usually at Hard Rock Cafe, at least once a month. Years at boarding school and more than a decade at sea taught me to eat, and relish, pretty much everything.
I noticed that there was a correlation between my digestive health and the amount of meat I ate...the more "Non-veg" I ate, the heavier I felt after my meals, and I didn't sleep as soundly. This took some experimentation- days when I was off the Carne.

Also, a year or so ago, I started practicing Yoga-the kind that is more breathing and concentration than physical contortions. I'd read that eating meat affects concentration, so I decided to find out if it was true.
After a year, I have to say that yes, there are definite differences in me- physiologically and mentally, for lack of a better word- between the times I eat meat and don't. The morning after I've had a juicy 4oz. with fries at HRC, for example, my concentration wavers more. Sleep is more disturbed, I dream more vivid dreams. I generally have a better day on the days I stay veg.

Not that I've turned Vegetarian overnight- I still give in to meat pretty regularly, but now that I have seen the difference that it makes, I aim to switch to a vegetarian diet (yes to Fish and eggs, please) gradually.

I've read- Whenever an animal is slaughtered, the cocktail of hormones released into the bloodstream is absorbed by the tissues which we in turn absorb when we consume them. Then there's all the stuff they feed them and inject them with-Not that veggies are free and natural by a long shot, but it's the lesser of two evils.
THis is not a veggie vs non-veg.... But I just wanted to point out that Virender Sehwag is a lifelong veggie and shows that being veggie and strength/aggression is not necessarily correlated
There may also have had been a sociological reason for regarding cow as sacred.

As i have have read in history book,Sacrifices including that of cow were a common thing during early rig vedic period, but as society settled down and started practising agriculture,there was a high demand of draught animals.To stem the habit of people sacrifising bovines,they were given an status of sacred animals in religious texts.

There is also an theory that became a religious custom by the advent of jainism and was absorbed as part of hinduism quite late.

I guess it is what school of thought you ask for example Iskcon or Swaminarayan the culture is that of vegetarianism as told in the Gita where the killing of animals is stated as a sin.
i have a question.. do muslims eat snake or fish.. if so how you can ensure they are halal? snake doesnt have neck, fish is killed before its cut
It is not. People eat it thinking it is chicken biriyani where as it is actually kaka biriyani. If you watch the tamil movie "run" (the original of the hindi movie -run) there is a comedy portion mentioning this.

We have it in pakistan also..called Kawa biryani!
i have a question.. do muslims eat snake or fish.. if so how you can ensure they are halal? snake doesnt have neck, fish is killed before its cut

As far as I know snake is not allowed but we all eat fish. Incase of fish there is no special slaughtering method like in the case
of mammals. But carnivorous like sharks and may be octupus is not allowed.
As far as I know snake is not allowed but we all eat fish. Incase of fish there is no special slaughtering method like in the case
of mammals. But carnivorous like sharks and may be octupus is not allowed.
arent all fish carnivores.. many fish eat other fish.. dont know what is the food of ilich
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