OBL died natural or in a highly dramatic exhibition, during action packed Zardari era... but surprisingly no one is making any efforts to find out about his ghost doctor, because his kidneys were failed even before US invasion of Afghanistan, and he had his kidney dialysis from PIMS on many occasions, when he was not wanted.
What we also witnessed that OBL was turning younger, with passage of years!!!!!!! (as reflected from his video clips), whereas in reality he was suppose to be a 75 year old man at the time of Abbottabad operation. Further more, he was still able to make babies and was having real wives! WTF.
I know, I will be asked to believe his sexual miracle, as he was an Arab! but than I have another question, why he didn't had wives during his earlier stay in Peshawar, when he was asked to leave by Pakistan authorities and he was perhaps 25 years younger, from Abbottabad operation date.
Last but not the least, don't try to kill the obvious questions, simply be ridiculing them.