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#OpIsrael: Anonymous Cyber Strike on Israel: News & Updates

Attacks on Israel Creating Major Financial loss from #OpIsrael v2

Over the past 24 hours there has been an ongoing slaughter against any Israeli based websites, servers or services online by hundreds of different people.

The attacks have ranged from simple web hive based ddos attacks to mass defacements and full database leaks leaving personal credentials published but one of the more interesting side effects of all this is the fact that the Israeli based stock exchange has seen a huge decrease over this same period leaving one to think that these cyber attacks are having a bigger effect.

Web site http://www.tase.co.il which is a stock exchange information site shows the current charts below which have a massive decrease.


So far its really to early to say exactly how much these figures are or when this will end or if they will roll back from it but either way we can be sure these cyber attacks are going to be remembered and go down in history as some of the largest all out attacks on a single government or country by hackers from all different collectives and countries.

More to come as the day goes on and i get threw the massive amount of stuff that has been happening, if this stock exchange situation changes there will be further updates to come with more details.

Attacks on Israel Creating Major Financial loss from #OpIsrael v2
While they are bent on freedom for the Palestinians why dont they also hack the websites of all the countries that have the Palestinians locked up in prison ...er refugee camps for the last 60 years?
This is being pro:

This was done by a government with endless money endless people

this may be a dumb question
but why do they connect these "secret" nuclear sites to the world network ?
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#OpIsrael More than 10,000 Israeili's published by hackers Gaza -- pastebin.com/CKNhbJD9 |

#OpIsrael: 60+ websites hacked by #MorrocanGhosts bit.ly/143lQaA

#OpIsrael: 14 websites hacked by Vasp3r bit.ly/Zb3YTz

#OpIsrael 24 hours. 60 million hacks. 60,000 websites, 40,000 Fb pages, 5,000 twitter, 30,000 Israeli bank accounts

The Hacker News - Security in a Serious way

#OpIsrael Looks like Israeli and US media fail to inform public about 100.000+ website hack. From military up to banks.
Israelis and their arse-licking prostitutes will still say "Oh thats nothing. Thats just a punny trick. It has 0 effect on Israel" :lol:

40,000+ Israeli facebook hacks, thousands of bank accounts' information revealed, a dip in Israeli stock market, Surveillance Cameras of Tel Aviv are hacked into, Websites of Israeli Stock Markets disrupted/hacked, hundreds of thousands of Israeli websites hacked/defaced, several government websites hacked, 5000+ Israeli twitter sites hacked, 30,000 Israeli bank accounts hacked/attacked by hackers...and there is so much more...

All this is in one day, and that too, on 'holocaust memorial day' ... Sweet!

Remember, this aint no 'strategic national attack' by any other country. So comparing these attacks with Stuxnet is as stupid as it gets...

Good thing is : Hackers belong to Europe, North Africa, Middle-East, and Latin America etc... Israeli atrocities are hated all across the world.

Israeli hasbara bullsh!t is failing miserably. :omghaha:
this is what we expect from western media and their poppets in the east and middle east,
you answered yourself in your other comment:

when access to websites outside Israhell is blocked, it means they are off the internet.

no matter how Alarabiah and it's masters try to show this as small incident, the fact that hackers from around the world united against Israel shows how Israel is hated everywhere, while media around the world always boycott news about people's condition in Palestine, Now those who are unaware, start to ask why anonymous attacked Israel? this simple question leads to more questions and answers.

Hahaha...Let me tell you ignorant one, Israeli people still have access to the site, its blocked only for outsiders as a preventive measure :omghaha:

this is what we expect from western media and their poppets in the east and middle east,
you answered yourself in your other comment:

when access to websites outside Israhell is blocked, it means they are off the internet.

no matter how Alarabiah and it's masters try to show this as small incident, the fact that hackers from around the world united against Israel shows how Israel is hated everywhere, while media around the world always boycott news about people's condition in Palestine, Now those who are unaware, start to ask why anonymous attacked Israel? this simple question leads to more questions and answers.

Yeah and I should start believing what Al-Jazeera & their likes write...:hitwall:

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