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Only 25 pc in India claim Hindi is their mother tongue

i dont know why tamil people are making this a issue...its not a debate to start with...govt. only said to have govt. affairs in hindi and that too at higher level...

even that government retracted. it is time to end this debate.
that is a different debate altogether. but mushrooming of so many english medium schools tells that the influence of english in india is going to increase not decrease. forget hindi, many people even cannot read thier own mother tongue

Not that I disagree, but it is something I feel sour about. Watching others barely be able to communicate in a language apart from their mother tongue in a city so multicultural as Montreal, it makes me feel jealous. Don't bother, I am just ranting.
This is where I get pissed off....As an Indian..we should all at least know which state speaks which official language....I am sure just like @SathakGanguly.....They would Call Malayalam as Malayalee...majority of Indians would not even be able to identify the official language of each state correctly ... and we are talking of Hindi..thats funny.
Correct. You got me right where I wanted. Good luck with your Republic of whatever. And btw my mother tongue is not Hindi.

This is where I get pissed off....As an Indian..we should all at least know which state speaks which official language....I am sure just like @SathakGanguly.....They would Call Malayalam as Malayalee...majority of Indians would not even be able to identify the official language of each state correctly ... and we are talking of Hindi..thats funny.

Seriously - I have no intention to justify saying that the phone auto correct keeps it that way, and I don't and won't bother to correct it. Deal with it. For you the first sentence ONLY applies.
as i said 100s of time and still its not entering u..

english is useful economically , hindi aint..

we don wanna learn a "hybrid" unless its useful monetarily .. else we will learn only classical languages like tamil, sanskrit , telugu or persian for their antique and quality literary work

How is learning Tamil helping you economically?
No other Indian language is more worthy of becoming the link language than Hindi. Hindi is not an alien language and it is understood by people across the country including Tamilnadu. The best part is that you don't need to learn Hindi, it comes naturally to you.

A whole lot of baseless assumptions there. If one does not need to learn Hindi and it comes naturally to you, then should not the whole world be speaking Hindi already?
facts will sound insults when u don't wanna accept it...

when hindi, and its speakers can think of being pan-indian language by force,
it needs to be shown its place by talking in the level it speaks..

Facts need evidence to proven as facts. Otherwise they remain opinions which are useless. Go see a psychiatrist for your inferiority complex of Hindi and North Indians . I say this as a well wisher.

9 pages gone by yet no one could prove how Hindi was being forced upon Tamils or how Tamil is better than Hindi as this guy claimed. Futile discussion with some very insecure and inferiority complex ridden people.
No worries my "INDIAN BRO"....Not sur if you are from North, South, East or West.(.I dont care)..The whole agitation in TN is just being proactive rather than reactive....kudos to nipping the idea in the bud.

Not at all....BJP has never had an absolute majority before....they are taking baby steps to understand the power that they have ...I hope they understand the term..."Power corrupts..Absolute power corrupts absolutely"

So far nobody has.
Correct. You got me right where I wanted. Good luck with your Republic of whatever. And btw my mother tongue is not Hindi.

Seriously - I have no intention to justify saying that the phone auto correct keeps it that way, and I don't and won't bother to correct it. Deal with it. For you the first sentence ONLY applies.

I really dont care what your Mother tongue is ...Me belong to the Republic of India..just answering to your Republic of whatever.....jist
Dude we consider you inferior...I speak, write and read Hindi very fluently..and yes I am a Indian from the South. There is no need to make Hindi compulsory..just let it be as is, in a few decades this would not be an issue....

A black guy considering me Inferior! I've heard it all now.
How is learning Tamil helping you economically?
I am not here supporting @Sriram....But just stating that
A black guy considering me Inferior! I've heard it all now.
No you have not heard it all..you just assume that you have .... You started this inferior complex BS...not dont act all goody..you are not..and By the way you are a disgrace to my other fellow Indians from the North...who are not as racist as you...You certainly do have a very black heart...add this one to your list as well..."I've heard it all now"...bullshit rant.
No you have not heard it all..you just assume that you have .... You started this inferior complex BS...not dont act all goody..you are not..and By the way you are a disgrace to my other fellow Indians from the North...who are not as racist as you...You certainly do have a very black heart...add this one to your list as well..."I've heard it all now"...bullshit rant.

Just because they hide their disgust for you doesn't mean they don't feel it.
A black guy considering me Inferior! I've heard it all now.

That was racist. Enough with this Aryan Dravidian BS. It has been scientifically proven that the Indian gene pool is generally uniform. Aryan Invasion theory was a British invention to divide Indians.
The Hindi speakers convinced that, it is the "linking" language, the best option for India. you people are in a closed room, cannot think and understands the south Indian position. you believes in OIT and believes whole of India is the same people like China is. Accept and respect south Indian choice of choosing Englisch over Hindi. Again, Don't imagine Hindi can be imposed. may be, it is a part of Nationalist agenda; but is impractical. perhaps, you may teach Afghans and Persians Hindi as they tend to pick up Hindi better than South Indians.

That was racist. Enough with this Aryan Dravidian BS. It has been scientifically proven that the Indian gene pool is generally uniform. Aryan Invasion theory was a British invention to divide Indians.
Do a advanced DNA test(like 23&me does) of a UP Pathan or Kashmiri and a Chakkliya from Madhura(TN), a kammara from Karnataka or a Pulaya from Kerala. Let us see, the results. :) if the result is negative, all nationalist claim of OIT must be proclaimed false.
A black guy considering me Inferior! I've heard it all now.
Just because they hide their disgust for you doesn't mean they don't feel it.
So you are saying all Indians from the North hate have a disgust for Indians from the south..did I understand this right?...I would like to see if others from the North have the same feeling or disgust .... Let them answer that for you...My racist Indian.
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