An explanation about the context of the Quranic text
Mankind must come to know the fact that only and only the Quran is the actual revealed word of God for people of this era and there is no sustainable doubt about it at all. However to understand the Quranic text purposefully properly we human beings need help and support of each other as much as we can give each other as well as we can get from each other so that we human beings could benefit most possible and take most possible advantage of the purpose based proper guidance of the Quran purposefully properly. The fact is if our elders and colleagues as well as youngsters did not help us at all then we could not know things we came to know due to their help and support. This is why any purpose based proper information from prophets and messengers of God as well as rest of human beings we can get is good for us so that we could develop purpose based proper sense from that about the Quran as well as the world in which we are born and live. However only and only God sent purpose based proper information is free of faults so any other information we get from any other source we must make sure as much as it is humanly possible for us that it is true and right before using it for the purpose we need to use it for. The Quran cannot be understood purposefully properly at all without following this path for its purpose based proper understanding. The main thing for us to ensure is the fact that the Quranic text is interpreted purposefully properly and not translated so that one does not end up with contradictions and conflicts as well as lacks of needed necessary information in one’s interpretation of the Quran which then becomes attributed to the actual Quranic text which then appear as contradictions and conflicts within the Quranic text or between the Quranic text and the self evident facts about the real world realities or which shows lack of needed necessary information missing from the Quranic text. If this happens then people will not be able to make sense of purpose from the Quran nor the way to fulfil that purpose. This is why any interpretation of the Quran by anyone is invalid if it contains such contradictions and conflicts or lacks of needed necessary information when it is possible to interpret the Quranic text without such contradictions and conflicts or lacks of necessary information. I will explain these points yet further as we go along on this journey of discovery for making purpose based proper sense of the Quranic text purposefully properly so one has to be steadfast and consistent in undertaking this journey of learning and understanding things as they ought to be understood and acted upon.
From now onwards I need to explain some vitally important very basic terms which all people must come to know so that they could see how they are supposed to be related, connected or interlinked to each other otherwise they cannot make purpose based proper sense to people so they cannot understand the Quranic text in its purpose based proper context. The Quran is a book that claims to be from God and it gives people a project to complete. It is because God decided to express himself so he created his kingdom of creation for expressing himself through his creativity as well as gave mankind freewill and his purpose based proper guidance for them as to what they are to think, plan and do to complete their given or assigned project. The project is, mankind must bring about and maintain a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of God. Since all projects involve thoughts, processes and mechanism whereby the end products are achieved therefore what these terms mean and how they are related or linked and interconnected needs to be understood purposefully properly. Since each and every project involves thoughts and ideas for various purposes therefore in case of any project the overall ideology becomes most important because it tells about the main or whole purpose of the project which also has relevant sub ideologies as well. The main ideology of the Quranic project is all about mankind themselves bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of God for ensuring well being of each and every human being with their own help and support for each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly instead of their rivalry and animosity against each other whereby they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other due to securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.
Now to bring about such a purpose based proper human community this project involves people and things and when people and things become involved then they need to be organised and regulated and managed purposefully properly so that the end goal or objective, target or purpose or product could be achieved or this mission could be accomplished purposefully properly. This is why a purpose based proper human society, association or organisation becomes absolutely necessary and to manage people and things people must organise and regulate themselves hence politics also become absolutely necessary to get the end product or to complete the project. So purpose based proper politics are all about managing people and things in such a way whereby the project could be completed successfully and purposefully properly. In order to achieve the end product human society or people involved must manage people and things in such a way that a culture conducive to the end product comes about. In other words a friendly environment needs to be brought about wherein people and things could be managed smoothly to produce the required or needed end result. The end result needed in this case is to fulfil the needs of each and every person purposefully properly and that is what purpose based proper Quranic economic system is all about and it has to be all about that. This is why mankind must come to know what ideology, society, politics, culture and economy mean in the purpose based proper Quranic context. In order to organise and regulate people and things purposefully properly mankind also need to know what systems, structures, procedures and practices are and what they are all about ie what they are, what they do, how they do it and why they do it etc etc. That is because projects involve systems, structures, procedures and practices. A system is any complete unit of any sort which serves its purpose for which it is brought about, came about or it is created and maintained. It is or it has to be complete within itself by having all its parts which make it what it is. For example, a bike is a system with all its parts. So is a car or aeroplane or a government or a human body etc etc. In a human body all its parts are inside it and they are connected together in such a way which make it a purposefully properly functioning human being eg body, brain, heart, lungs, kidneys etc etc etc.
Structure is the way the parts of a system are located and interconnected to work together to make the thing what it is to be able to function for the purpose it is supposed to serve. For example, in a human body heart, lungs, kidneys etc etc are located and interconnected to make the human body function as a human being. In a building if it is house then its structure includes bedrooms, public rooms, lounge, sitting rooms, kitchens, bathrooms etc etc. In a governing system there are various departments which are mostly located within the country and they are interlinked to work together to help the government or governing body function as a governing system etc etc. Procedures are ways the way departments of a government work to fulfil their functions within a governing system. For example, a passport office tells people what they need to do and how to get their passports made so when they follow the recommended procedure they get their passports made. Practices are the ways people follow the laid down procedures so that purpose for which a government department is set up produces the end result. For example, a passport office has its own procedure which people follow and get their passports made etc etc. So one can see how projects, processes and mechanisms interconnect. They can also see how ideologies, societies, politics, cultures and economics interconnect and what part systems, structures, procedures and practices play in this whole thing. This is why all these things need people to educate themselves about them and get trained about them to gain needed skills about them so that they could understand what is going on in their human world and whether it is being done purposefully properly or not and so that they think, plan and do things which need to be thought, planned and done purposefully properly. This is why there has to be consistency through and through or things will make no sense and nothing will get done purposefully properly. So one can see why purpose based proper education and training of people is absolutely necessary so that they could gain the needed skills to think, plan and do what needs to be thought, planned and done if we truly want our human world to be good for human beings to live in.
Not only the Quran wants mankind to bring about a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer for themselves but this is what human beings themselves also need for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly for the multiple reasons contained in this explanation of things. So it should be very much obvious for all people from this explanation what actual way of life and rule of law of Islam is or has to be if the Quran is from God in actual fact. Islam is a purpose based proper program for mankind with goals for them to accomplish according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines. This is why it is a project assigned for mankind as a mission to carry out and complete by their creator and sustainer. The purpose, goal or objective of project for mankind is to bring about and maintain a purpose based proper human community in the human world in kingdom of their creator and sustainer. Why mankind must bring about a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer? It is because on one hand it is a requirement of the creator and sustainer of mankind to do so but on the other hand it is also absolutely necessary need of human beings themselves as well so that they could have a purpose based proper blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community.
Think about it, which of us human being is born in this world all by himself? The answer is none. All of us are born through other people who bring us in this world and we have no choice in this matter. Which of us after our births looks after oneself needing no help and full support of others? The clear cut answer again is none. So if we cannot come into this world without other people bringing us into it and if we cannot look after ourselves therefore need other people to raise us then does that not clearly tell us that we need other people for our help and support? Not only that we also need to be raised purposefully properly to be good human beings we need to be so that we too could do the very same for all the other people who come into this world and need our help and full support. This means we need to become and remain a purpose based proper human community so that we help and support each other by being helpful, useful and productive human beings for each other in our human world so that we could have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community. Another undeniable reason for that is, many of us reach old age so we need help and full support of others till we die. Does this not tell us we need to be looked after purposefully properly by each other so that we are all happy to live with each other? Yet another fact is, we humans as individuals cannot fulfil all our needs and wants all by ourselves. For example, we cannot grow our own food. We cannot make our own clothes and houses. We cannot educate and train ourselves and learn skills without help and full support of other people. This means we need to distribute tasks we need to carry out between ourselves as a purpose based proper human community so that things could be done purposefully properly through our purpose based proper coordination and management of people and things. These like reasons make it absolutely clear that human beings cannot have good life in this world or in hereafter without being helpful and useful for each other.
It is because we definitely need help and full support of each other therefore we need to purposefully properly educate, train and instil needed skills in each other so that we all become useful and productive members of our purpose based proper human community according to the best of our God given abilities. In other words we need to brainwash, indoctrinate and condition each other for this purpose for these reasons so that we could bring about and maintain an environment in the human world which is conducive, friendly, compassionate, loving and respectful for all human beings. So that we could look after each other by giving each other all the needed help and support the best we can and so that we could get the needed help and support the best we can with compassion, respect and love for each other. So one can see why, how and what kind of human society and institutions we human beings need to bring about and maintain so that with help and full support of each other we could have the best possible life we can have by complementing each other purposefully properly. This is what actual way of life and rule of law of actual Islam is which has to be based purposefully properly upon the Quran. This is what purpose based proper Islam is all about. This is what Islamic purpose based proper education and training are all about so that all people could have the needed purpose based proper education, training and skills to fulfil and complete this project purposefully properly by being able to think, plan and do what needs to thought, planned and done. This is why mankind cannot afford to waste their time in thinking, planning and doing things which take them in the opposite direction or in any other aimless direction. This is why people need to prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for them. This is why they need to study the kingdom of creation of their creator and sustainer as well so that they could interpret his provided purpose based proper guidance in the Quran purposefully properly for becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. It is because the creation and the revelation of the creator and sustainer for mankind need to be understood in light of each other.
This is why all those people who reject and oppose these things and create needless disputes, divisions, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between mankind are enemies of God as well as humanity. These like people come about because they do not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer purposefully properly. This makes it very obvious and clear for mankind which interpretations of the Quran are purpose based proper and which are works of ignorant, illiterate, uneducated, untrained, unskilled, foolish and unthinking people or which are works of people who have misguiding, misleading, confusing and manipulative harmful and destructive agendas against humanity. Regardless of what foolish people are up to the Quran is the main book upon which way of life and rule of law of Islam are based. To understand the Quran purposefully properly it is absolutely necessary for a person to establish or accept an already established undisputable purpose based proper foundation to interpret the Quranic text purposefully properly according to that. This purpose based proper foundation is facts about real world realities which none can deny and which stare in the face of the whole of mankind throughout times and places in the human world all the time and of which I have already mentioned some here in this explanation. To do that people also need to understand all the human languages people use in the human world. The question is, why learning some human languages is of vitally importance for individuals? Reason 1)people must learn their own mother tongue to the best of their God given abilities. To do this is vitally important because otherwise one cannot communicate with other human beings effectively for expressing what is in one's own mind to others. Not only that but also one cannot even understand what others are trying to express which is in their minds. Each person's life begins between a people among whom one is born. So there is no escape from learning one's mother tongue. If one is good at learning one's own mother tongue then it makes it very easy for a person to learn other languages.
Reason 2)the other language one has to learn is the one which is language of the most advanced and progressed people at any given time if one is not born among such people oneself. It is because they develop their language as they progress, develop and prosper with time. It is because they learn new things as well as invent new things for which they need modified or completely new words. Backward people do not develop and progress so they lack prosperity as well as they do not invent new things nor learn new things so they become stuck and remain stagnant or even regress with time due to standing still or going backwards, so their languages also remain backward and very limited. This is why if a people want to grow, develop and progress then they have no choice but they must link themselves with such people or they will become and remain stagnant or keep on regressing instead of growing, progressing, developing and prospering so they will in time to come end up in a terrible painful state of existence and suffer horrific harms and destructions by hands of each other due to not being able to meet their necessary needs and wants. Reason 3)another language people must learn is the one which gives them their purpose based proper moral foundation. It is because without purpose based proper moral foundation no people can advance and progress beyond a limit due to their infighting over things sooner or later to have them any way they can from each other at each other's expense. The moral can only and only come from God alone and not humanity because humans do not have the capacity to come up with absolute moral values. Even if they get absolute moral values from God they still need to understand them purposefully properly which in itself is uphill task for human beings. This is why moral values are absolute from the stand point of God but relative from stand point of humanity because they still need to take their time for learning and making purpose based proper sense of them. Since moral values come from God therefore learning language of the God sent scripture is absolutely necessary for mankind. Moreover since people need to get support of rest of humanity for the God sent moral values therefore they also need to learn other human languages as well because without knowing them they cannot extend purpose based proper moral foundation to them in order to become and remain united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous.
So anyone who has learned the needed sense of making purpose based proper sense of things should be able to see how things are interconnected in this regard which gives things their purpose based proper context. Sources of Islamic constitution and its laws are; the Quran according to its confirmably true purpose based proper interpretations, the confirmably true purpose based proper Hadith (or Hadees) both chain of narrators wise as well as interpretations wise, qiyas or qayaas means analogy in Islamic jurisprudence for making needed necessary changes to Islamic constitution and for legislating any new laws about things which are not already told about in the Quran or in prophetic precedents, jumhur means majority opinion of true scholars of Islam regarding a legal matter and ijma means unanimity or consensus between true scholars of Islam about making some changes to Islamic constitution and its laws about activities of people for having, using and doing things. For a people in a place to live according to governing system of true Islam they must know these things as individuals and they must teach them to others as well as they must agree upon them otherwise they can never live as Muslims anywhere in the human world at all. This is why no interpretation of the Quran can be accepted true and valid unless it is consistence within itself as well as it is consistent with the real world realities. This is why no Hadith and its interpretation can be accepted true unless it is consistent with the consistent purpose based proper Quranic interpretations as well as with the real world realities. No analogy can be accepted true and valid unless it is consistent with the true interpretations of the Quran and the true interpretations of the true Hadith. Likewise no majority opinion of true scholars or their unanimity or consensus is acceptable against the truly valid purpose based proper interpretations of the Quran and the truly valid purpose based proper interpretations of the verifiably true Hadith.
Why Muslims need confirmably and verifiably true interpretations of the Quran as well as of the true Hadith? To be able to live by actual or true or real purpose based proper Islam. The Quran tells mankind what they ought to think, plan and do, why and how. The Hadith are historical records of prophetic time which are supposed to be having records of precedents that were set by the prophet and earlier generations which lived by actual or provably true Islam. This information from the past can be helpful for present and future generations of mankind if it is available and intact. Otherwise people will have to work harder to get the needed information direct from the Quran itself and the real world realities. It is because otherwise actual purpose based proper Islam cannot be known therefore it cannot be adopted and practiced in reality. Analogy, majority and unanimity or consensus is also of vital importance because if people do not agree upon something then it cannot be put in to practice by them or disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between them will start over things. So again actual Islam will not become and remain a reality in the human world. This should make it very obvious for people why people who claim to be Muslims cannot ignore, avoid or neglect these like points because they are of such vital importance. This is why people must learn sense of making purpose based proper sense of things so that they could save themselves from being misdirected and misled by each other. For so long as they will keep themselves ignorant, illiterate, uneducated, untrained and unskilled by not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly they will remain in a terribly painful and humiliating state of existence in here as well as in hereafter.
Islam is not just a way of life and a rule of law based governing system but a way of life and rule of law whereby mankind are supposed to fulfil the purpose for which their creator and sustainer has created them. That purpose is not and cannot be beliefs and practices which waste time of people as individuals and as groups and they are also harmful and destructive for humanity. Because God has designed the world in which each and everything depends upon other things for its existence and survival therefore nothing can exist in this world on its own or in isolation. This world has been created by God for mankind to fulfil his assigned purpose for them by using his provisions therefore mankind have been given the authority to use this world and things in it purposefully properly. This is why all those governing systems which people come up with but they are not based upon purpose based proper guidance of God for mankind they are declared invalid and they not acceptable to God so they should not be accepted by humanity as well. What mankind live by are governing systems which are anti Islam because they do not let mankind fulfil the purpose for which God has created them and for which he has guided them purposefully properly. This is why religion and secularism based governing systems and their economic systems such as capitalism and communism or socialism are not acceptable to actual Islam as well as its true supporters. This is why democracy be it single party system or multiparty system is also not acceptable. It is because way of life or rule of law of Islam based upon the Quran purposefully properly does not allow grouping between people. This is why all sects be they based upon religious differences or political differences or class differences are not acceptable. It is because Islam gives maximum possible freedom to individuals to think, plan and act according to the Quran purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in the kingdom of their creator and sustainer.
Religion and secularism are anti Islam because they mislead people through false sense of security whereby secular and religious leading people fool masses through each other. One may ask, what harms and destructions can religion and secularism inflict upon humanity? For a start they can waste time of human beings by making them think, plan and do things which have no benefits for them in living their lives purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community. We only have 24 hours in a day. We need 8 hours for rest. We also need 8 hours for work. So we have only 8 hours to think, plan and do all other things we need to do such as preparing ourselves for rest or work. This includes getting things of need ie shopping, cooking, cleaning, looking after kids etc etc. So we have very limited time left to waste it on things which have nothing at all to do with living our lives such as studying and practicing religious ritualism. For example, people usually say prayer ritual only takes a few minutes. This is because they never think about what they are saying. It is because you cannot perform prayer ritual unless and until you learn things about it purposefully properly otherwise your prayer is declared invalid so it means nothing at all. The differences of opinions about performance of prayer are as many as there are number of people who perform prayer ritual. One mullah of one sect tells you to do your prayer one way and another the other way. So a person becomes totally confused what one actually needs to do to be in good books of God. The same is true about any other religious ritual or practice. Who has the time to find out what is the right position in any religious matter? So it is therefore very much obvious that religious beliefs and practices are a total waste of people's time which they do not have in the first place to begin with. These religious scholars, clerics, priests and preachers spend many years of their lives for studying these things yet they fail to get them right and that is why even they themselves differ in their opinions about prayers.
This is why all mullahs of all religions, all rulers and politicians and all money lenders and economists and their backers and supporters are donkeys with useless books laden upon their backs. They write thousands of useless books so on one hand they waste their own time and on the other hand their readers also waste their own time when they read them. All these people can use their time better if they produce things which people need in actual fact and which are useful and beneficial for mankind. It is because people need to do far too many things which they are not doing for the betterment of humanity which will only ensure their own well being as individuals. If people are at odds with each other in the human population in the human world then human population is not going to do well at all and that means terrible painful suffering for human being themselves. However for so long as people will have religious and secular ambitions and desires they will keep on developing religious and secular mindsets, attitudes and behaviours so they can never be free of troubles and problems between themselves. Therefore there cannot take place any real change in their world for the best possible outcome for humanity no matter what they think, plan and do. It is because they do not have any worthy purpose based proper reason to live for so they do not and they cannot have any purpose based proper way to achieve it. Religious and secular people are like headless chickens. Such directionless people go in each and every direction aimlessly just for sake of it because they go in any direction they are facing and they continue in that direction regardless of its consequences upon their livelihood and living conditions due to their senselessness and stupidity. As for the religiously minded people all they do is complain and cry to God for their miserable state of existence without trying to purposefully properly learn the scripture of God he sent for them to think, plan and do what he tells them in order to change things for the best possible for themselves. These points clearly show why many people do not believe in existence of God. It is because they are ignorant about actual message of God as they did not prepare themselves purposefully properly for studying the real world realities and for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for them purposefully properly.
The day mankind will actually start doing that they will come to know actual knowledge they need to know for making the human world the best possible beautiful place for themselves with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. Till then they will continue using religion, politics and economics for bringing about and maintaining the environment of insecurity, instability, harm and destruction for humanity throughout the human world by competing and rivalling against each other. Instead of one for all and all for one they have gone for one against all and all against one ideology. There is no doubt where they are going to end up unless they repent and reform by leaving the way of life they live by and adopt the way of life God has advised for them. It is due to such pressure which each and every person puts upon others as individuals all people are suffering from worry and anxiety all the time throughout the human world because there is no safety and security at all for individuals in the human world. This is why so many people in the world end up committing suicide and so many harm and even kill each other as well as so many are on various kinds of drugs and anti depressants etc etc. Who is doing all this to humanity other than people who have established this kind of system and maintain it and the masses being stupid for letting this happen in their world when people need no proof for seeing the fact that they need help and full support of each other all the time. Who is giving us wrong education, training and skills to exploit, manipulate and abuse each other? We hear about top schools, colleges and universities in the world but is this the best people they have produced who have failed humanity instead of making it successful? We have Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and MIT graduates, masters and doctors yet this is where they have brought us human beings at the very edge of harm and destruction by hands of each other. It is time educational institutions and training centres gave people purpose based proper education and training as well as skills so that people could build the best possible human world for humanity of which we all could be proud. For the time being not only madrasa graduate mullahs are stooges and lapdogs of rulers and money lenders but so are all others who come out of any so called educational institutions and training centres which serve religion and secularism, capitalism and communism or socialism or single party and multiparty democratic systems. We need education, training and skills which unite us human beings and not divide us. None can point out any such institution in whole of the human world. People thereby have been sleep walking into state of existence which has been harming and destroying them by hands of each other. This will continue happening till people wake up and change their track for their best possible future..
People need purpose based proper institutions which serve humanity according to purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer or human suffering will continue due to their own ignorance and stupidity due to which they hate each other and fight like enemies and due to which they compete against and rival each other for dominating each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and so they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other. All this necessitates that we human beings must try and do all we can to put things right in the human world if we truly want humanity to do the best it can with help and full support of each other. This is why people must help and support each other fully for getting educated, trained and skilled for this very objective and purpose. Islam is not a religion and it cannot be a religion if it is truly from creator and sustainer of this kingdom of his creation rather it has to be a governing system for mankind to live and abide by. Even people who claim Islam is a governing system as well as a religion are utterly wrong for the reasons I have explained in my this work. A religion is nothing more than some baseless make beliefs and useless ritual practices which have no benefits at all for humanity. This should be very obvious to anyone who reads through this explanation. I do not accept ritualism as part of Islam because it wastes time of people which could be better used for doing what needs to be done for managing people and things purposefully properly. Moreover I say Islam is a governing system because that is the reality which we all observe all the time throughout the human world ie no one comes into this world all by oneself. After coming into this world no one looks after oneself or raises oneself. All people who survive till old age need looking after by others. All people who suffer any accident which affect their functionality need help and support of others. Anyone can develop debilitating, crippling and paralysing health problems at any time at any stage during one's life time be one a child, an adult or an elderly person so one needs help and support of others. No one can meet all one's needs such as food, clothes, shelter, education, training and skills all by oneself so all of us need help and full support of each other and that help and support we need from each other with compassion, respect and love and not with abuse, exploitation and manipulation or black-mailing. All these are such facts about which no ruler, mullah or money lender can disagree. Nor any theist, atheist, scientist or philosopher can dare disagree.
These facts call upon humanity to have a purpose based proper governing system in place which could help them fulfil their these needs compassionately and respectfully as well as with love for each other. These facts force any individual to interpret the Quranic text in this context so that there comes about a good purpose based proper human community or society in the kingdom of God and so that it is maintained by mankind. This gives humanity such a huge task which leaves no room and no time for anyone to waste it for baseless, harmful and destructive beliefs and practices in the name of God. This is why Islam is a governing system as a mission for mankind from God for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper Quranic guidance for mankind. This is why rulers, money lenders and users as well as mullahs and their blind supporters and backers are ignorant fools who have their own baseless ideas and practices which they call Islam. These people are mentally so damaged that they cannot see beyond their self invented beliefs and practices which they try to impose upon the rest of humanity by any ways and means they can. Since Islam is a purpose based proper governing system therefore it needs a worldwide purpose based proper movement for its purpose based proper establishment and maintenance in the human world. Therefore people need purpose based proper education, training and skills for thinking, planning and doing that in order to complete the project or mission. Wasting time here and there can only and only prove a setback for this project or mission and therefore for humanity at large. This is why people who claim to be Muslims almost all of them have become worthless and useless in the human world. They are busy fighting each other over nonissues which do not matter at all for humanity at large.
In fact this is the main reason all movements started by anyone including mullahs have failed because they have no worthwhile objectives to aim for which could attract human support worldwide. Who wants to die or kill for making people worship one God, for praying 5 times daily to one God, for fasting for one month for one God, for a little bit of charity for others for one God or for visiting a small worthless structure in Makkah Saudi Arabia once in a lifetime? People are not that stupid, they know these things cannot be from God but since governing authorities in place in the human world enforce their self made laws to keep their hold on masses so they devise various methods, processes and mechanisms as their projects to keep people in the dark and under their control as much as possible and for as long as they can. This is why they fund all kinds of so called educational and training institutions including schools, colleges, universities as well as religious schools throughout the human world because they are all their stooges or lapdogs. The so called the very best institutions like Oxford and Harvard etc have failed to produce scholars of the Quran worth the name. Why? Because people in these like institutions are puppets of the decision makers whom they represent as their front men before the ignorant masses. This is why for so long as people will not get purpose based proper education, training and skills needed for bringing about the best possible human world the human world will never change for the best possible state of existence it can have. As explained, each and every person is product of his own environment. It is because each and every person comes from a particular background ie a particular place or area in the human world and parents, siblings, relatives and wider society of which one is a part by being born in it. The way of life which raises a people and helps them survive becomes their way of life so over generations they get used to living by a particular way of life and make their rule of law according to that to suit themselves. Particularly those who lead them and dominate them make sure these people live by their way of life and their rule of law. This is why each and every person becomes and remains brainwashed, indoctrinated and conditioned that way till one is forced to change for one reason or another and so some people rebel against their own dominant people and environment, way of life and rule of law because they become a hurdle or an obstacle in their way for one reason or another. This is how environments come about and affect their people and their people affect their environments ie people create their own environments and environments create their own people which is a continuous interaction based process.
So if we human beings want to help each other change our mindsets, attitudes and behaviours for the best then the only effective way for doing that is purpose based proper education, training and skills. Random approaches cannot be as effective as they need to be in this process for a change. Coercion and use of force is going to cause big problems and plenty of bloodshed. It is because no one wants to leave their own comfort zone be one of the dominant people or the undermined people. This is why a worthy purpose based proper program is needed for people to carry out with goals worth pursuing according to guidelines worth adhering too so that thereby people could be inspired, motivated and moved and so that that momentum could be maintained. This is why the Quran is the best possible guidance for mankind to abide by according to its purpose based proper interpretation. It is absolutely necessary for mankind to live by the Quran because otherwise the best possible state of existence is not possible for them because without people organising and regulating themselves purposefully properly they cannot have a life worth living due to lack of purpose based proper coordination between themselves. People throughout the human world are thinking, planning and doing things haphazardly due to competing against each other and rivalling each other instead of cooperating with each other and complementing each other purposefully properly. This is why almost all projects by people are in a mess because independent individuals and companies do things the way it suits them instead of coordinating their works by cooperating and complementing each other. This is why they cannot even lay down a road purposefully properly because they have divided their works between different competing rival people and companies. That is why when one company comes and lays down a new road another comes and digs it up to lay pipe work. After that another one comes and digs it up again to lay wirings for electricity, phone and internet etc etc. This is why over all governing system is absolutely necessary so that coordination, cooperation and complementation could be achieved otherwise a lot of manpower and resources go to waste through negative competition between people and companies. All these are methods used by dominant people in human populations for fooling ignorant masses in their human populations who lack sense of purpose as well as sense of what their rulers are doing to them who claim to serve them.
This is why people need to become sensible so that they could change the governing system to the one which suits them in actual fact or they will be kept on made fool of each and every time by their dominant people and so they will keep on suffering the terrible consequences by hands of each other without an end in sight. Suppose a person wants to get a house built for himself then first of all he has to get all the needed information about it and make purpose based proper sense of it. After doing that he needs to carefully plan the work and the process to be involved as well as get all the people and things needed for completion of this project. After that he need to coordinate and manage to organise and regulate involved people and things so that each and every person does what one is suppose to do and each and every thing is put in place where it ought to be. All this needs carefully worked out program and plan as well as execution before one could end up with the end product ie a house one wanted to get built. The Quran is a building map for building, raising or erecting a purpose based proper human societal building. The day human beings come to know this map purposefully properly and turn it into a reality in the real world from then they will have a great life worth living. So Islam is not at all about giving people an excuse to sit idle and do nothing at all with their lives other than praising their God. It is because it is the most demanding ideology for mankind due to being an assigned mission by God for mankind to bring about and maintain a purpose based proper human community so the harder they will work for it with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly the better life they will have in here as well as in hereafter. Without the Quran people will keep on thinking and doing things the way they have been and they will keep on suffering terribly painfully by hands of each other without any end in sight. So choice is very clear for humanity to make and reap the benefits and advantages or keep on facing the terrible consequences for what they think, plan and do against each other.
From this explanation it should be very obvious for each and very sensible person that we human beings need each other no matter what. It is because our needs cannot become fulfilled without each other. Since none can argue against this fact, now it is only and only up to us human beings how we get each other to come together so that we could get our needs and wants met. We can do that willingly or by use of our tricks and force against each other. We can do this by providing each other with the needed purpose based proper education and training for having all the needed skills for this very purpose and reap the benefits as a positive outcome or we can trap and blackmail each other instead and suffer the consequences by hands of each other with no end in sight for our troubles and problems with each other. This is why all governing systems in the human world no matter whatever names we give them can only and only be for our serving each other happily, compassionately and respectfully with dignity or for our controlling each other by making fool of each other or by using negative incentives or force. It is because we are driven by our drives for whatever we do or not do. Fear, hunger, thirst, sex etc etc. This is why all governing systems control us either for ensuring our own well being through our help and support of each other by our purpose based proper complementing each other or for our own harm and destruction by hands of each other by entrapping each other by using various manipulative processes. methods and mechanisms. Whichever governing systems we use therefore gives our intentions for each other away or makes them obvious. If we will think and do things harmful and destructive way then we all will be forced to commit crimes against each other because we will be driving each other away from each other and that way we will be alienating each other and forcing each other into all kinds of crimes against each other. Our campaigns, struggles, strives, fights and wars will be for dominating each other for undermining each other for securing our own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. This is why and this is how we will end up harming and destroying each other. This is how a human population which thinks and does things this way criminalises its people. This is why all such human populations become criminals in the eyes of God and humanity. Also these like are the reason each and every human population is forced and bound to brainwash, indoctrinate and condition its people so that they could function at some level in some way, be it good or bad. All because human beings pay no purpose based proper attention to what their purpose of existence is or has to be so that they could organise and regulate themselves into a purpose based proper human community in this world for accomplishing or fulfilling that purpose or mission.
This is why and this is how we can come to see who is truly sincere with message of God and humanity for ensuring well being of mankind and who is a hypocrite and a deceiver or a devil in disguise due to one's preparing oneself purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly or not doing so by avoiding or neglecting or ignoring it and that way keeping oneself ignorant about it or remaining ignorant about it. If our over all picture about the purpose of our existence is incorrect therefore harmful and destructive for us then whatever we will think, plan and do will not and cannot benefit us purposefully properly as a human population. This is why it is vitally important that we have the best possible over all picture in our minds as to how we wish to live and what for. So one can see how vitally important it is for human beings to pay purpose based proper attention to their existence so that they do not waste away their lives by living their lives for all the wrong reasons. From this explanation it should be very, very clear for all sensible human beings that there have been operating only and only three types of governing systems in the human world no matter whatever names some people have been giving them for their own reasons and purposes. One, authoritarian governing system, two, governing system God and three, mixed governing system. All kinds of authoritarian governing systems were always invented and imposed by dominant people over the rest whom they subdued and controlled as they liked to exploit, manipulate and use them abusively to further their own agendas. In this type of governing systems people were either masters or slaves for each other always. Throughout human world these types of governing systems were always dominant for most of the times in most of the places. The God sent governing systems were also brought about but they were maintained only for very short periods of time and within very limited places in the human world. So if mankind want to live a good life then they must organise and regulate themselves for this very purpose or they cannot have a good life at all no matter what. This means mankind need to be trapped or controlled by each other for this purpose by some sort of mechanism. People can control each other only and only psychologically and physically. Psychologically they can convince each other to not to have harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against each other and therefore that can help them stop themselves from having harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against each other. Physically they can put in place mechanisms which can help them keep an eye on each other just for preventative and protective measures.
In this explanation I clarify all major economic systems including actual Islamic economic system and anyone is welcome to bring any economic system which any person of any version of religion or secularism thinks is equally good or even better than Islamic economic system. I intend to try to prove thereby beyond any reasonable doubt that all versions of religion and secularism are harmful and destructive for humanity. Not only that but I also intend to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Islamic governing system is the best system for humanity to live by. All mullahs of all religions and all leading people of all versions of secularism act against humanity this is why the human world is in a terrible state of existence that it is in. This is why people have no choice but to adopt Islamic governing system and remain purposefully properly faithful to it if they wish to get out of crisis in the human world and they want to stay out of crisis in the future as well. So mullahs and their thoughtless supporters and backers are warned to not to promote Islam as a religion because Islam is not a religion but a purpose based proper governing system. It forbids ruling of some people by others to control them in order to use them for their own harmful and destructive agendas and instead it tells mankind Allah alone is their God, owner and ruler. So they should live by his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law which are based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and so they should serve humanity according to it as their service to their creator and sustainer. All because Allah tells mankind he has created them for a set purpose which can only be fulfilled by a particular way of life and a particular rule of law which can lead them to their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. For that reason people need to prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly which is with them in form of the Quran. The Quran contains a purpose based proper program for mankind to carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to guidelines provided in it so that they could reach heights of excellence and so that they could have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in here as well as in hereafter. This is actual Islam and anything other than that is not Islam at all.In any case all mullahs were always ignorant fools because either they were not capable of thinking and understanding the actual Quranic message purposefully properly or they were used by rulers as their stooges to further their own agendas and they did not figure this out and so they were foolish enough to be used that way by them. In either case the blame rests upon them for the state of Muslim ummah. It is because the very first question to answer for oneself for anyone who claims to be a Muslim or a non-Muslim is, is Islam a religion or a governing system? Why this question arises? It arises because when a human being comes into this world he comes into this world through other people. One does not raise oneself rather other people raise him. The fact is, where other people are involved or become involved or remain involved then their organisation and regulation is or becomes and remains a necessity. It is because if they do not organise and regulate themselves into a purpose based proper human community for these like reasons then they cannot fulfil these objectives or goals purposefully properly as they should be fulfilled by them for their own good. This is why Islam is not a religion but a governing system for mankind from their creator and sustainer. It could not be and cannot be a religion at all if it is truly from God rather it out of necessity has to be a governing system for organising and regulating human beings into a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer. Why? Because each and every human being needs help and full support of other human beings otherwise one cannot come into this world, one cannot raise oneself, one cannot look after oneself when one grows old, one cannot look after oneself if one by mistake or by accident becomes invalid or incapacitated or disabled etc etc. Not only that but one may have or develop health problems at any stage during one's life when one needs help and support of others. So one can see why God has given humanity a perfect purpose based proper governing system in order to ensure well being of mankind through their own help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly for these like reasons. These are not the only reasons why people need each other rather there are also other reasons as well. For example, none of the human beings can meet all one's needs and wants all by oneself. Now think about what are daily needs of a human being and how they can be met. From footwear, clothes, food, shelter, education, training and skills etc etc etc.