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Only 25 pc in India claim Hindi is their mother tongue

Not so fast. Hindi Imposition itself is a debatable term. Promoting Hindi over English cannot be interpreted as "imposition".

The debate has just started.
Are you people so ignorant? I would not have expected it!!!

Anyway, why dont you people, educated ones, read and understand the Official Languages Act of 1963 before spouting your ignorant BS?

Tamil is a defeated language still held on by a certain group in a futile attempt to disrupt the unity of India. Such people are agents of discord and antinationalists.
Since when were the languages of the subcontinent "at war" with each other?
You have been ranting mindlessly and ignorantly, racist malarkey. I suggest you put an end to this stupidity.
dude i have been to south india and have done fairly well with my hindi... so, i guess most southee understand hindi...the main purpose of having a common tongue is to unite the whole nation ... its not imposing ..but just a tweaking... no body said from tomorrow no southern language is allowed ...but it only means u should learn Hindi too as it will be a very useful tool to communicate with other people..across nation...
if u want to learn Chinese or french or German ..no body is stopping u..feel free to learn...

India is an union of many erstwhile nation states that came together and formed the union state of India, it is a federal state, and no single language of one or more states should enjoy extra privileges over other state languages.

And all Indians are proud of the plurality of India and its "Unity in Diversity", and India gets its strength and unity by respecting its diversity equally, any active attempt to promote one regional language like Hindi over other regional languages will actually weaken the strength of India that it derives from its plurality & diversity.

And for kids, try to lift the school bag of a class 2 student before forcing a third language subject down that poor chaps throat. Hindi should continue to spread passively like the way it has spread through films and music and TV shows without any official effort to force it on all Indians.
Are you people so ignorant? I would not have expected it!!!

Anyway, why dont you people, educated ones, read and understand the Official Languages Act of 1963 before spouting your ignorant BS?

Since when were the languages of the subcontinent "at war" with each other?
You have been ranting mindlessly and ignorantly, racist malarkey. I suggest you put an end to this stupidity.

It is 2014, not 1963. A lot has changed since then. Reducing the usage of English by the Union government will have significant significant side effects, one of them which will become immediately visible is that the Lutyen's Club members will become jobless. English is a language of elites in India, this is not a language war, but a class war.

Languages of subcontinent are not at war but there is nothing wrong in raising uncomfortable questions and debating them, this is a good practice in any democracy.

There is no hatred for Hindi. Just do not expect it to be elevated to a status above the rest of the Indian languages.

English is not an Indian language.
English is not an Indian language.

I am not rooting for English either. My opposition to English is not based on class warfare either, but rather cultural imposition. Likewise Hindi too.

Whos' expecting that ? I don't see any concrete move towards that.

Agreed, there is no concrete move towards that. But do see a whole lot of North Indians who live in the delusion that Hindi is India's sole national language and seem to think that opposition to its imposition is based on "hatred."
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It is 2014, not 1963. A lot has changed since then. Reducing the usage of English by the Union government will have significant significant side effects, one of them which will become immediately visible is that the Lutyen's Club members will become jobless. English is a language of elites in India, this is not a language war, but a class war.
The Act of 1963 still remains valid. You so called argument against it is moot.
How the fvck is usage of English a "Class War"? What are you on, now?
Languages of subcontinent are not at war but there is nothing wrong in raising uncomfortable questions and debating them, this is a good practice in any democracy.

English is not an Indian language.

So I can safely assume that you still havent read the Act entirely, yet! And here you come still trying to "debate" without having any knowledge, whatsoever, of how the languages are prioritized by the Central Govt and the State governments!!
Dude, seriously, I suggest you read before trying to start a "debate". And as for English, it is now an Indian language, however "uncomfortable" it might make YOU.
FYI, it is only with real knowledge that one can afford to debate differing points of view, ignorance does not qualify one for any debate.
More than 50%+ India can understand Hindi.

Whatever faak Hindi.We speak no Hindi :yay:
How the fvck is usage of English a "Class War"? What are you on, now?

So I can safely assume that you still havent read the Act entirely, yet! And here you come still trying to "debate" without having any knowledge, whatsoever, of how the languages are prioritized by the Central Govt and the State governments!!
Dude, seriously, I suggest you read before trying to start a "debate". And as for English, it is now an Indian language, however "uncomfortable" it might make YOU.
FYI, it is only with real knowledge that one can afford to debate differing points of view, ignorance does not qualify one for any debate.

The class war is between Bharat and India. Modi's elevation itself was a shocker for the Brown Sahibs because they could not digest the fact that the new PM is not one of them. Now they are fearing loosing their social standing and their proximity to the power centres.

And I I repeat it is better for the government to converse over the social media in Hindi which is understood by at least 50% of India's population than in English which is understood by less than 5%. It will be even better if more Indian languages are included. And no, English is is not an Indian language.
Tamils keep arguing that they are forced to learn Hindi but when asked for proof they never show anything concrete and the argument keeps going around in circles. And I wonder why it is mostly Tamils only who claim that Hindi is being imposed upon them and not other language groups ? What's so special about Tamils ?

Tamils did not argue that they are forced to learn Hindi but they argued against its imposition which was the original plan by Chacha Nehru. It was because they stood up for the cause, that the 3 language formula was derived and came into place. A good thing too because that saved a lot of languages in India fading away and India becoming a homogeneous less varied entity.
Agreed, there is no concrete move towards that. But do see a whole lot of North Indians who live in the delusion that Hindi is India's sole national language and seem to think that opposition to its imposition is based on "hatred."

When people keep talking about imposition when there is none, then there is reason to believe that there is insecurity which is borne out of hatred.
Tamils did not argue that they are forced to learn Hindi but they argued against its imposition which was the original plan by Chacha Nehru. It was because they stood up for the cause, that the 3 language formula was derived and came into place. A good thing too because that saved a lot of languages in India fading away and India becoming a homogeneous less varied entity.

What I am hearing from the Tamil leaders today suggests that they are more concerned about the status English than Tamil.
When people keep talking about imposition when there is none, then there is reason to believe that there is insecurity which is borne out of hatred.

I already replied to you on this reasoning. The opposition is not about any current ongoing imposition, but about an attempt at imposition. Even Tamils are sound minded enough to see that there is no imposition of Hindi in their state.
Whos' expecting that ? I don't see any concrete move towards that.

It is not actually that simple, you should have seen today's news debates in English news channels where some people were desperately trying to promote Hindi as "One nation one language" and "Hindi means Indian culture" kind of stuffs.
Tamils did not argue that they are forced to learn Hindi but they argued against its imposition which was the original plan by Chacha Nehru. It was because they stood up for the cause, that the 3 language formula was derived and came into place. A good thing too because that saved a lot of languages in India fading away and India becoming a homogeneous less varied entity.

Exactly Chacha nehru dide 50 years ago. But there are plenty Tamil members here who I have seen saying over the years that North Indians are imposing their language on them . Wonder where that comes from.
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