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On Insulting Muslims

Yet another clueless comment. Zionism is not a religion. There are more non-Jewish Zionists in the US than there are Jewish ones.

Modern Zionism is to Judaism what radical Islamism is to Islam, or radical Hindutva is to Hinduism.

Does not change the meat of what he is saying.

Muslims as a whole have remarkably different standards when it comes to other faiths versus their own.

They would be treated with great respect. Yet think nothing of rubbing other faiths and peoples into the dirt. To the point of annihilation.

Zionism or Hindutva are not world movements affecting people of all races, religions, and continents like radical Islam is.

Please be balanced in your statements and do not let your personal prejudices color a balanced analysis of the problem.
Does not change the meat of what he is saying.

It changes everything.

It is perfectly legitimate to criticize Zionism; in the same way that it is legitimate to criticize other extremist movements like radical Islamism or radical Hindutva.

Notice that this is completely different from deliberately insulting Judaism or Islam or Hinduism.

Zionism or Hindutva are not world movements affecting people of all races, religions, and continents like radical Islam is.

People discuss what affects their life. A Kalahari Bushman or a Peruvian farmer probably couldn't care less about any of these, whereas someone affected by one of these ideologies would only care about that particular ideology and not others.
It changes everything.

It is perfectly legitimate to criticize Zionism; in the same way that it is legitimate to criticize other extremist movements like radical Islamism or radical Hindutva.

You may criticize and fume academically. Knowing fully well neither of these movements will ever touch you or your family. None of us here, non muslim or muslim, are anywhere close to as confident about radical Islam. Anywhere in the world.

People discuss what affects their life. A Kalahari Bushman or a Peruvian farmer probably couldn't care less about any of these, whereas someone affected by one of these ideologies would only care about that particular ideology and not others.

I do not usually see you ranting against Hindutva, except as a poor cousin and fanboy of the Zionists.

Pray tell me man, as a Pakistani Muslim settled in Australia, and schooled in the US, how did the Zionists directly affect you? Hurt you?

Seriously man. You rant and rave against a group of people who have been historically persecuted and have come home to roost. Just because some of your co-religionists have been displaced.

But you do not have anything to say about the world on the brink because of radical Islam?
You may criticize and fume academically. Knowing fully well neither of these movements will ever touch you or your family. None of us here, non muslim or muslim, are anywhere close to as confident about radical Islam. Anywhere in the world.

Many analysts rate the Middle East conflict as one of the top trigger points with global repercussions. The Zionist ideology sits dead center at the heart of that conflict.

Pray tell me man, as a Pakistani Muslim settled in Australia, and schooled in the US, how did the Zionists directly affect you? Hurt you?

Why did so many white Americans rally against apartheid in South Africa? Why do any non-Muslims support the Palestinians cause?

I know that, more than Muslims, it is some non-Muslims who see a grand ummah conspiracy all over the place, but sometimes the reasons are as simple as above.
Many analysts rate the Middle East conflict as one of the top trigger points with global repercussions. The Zionist ideology sits dead center at the heart of that conflict.

The Jew are in a holding pattern. Surrounded by loonies. They have no strategic depth. They live with the very real reality today of sudden and complete annihilation.

What is destablizing the entire Middle East is radical Islam. Spreading to Europe. Spreading to the sub-continent. Spreading to the far east, including Australia. Spreading to South America. Spreading to the American mainland and Canada.

The whole world is feeling the heat. From radical Islam and its tentacles. Not from the piddle-fart 25 million odd Jews clinging to their promised land.

Why did so many white Americans rally against apartheid in South Africa?

After they cleaned up their own house, and gave their own blacks the rights denied to those in South Africa.

Have you guys cleaned up your own house yet?
Thread deleted!

Oh I see. Here it is again:


Given recent events still unfolding in many muslim countries, this article raise some important points:

from: Muslim rage: Why they won

Muslim rage
Why they won’t calm down
Mischief, not madness, often underlies Muslim anger
Sep 15th 2012 | from the print edition

To outside eyes it is as bizarre as it is repellent. A single event, book, cartoon, film or teddy bear, which represents nothing but its originator, who may not even be American, sparks lethal outbursts of mass protest. What, to prejudiced Westerners, could better exemplify Muslim backwardness and depravity?

The latest bloody furore was provoked by the belated release on the web of an amateurish film, probably made by a Coptic Egyptian resident in America, attacking the Prophet Muhammad as a fraud, brute and pervert. Yet the film had been available (with stunning lack of success) for months, though dubbed in Arabic more recently. Undoubtedly offensive, it could count as an incitement to religious hatred—illegal in some countries, though not in America. But it is no worse than plenty of other material only a mouse-click away.

So why the ire? In a hallmark essay in 1990 called “The Roots of Muslim Rage”, Bernard Lewis, an Anglo-American commentator on Islam, blamed a mentality twisted by history. He cited the obligation of holy war, dating from the faith’s turbulent birth and shaped by centuries of setbacks ranging from the retreat from Europe to Western imperialism, and even the challenge to Muslim male authority from rebellious children and emancipated women. The result was an inferiority complex, in which humiliation was compounded by Western ignorance.

There is also a less apocalyptic explanation. Muslims’ resentment at slights to their religion is readily aroused by reports of desecration of the Koran or books, films and pictures that include a blasphemous (ie, any) depiction of the Prophet Muhammad or of God. Yet outbursts of rage can also be stirred by political grandstanding and mischievous politicians preying on an ill-informed and aggrieved populace.

It is certainly odd, for example, that the latest film suddenly began attracting attention in the run-up to September 11th, an anniversary almost as politically charged in the Muslim world as it is in the West. It was energetically publicised (albeit in caustic terms) by two Salafist (hardline Islamist) television channels.

Most outbursts of Muslim rage bring political dividends to someone. The Ayatollah Khomeini, for example, reaped the benefits of his fatwa demanding the death sentence on Salman Rushdie for his book “The Satanic Verses”, published in 1988. Pakistani politicians gain from whipping up sentiment against Christians—and against politicians seen as soft on them.

The furore over the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad published in a Danish paper, Jyllands-Posten , was also curious. It held a cartoon competition (about supposed Muslim intolerance) in September 2005. Protests erupted four months later, sparked by a dossier that included pictures the paper had never published. The row, which cost at least 100 lives, was a boon for those with mischief-making agendas.

Ignorance of the way the West works in many Muslim countries makes rabble-rousing easy. Protesters at the American embassy in Cairo on September 11th erroneously believed the offensive film to have been shown on “American state television”: in a place with a weak tradition of independent broadcasting, that claim is not as absurd as it might be elsewhere.

The casualties of such outbursts are not only innocent lives and lost livelihoods. The truth suffers too. A reluctance among many Muslims to accept that America could be a blundering victim of atrocities rather than a wily perpetrator meant that the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers were widely reported from the outset as an inside job, facilitated by Israel’s intelligence service, to stoke up Western hatred of Islam. Three-quarters of Egyptians now believe that conspiracy theory. It is a headache for their new president, Muhammad Morsi, as he plans to visit New York for the United Nations General Assembly (see next article). For many Americans, only an explicit disavowal of his past support for such theories would signal that he is a decent man worth dealing with.

from the print edition | Middle East and Africa
The Jew are in a holding pattern. Surrounded by loonies. They have no strategic depth. They live with the very real reality today of sudden and complete annihilation.

What is destablizing the entire Middle East is radical Islam. Spreading to Europe. Spreading to the sub-continent. Spreading to the far east, including Australia. Spreading to South America. Spreading to the American mainland and Canada.

The whole world is feeling the heat. From radical Islam and its tentacles. Not from the piddle-fart 25 million odd Jews clinging to their promised land.

So, when unable to address the point, you switch to rant mode?

If you feel that Israel should get away with the land grab, perhaps you will volunteer some land in India for them to take over.

Unless you are willing to make that sacrifice yourself, you have no right to demand others to do so, regardless of how callously you dismiss these displaced people as "loonies".

After they cleaned up their own house, and gave their own blacks the rights denied to those in South Africa.

Have you guys cleaned up your own house yet?

There is no requirement to do either-or. One can do both.
"It was energetically publicised (albeit in caustic terms) by two Salafist (hardline Islamist) television channels."

Is Al Jazeera one of them?

I am confused about Al Jazeera. I see all firang accents and newscasters. But the name sounds Arabic.

Who owns it? Which views does it mirror?

They were having an interview with the movie director (or producer?) where he stood by some pretty (for me as an Indian) shocking statements about Mohammad.

Not that I have not heard them before. But never on prime time TV!
So, when unable to address the point, you switch to rant mode?

If you feel that Israel should get away with the land grab, perhaps you will volunteer some land in India for them to take over.

Unless you are willing to make that sacrifice yourself, you have no right to demand others to do so, regardless of how callously you dismiss these displaced people as "loonies".

I am not ranting. Merely pointing out the difference to you between the impact of one movement that is localised and another that is global on a cataclysmic level.

The loonies I refer to are not the displaced Palestines, but all the other surrounding Arab nations inimical to Israel's right to exist. I do not seriously believe or include Iran amongst those. They play a clever game of charades those devious Persians. :)

There is no requirement to do either-or. One can do both.

I do not see you do both. Ever. That is the point and my main grouse against you specifically.
I am not ranting. Merely pointing out the difference to you between the impact of one movement that is localised and another that is global on a cataclysmic level.

Already addressed. The "localised" movement has global repercussions.

The loonies I refer to are not the displaced Palestines, but all the other surrounding Arab nations inimical to Israel's right to exist. I do not seriously believe or include Iran amongst those. They play a clever game of charades those devious Persians. :)

Yawn. The double shuffle dance step.

I do not see you do both. Ever. That is the point and my main grouse against you specifically.

You see what you want to see. I can't help your selective filter.
really funny thing to notice in the Hizb-Ut-Tahrir protests in london..
"America, leave Muslim lands now"..

Umm.. so anybody want to ask these HT guys where the heck they are standing?
The demand is right but the situation is funny one but if majority are converts than its not
If a proper discussion is above your intellectual capabilities, then feel free to sit this one out.

Randomly flinging "anti-Semite" in a debate is the last refuge of the desperate, and the first impulse of the incompetent.

Do you actually have an answer to the question, or can we expect your usual level of "debating" from you.

One cannot have a conversation with a tool. :no:I tried, it's futile, i rather just troll you now. More bang for the buck!

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