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On Insulting Muslims

Ghaznavi is a hero and things which you tell against him are all false he was a hero and will remain a hero

Those who killed your ancestors, those who raped and murder them, Those who forcibly converted our ancestors are Heros of there descendent...

They all were looters and savage, Who came to India for plunder,girls and conversion..

Ye kaisi Kaum hai jo apne Quatilon ko hero manti hai??
"What kind of quaum is it, who are glorifying there Killers.?
That is the million dollar question.

My guess: He has given up on the Ummah. He is expecting the kaffirs to take the lead in cleaning it up for them.

Without admitting it in so many words.

And that is the most charitable explanation I can think of.

Assuming and presuming that he actually believes that a clean up is needed.
You are continuously getting into technicalities. Instead of focusing on invalid example I might have given, focus on valid one.

Don't you guys abuse Hindus and Jews?

You are quoting the wrong person and post. I do not abuse anyone, Jews, Muslim, or Hindu.
Assuming and presuming that he actually believes that a clean up is needed.

That IS the most important part. I'm not even sure if the so-called silent majority among the muslims want to clean up their house of these fundamentalists or view them as a necessary evil and cannon-fodder which will have its use.
That IS the most important part. I'm not even sure if the so-called silent majority among the muslims want to clean up their house of these fundamentalists or view them as a necessary evil and cannon-fodder which will have its use.

You want to know what I believe?

I believe there is a God.

I believe He has a message for us.

I believe He passed that message to mankind through the Prophets.

I believe that His message came to a people from within the people when they were ready.

So in effect the message was the same. The people and regions and timelines were different.

As were His messengers.

The reason why religions differ is not because the message of God was different.

Or that he modulized his message to fit the needs and peculiarities and unique circumstances of the specific people and the epoch in history, or his messenger in each case.

It is because the message got colored by all of the above.
^^ Hmm...I believe in more of an Eastern way though..Not in the prophetic versions where you need someone to guide or give an revelation. Anyway to each his own.
^^ Hmm...I believe in more of an Eastern way though..Not in the prophetic versions where you need someone to guide or give an revelation. Anyway to each his own.

Was giving you what I believe. Not trying to convert you.

Zarathushtra in the true historical sense was not a Prophet in the "revelationary" mould.

He was a Mazdayasni poet and thinker and reformist.

Zoroastrianism is no more a formal religion per se than Hinduism.

It is an evolution of more ancient Aryan religions and beliefs and a continuation and flow from them.

Persian Religion (ancient) - International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
Temple plunderer and killer become a hero for you.
You should have asked your soldiers not to hide in that temple Sir they were hiding and operating from their than what else do you expect from enemy soldier that he will allow his enemies to hide and kill his soldiers and plan attack on his people :hitwall:
Those who killed your ancestors, those who raped and murder them, Those who forcibly converted our ancestors are Heros of there descendent...

They all were looters and savage, Who came to India for plunder,girls and conversion..

Ye kaisi Kaum hai jo apne Quatilon ko hero manti hai??
"What kind of quaum is it, who are glorifying there Killers.?
Lady first no body was forced to convert and no lady was raped this is the lie spread by you Indians and if you will hide and attack from your temples than don't cry on attack from enemies Lady
Guys this guy is beyond redemption. Dont tax your braincells trying to reason with him.
You should have asked your soldiers not to hide in that temple Sir they were hiding and operating from their than what else do you expect from enemy soldier that he will allow his enemies to hide and kill his soldiers and plan attack on his people :hitwall:

Your version is bullshit, he took the title of 'butshikan' and intentionally plundered and destroyed Somnath temple for treasure.
Your version is bullshit, he took the title of 'butshikan' and intentionally plundered and destroyed Somnath temple for treasure.
Your people were hiding their and used that wealth to attack his people and make trouble for him so he took away the things your people should have avoided making your Religious Place as a shield
Your people were hiding their and used that wealth to attack his people and make trouble for him so he took away the things your people should have avoided making your Religious Place as a shield

That is a white lie zarvan..Somnath temple was targetted just to loot the treasures it had..And no history states of soldiers hiding there..

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