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Navy to buy seven submarines

Part may also be negotiation tactics: looming chinese and french sub deal(s) would put pressure on the Germans and vv.
This is a great news if it's true

I m trying to read the whole article but it's not letting me think the link which is given is broken...
I do not believe that it's got anything to do with the government not wanting German subs, German ambassador to India himself admitted that Germany had pulled out of the deal so that HDW can put forward a bid to Indian Navy.

Military acquisitions for the most part, have got the least input or say of civilians in Pakistan.
Chinese Song class are said to have alot of tech incorprated from the French, Yuan incorporates both the Song tech and the russian influence, looks from the outside quite like the new Lada class in development right now in Russia, while chinese AIP research project are linked with several German universities, looking at Chinese BYDs patented battery technology, which is ahead of both Japan and US in electric car battery, its battery performance wont be bad. So just buy all chinese subs and you get the benifit from both german and french and more, haha.

Just kidding, but anyway, since chinese subs utilize similer systems as the french frogs, maybe they are more compatible too? That might also be the reason?
welll in the article they did not mentioned the merlin submarine they say that pn will buy from france so which submarine it is not clear yet but im sure some thing better than merlin is coming
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Navy is in discussions with China and France to acquire seven latest conventional submarines, negotiations with Germany to purchase three U-214 is also on cards.

Chinese version offers economical price of around $230 million for each boat.

To negotiate with French DCN Company for Marline Submarines, a high level naval delegation will visit France on April 27.

Reliable sources from Pakistan Navy told DawnNews that after three years of continuous negotiations with Germany PN has decided to avail some other options as well for acquiring next-generation submarines.

Sources maintained that Islamabad is deeply interested in acquiring four Chinese Yuan and Song Class and three French Marlin class latest diesel electric conventional versions in a bid to meet any challenge from the rapidly expanding Indian navy.

Initially German company HDW had drawn up technical specifications for three U-214 boats and a billion dollars contract also intact and was almost final.—DawnNews

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Navy to buy seven submarines

It wud better for Pn if it goes for either French or german subs....chinese themselves are buying advance subs from Russia, so you can guess the quality and capabilities of all those song, yung, pong class chinese craps....:azn::azn:
It wud better for Pn if it goes for either French or german subs....chinese themselves are buying advance subs from Russia, so you can guess the quality and capabilities of all those song, yung, pong class chinese craps....:azn::azn:

So what was the last Order China gave to Russia for its advanced subs.

I believe after since the last deliveries in 2006 of the improved Kilo submarine, no further orders have been given to Russia of any submarine. And after 2006 we started to see more of the improved Song class submarine or Yuan Class known by many, which has the impression of the Kilo and Song class both.

And may be their submarines are not of the top of the line, but in future they would be. So better for Pakistan to get into a joint collaboration and share its own experience, as PN has been a submarine operator for a long time and did got some level of technology & expertise while manufacturing the Agusta submarines.

And if we look at the number of submarines being bought, it means PN is compromising on the quality like the U-214s, and going for a larger number of subs to counter growing Indian fleet.
sad very sad that we have to leave the U214! all thanks to Mr.10% & his love for the french! as for chinese see i believe we should have adopted the approach that we used in AWACS! buy top of the line swedish & compliment them with chinese ones!

same should have been done for the Subs! buy the U214 3 and compliment them with a couple of chinese ones!!!!
the chines subs would have been an ideal purchase if they would have come after PN got three U214zz. this would have made the naval submarine arm look like:
three Agosta 90-B's with AIP
three top of line U214z
and some four or five latest chines subs to give neumeric strength!!

this is not a news to be really happy and excited about as it means almost an end to U214 dream!!

It wud better for Pn if it goes for either French or german subs....chinese themselves are buying advance subs from Russia, so you can guess the quality and capabilities of all those song, yung, pong class chinese craps....:azn::azn:

At least the Chinese are building their own subs, which is more than some other countries can say (and do).

In reality, the Chinese use dual-tracking (developing domestic arms while also importing) all the time. That says little about quality. In fact, I would venture to say that Yuan is better then Song, which in turn is better than Ming class. Russian Kilo's are there to get to a sufficient number of modern boats sooner. Much in the same way that India is purchasing Talwar class frigates while building the Shivalik class (P17) ... and that doesn't mean the Shivalik class is crap, or does it?
I think we need to wait and see what transpires. The german statement is there, which may reflect the truth or not.We need to see whether the french offer us a combination of Scorpene and Barracuda. It depends of how much of Barracuda they are willing to incorporate into the bargain.The chinese programme is both an investment into our future as well as a capacity filler. We have the leeway to incorporate what we want with the chinese design.
I still think that the new french design is a seious gamble, but we dont have much choice and need to see what happens.
And if we look at the number of submarines being bought, it means PN is compromising on the quality like the U-214s, and going for a larger number of subs to counter growing Indian fleet.
Absolutely right. :yahoo:
Will some one told / share information, what about the U-214 Deal,
Deal is still On or 10%.
Hey Guys: I just have an Idea about this Sub Deal. How about having a protest in front of (Some relevant office) for stopping GoP from inducting French Subs and get German Sub? I mean, the Government should know that there are people out there who understand and any Corruption wont go unnoticed.
I think Pakistan navy also go for atleast 2 Nuclear subs

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