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Navy to buy seven submarines

Jliu's argument was that the Germans would never show interest, which obviously did not turn out to be true, and the deal got as close as '95% finalized'.

We can't really be sure what is behind the delay at this point - finances, Indian pressure through the Eurofighter and its own upcoming sub tenders, GoP preferences, French incentives through systems for the JF-17 and possible nuclear cooperation ... take your pick!

You may well be right.It all depends on how much pressure PN can bring to bear on the Presidency to get the U214s.The only thing worrying me is the German ambassador's statement in this regards. PN has always been procastrinating, resulting in it being the weakest link in the sister forces. I know platforms are expensive but the lack of inertia on PNs part is appalling.
FAS(fast attack ship)

Type 022 (Houbei Class) Fast Attack Missile Craft. The Type 022 features a wave-piercing catamaran hull design. The Type 022 is 40m in length, 12m in beam, and 1.5m in draught. The vessel has a full displacement of 220 tonnes. The propulsion includes two diesels rated at 6,865hp and two water jets, giving a maximum speed of 36 knots. The vessel is operated by 12~14 crew. The vessel is equipped with eight YJ-83 anti-ship missiles, an AK-630 30mm for short-range air defence. It has two 4-cell tube launchers on the bow deck for launching decoys/chaff/flares.
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DCNS can sell to Pakistan, but not ATE

The French naval group DCNS is negotiating the sale of conventional submarines to Islamabad, but ATE is not being allowed to equip the Pakistani JF17 aircraft. French govt has ruled that ATE will not be able to sell gear for JF-17, but DCNS will be allowed to make an imminent sale to TPakistan. HDW is also negotiating sales to India for 6 subs. HDW was supposed to sell U214s to Pakistan, but talks have broken down. DCNS is allowed to sell to Pakistan only because India has completed the purchase for scorpene's and looks like Delhi has made it clear it wont be buying anymore and no chance of sales to India.

A delegation of French officials and defense industry executives attended manoeuvres by the Pakistan Navy in the arabian sea. Several SM-39 Exocet missiels were fired.

A delegation from the Pakistan Navy is expected to accompany the Prime Minister Yousouf Gilani on a visit to Paris in the last week of April. Negotiations with Pakistan maybe complicated by Judicial and parliametary investgation into the Karachi attack that killed 11 DCNS employees.

DCNS can sell to Pakistan, but not ATE
DCNS can sell to Pakistan, but not ATE

The French naval group DCNS is negotiating the sale of conventional submarines to Islamabad, but ATE is not being allowed to equip the Pakistani JF17 aircraft. French govt has ruled that ATE will not be able to sell gear for JF-17, but DCNS will be allowed to make an imminent sale to TPakistan. HDW is also negotiating sales to India for 6 subs. HDW was supposed to sell U214s to Pakistan, but talks have broken down. DCNS is allowed to sell to Pakistan only because India has completed the purchase for scorpene's and looks like Delhi has made it clear it wont be buying anymore and no chance of sales to India.

A delegation of French officials and defense industry executives attended manoeuvres by the Pakistan Navy in the arabian sea. Several SM-39 Exocet missiels were fired.

A delegation from the Pakistan Navy is expected to accompany the Prime Minister Yousouf Gilani on a visit to Paris in the last week of April. Negotiations with Pakistan maybe complicated by Judicial and parliametary investgation into the Karachi attack that killed 11 DCNS employees.

DCNS can sell to Pakistan, but not ATE

We can give this , this can't , This is for Pak & this is not,
I am upset, is this the only way to buy JF-17 parts from French or we have its alternative solution? :hitwall:
I think we should not buy the French sub.
The Frenchies can shove their paper Submarine up theirs if they dont sell us the JF-17 package! Pak needs the JF-17 French package more desperately then paper sub marlin. The GOP needs a good kick on the rear along with PN high corrupt officials who are not doing enough to clinch the HDW TYpe-214 deal.
I hope Pakistan goes for German subs like us then we can cooperate on improvements for them. The Type 214s are awesome subs.
what nonsense is this! we don't want the french subs in the first place! the french subs were not going to be even considered until Mr.10% came into office! and the french love affair began from where it left off in the 90's & kick backs were again on the cards!

the french can keep their SUBS if they plan to keep their JF avionics! this is the time pakistan should firm up!
mughaljee...don't get upset either Pakistan should wait and collect funds for the next 5 years that is hard cash to throw in their face but i am sure french'll come up with many silly things...I'm glad most of the contracts goes for EF-2000 leaving rafale to worst. Yet these morons don't understand their market is almost doomed.

time is crucial either u214 or invest with China there is no 3rd way now that we know french dealings..
No one deals with the French anymore it seems. Turkey had banned their offer but recently let them enter again in our next gen SAM program. They can't seem to compete with other defense providers though and i think it is mainly because of political standings possibly on issues.
yea tru we need avionics despretlt for thunders if the cant provide then go foe other coutries for sub who also can provide avionics for thunder and armament fuk french they r stopids n thier rafale gona fail in mrca and then the will com runing to us, but what ever hapend german subs and chinese subs thas all no more french subs
And what subs are these that french is willing to sell us? are the same in the indian?
Pakistan should go for the Chineses subs as CHINA is the ONLY POSSIBLE SELLER we have.

Nobody in the western world likes us anyway.

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