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How's life ? How's your GF ? You have my blessing , young prince for that . :D

What pictures have you been posting though ? The curious mind wonders :P

Yeah , my health is back online , thanks for asking .

I was posting pics of plugs.

Life is fine albeit hectic, mine paramour is ravishing as always.

The video itself is rather telling, terminal stage interception of Scud like SRBM- that's likely.

CMD is unlikely due to the absence of airborne AEW. A terrain following CM will be below the radar horizon till its almost only 40km out so its very unlikely.

MRBM interception is again shaky. A better interceptor cum EW system is required. Wouldn't want to bank on it.

Effectiveness against NLOS-BM, SRBM and air launched Quasi-BMs? Should be pretty good.
so what's your choice if you can get the licence production , hq-9 or aster 30 bllk 2
so what's your choice if you can get the licence production , hq-9 or aster 30 bllk 2

Aster for sure. Far better sensor package. But ultimately Pakistan needs to rationalize certain things. They need to set some folks on getting a proper info/data/time share network.. otherwise there is a high probability that an opponent will use multiple axes of approach to overwhelm the system significantly (the chances of the same exist even with a proper IACCS but its all relative, as in its less probable). Synergistic operations can mitigate the issue, albeit never completely.

Night night babes.... :kiss3:


Bye Mambi, Dilli, Secur, Rampi...

& alpheee (wuff wuff) :rofl:

Goodnight shehensha.
Aster for sure. Far better sensor package. But ultimately Pakistan needs to rationalize certain things. They need to set some folks on getting a proper info/data/time share network.. otherwise there is a high probability that an opponent will use multiple axes of approach to overwhelm the system significantly (the chances of the same exist even with a prop.
do you think mbda will be willing for ToT ?
do you think mbda will be willing for ToT ?

Yaara ToT is bunkum. This is the same issue in India- almost all "ToT" is generally M-ToT which will only ensure that you have the capability to then maintain said product in country.

No one is ever going to give you tech for TRMs, cooling and environment control, software..that's always a no-no. Same with license manufacturing.

India got "ToT" for sensors and license manufacturing of the Green pine plus- perhaps the most advanced ground based sensor system in the world. We still had to sit since 98 to develop our own S-band TRMs (as I was sharing with Ahaseeb the other day) and we were successful only like 3 or so years ago. Now if it were a JV or you were involved in the R&D phase then yes some things can be accrued..or you might end up gaining quite a bit of experience while developing and manufacturing (you have to be involved in both phases) your share in the components (in the JV) but even that is nothing akin to the ToT people talk of.

Then there are nations, which can very well just cart off the blue prints, production processes for specific systems to you...THAT is what people envisage when they think ToT. Such complete transfers are VERY rare- Ukraine and the Czech are big on it though. :tup:

There are some examples though of successful and proper ToT- but those come at a very high cost (not just financial) and for a certain type of systems.

hi members how u like my new look.

I call it the 'Great Indian Look'.

That's why I mentioned a JV. The whole point of a JV is joint design and joint marketing. But tech transfer is always limited to- produce in country based on our design. Max- jointly develop a new system. It does not enable, directly, the R&D and manufacturing of independent and indigenous systems.

For example- India manufactures the AL-31 engine in-house, we even manufacture the SCBs for the same in-house. A lot of the components on the Malaysian Flanker-30s were manufactured by us. BUT that doesn't mean that we will be able to directly use that experience to manufacture an AL-31 like engine ourselves. The real point is the Know-how as well as the Know-why. That always remains absent.

A better example, do you know that the Indian MOD owns IP/IR for the Type-209 1500 subs, perhaps the MOST unique example of ToT ever- we manufactured them in house and today we even have the ability to keep the process in country from the materials to the finishing stage. BUT this will not mean that you can design your own SSK- THAT is a whole different ballgame.
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I can't use my laptop because of some crazy people. When I read news they have a problem, when I write posts they have a problem, when I play games they have a problem, when I am reading posts of other members on PDF they have a problem. I mean there is nothing I can do without being suspected of doing something bad to my nation.

I wish we Pakistanis were smarter. So long time since I visited Naswar Corner. Watsup folks.
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