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Angry with me , mate ? :D

Dont see a lot of mentions or quoting these days :lol:

Nah man! Been a bit sporadic, only this morning I got active again. AND all that time was spent pulling Mamba and Butt's leg with Hype's help. Thought I'd spare you that garish spectacle. Sup? Health back on line?
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Beloved Queen , how are you ? :D

Having a good time , mate . Need I tell you the reason ? :P

This means an end to the night parties , I think :what:

Bad news for you , boy ! :D
I plan to live with my uncle a little longer :D
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ADGE requirements-

1) An information, data sharing backbone. An underlying network for integrating all ground-based and airborne sensors, AD weapon systems and C2 nodes. Eg. our AFNet.

2) Riding on that underlying structure you need volume search radars, MRMR, LRMR, passive sensors, gap filler radars.

3) Then come the integrated AD systems like SPADA2000. You need MRSAM, LRSAM, QRSAM, VSHORAD systems.

That's the simple description.

After that you have specialized roles from TBMD to CMD- for CMD you'll need to add aerostat mounted radars and AEW&C integrated into the data sharing network to provide detection and vectoring capabilities for your interceptors.

All of this combines to form an "IACCS".
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Nah man! Been a bit sporadic, only this morning I got active again. AND all that time was spent pulling Mamba and Butt's leg with Hype's help. Thought I'd spare you that garish spectacle. Sup? Health back on line?

How's life ? How's your GF ? You have my blessing , young prince for that . :D

What pictures have you been posting though ? The curious mind wonders :P

Yeah , my health is back online , thanks for asking .


The video itself is rather telling, terminal stage interception of Scud like SRBM- that's likely.

CMD is unlikely due to the absence of airborne AEW. A terrain following CM will be below the radar horizon till its almost only 40km out so its very unlikely.

MRBM interception is again shaky. A better interceptor cum EW system is required. Wouldn't want to bank on it.

Effectiveness against NLOS-BM, SRBM and air launched Quasi-BMs? Should be pretty good.
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