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ok bye guys!! :wave:

miss u aapi! :smitten:

@Gentleman oranges from your city ^
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پاکستان ایک عظیم رہنما نے بنایا تھا، جس نے پاکستان کو اسلام کی سلطنت کے طور پر بنایا ، تاکہ بر صغیر کے مسلمان ایک آزاد زندگی بسر کرسکیں . افسوس تو یہ ہوتا ہے کے آ ج پاکستان

ایک طاقتور ملک ہونے کے با وجود ،بھیڑیوں کی شکار گاہ بن چکا ہے. پاکستان کو اب دوبارہ آزاد کروانا ہے، ان بھیڑیوں سے جو اس مملکت خداداد کو اپنے باپ کی جاگیر ور اپنی ماں کا جہیز سمجھتے ہیں
What you are saying is exactly what my X told me.... I don't get it..... he is portrayed as a demon, yet many follow him.... me so confused.... :blink:
He was Damn Intelligent and in Hindi Prakaand Vidwan. A great Brahmin. He prayed to Brahma, and offered his head on the yagya fire, Brahma, blessed him with another head but didn't gave him Dharshan, he cut it again.

Did it until Brahma presented himself. So he was called Dashaanan Rawan (Dash-10, Aanan-Head). 9 times he beheaded himself.

He is symbol of Evil and that even a Brahmin can be Evil.

When ram killed Ravan, he asked Laxman to go and have knowledge from him while Ravan was dying, Laxman went and stand near his head, Ram said, he is great pundit, and if you seek knowledge, you should sit near his legs, not head.
پاکستان ایک عظیم رہنما نے بنایا تھا، جس نے پاکستان کو اسلام کی سلطنت کے طور پر بنایا ، تاکہ بر صغیر کے مسلمان ایک آزاد زندگی بسر کرسکیں . افسوس تو یہ ہوتا ہے کے آ ج پاکستان

ایک طاقتور ملک ہونے کے با وجود ،بھیڑیوں کی شکار گاہ بن چکا ہے. پاکستان کو اب دوبارہ آزاد کروانا ہے، ان بھیڑیوں سے جو اس مملکت خداداد کو اپنے باپ کی جاگیر ور اپنی ماں کا جہیز سمجھتے ہیں


He was Damn Intelligent and in Hindi Prakaand Vidwan. A great Brahmin. He prayed to Brahma, and offered his head on the yagya fire, Brahma, blessed him with another head but didn't gave him Dharshan, he cut it again.

Did it until Brahma presented himself. So he was called Dashaanan Rawan (Dash-10, Aanan-Head). 9 times he beheaded himself.

He is symbol of Evil and that even a Brahmin can be Evil.

When ram killed Ravan, he asked Laxman to go and have knowledge from him while Ravan was dying, Laxman went and stand near his head, Ram said, he is great pundit, and if you seek knowledge, you should sit near his legs, not head.

wow! Teacher's respect! :pakistan:
Not a demon, he was a rakshas, its unclear whether that term was used to denote another race of humans or was purely mythological. But he had great knowledge of the shastras and vedas. He was a devout devotee of Shiv and had conquered parlok (abode of the devas) itself. It is his knowledhe that is held in high regard and not his actions.

Ravana is described as a devout follower of the god Shiva in addition to his tribe's religious beliefs, a great scholar, a capable ruler and a maestro of the Veena. He has his apologists and staunch devotees within the Hindu traditions, some of whom believe that his description as a ten-headed person (Daśamukha or Daśagrīva) is a reference to him possessing a very thorough knowledge over the 4 Vedas and 6 Upanishads, which made him as powerful as 10 scholars. However, there is mention in Atharvaveda of demonic Brahmans called Dasagva (ten-headed) and Navagva (nine-headed) and the metaphor of a supernatural number of bodyparts to symbolize powers is an ancient one in Indian mythic depictions. Yet another interpretation of the ten-headed Ravana describe him to be a complete man with nine of his heads representing nine emotions that a man may possess (viz.anger, pride, jealousy, happiness, sadness, fear, selfishness, passion, ambition) and one representing the intellect.

wow! Teacher's respect! :pakistan:
Teacher is considered God.

Govind-Guru Saamne, Ko kun laagun paanv,

Balihari Guru Aapne, Govind diyo miaay.


Govind- God, Guru-Teacher are in front of me, whom should I take blessings first by touching their feet,
I respect you my Teacher, because of you, I have found God.
Teacher is considered God.

Govind-Guru Saamne, Ko kun laagun paanv,

Balihari Guru Aapne, Govind diyo miaay.


Govind- God, Guru-Teacher are in front of me, whom should I take blessings first by touching their feet,
I respect you my Teacher, because of you, I have found God.

Teachers are respected in every religion :pakistan:
@Hyperion the story of Ravan is simple. In Ravan we have a highly religious person- with great strength and knowledge- his failing is his mindless ruthlessness against those who attempt to hamper his ego. The concept is simple, there is a personal dharma- to be devout- to gain knowledge and to do one's duty and then there is the Universal Dharma- to do what is right under all circumstances even if it means harming your own interests and sacrificing your ego. What it portrays is that being religious is not enough- even being the most devout devotee is not nearly enough- if you are cruel, if you enslave others, if you resort to indiscriminate violence then you lose your stature and nullify all your good qualities.

It is difficult to explain- a better example is the following story- A sage had taken a vow to never lie and gained much praise and fame for it..now in these scriptures (non-religious) a vow is a serious thing- it is one's personal dharma- break it and you are unworthy of anything, anyway, as he meditated a group of travelers took refuge in his "aashram", they explained that they were being chased down by forest bandits and they were going to hide themselves in his aashram. The bandits followed the travelers to this aashram but stopped short of searching the place- for to anger a sage meant sure death, but they recognized the sage and knew of his vow- they asked him where the travelers were- the sage told them the truth. The bandits waited at a distance from the ashram and after a few hours the travelers, thinking themselves to be safe, exited the place and commenced on their journey. The bandits followed them and slaughtered them to the last man. When the sage, after much tapasya took samadhi (voluntary relinquishing of one's mortal life) he found himself barred from heaven- the devas told him that he had broken dharma. He argued that he had never broken any dharma and moreover had always kept his vow. The devas told him that was exactly the problem, his meditation and his adherence to his vow was admirable but in having kept his vow he had doomed the poor travelers. They further explained that causing harm to innocents was a breach of the Dharma of the universe and that he did it to keep his vow was a poor excuse. He had kept his vow due to his ego- for he could not bare to turn on his words- that mindless adherence to an otherwise commendable vow was the symptom of intellectual decay caused by a person's ego. The sage argued that had he broken his vow the result would be the same- he would have broken his dharma to which the devas replied that it would have been irrelevant- his devotion was a poor replacement for care for humanity. The sage knew that if he told those bandits the truth he would condemn the travelers to death and yet he went ahead just to ensure that no one would mock him for having broken his vow and more importantly so that he would not think of himself as "a-dharmic"- THAT WAS HIS GRAVE MISTAKE!".

That rambling and poorly transcribed story from me depicts the firm philosophy that the law of universal good must supersede all personal religious practices, principles, ethics, beliefs, bias, vows and ego in ALL CIRCUMSTANCES!
@ZYXW @Armstrong @Secur @arp2041 @Ayush
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