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Narasimha Rao was ready to test the nuclear bomb in 1996: Kalam

So you credit Rao with India's economic emergence, not Singh?

That does make sense. Since Singh by himself doesn't seem to be doing a great job, at least not without Rao there.

At that time in the 90s mentioning America and agreeing to IMF terms irrespective of the bankruptcy would make you look a traitor to the country. The congress party and the parliament was filled with socialist morons to whom America and IMF were anathema. He did an excellent job balancing them all and providing the much needed political cover and let Manmohan go about the recommendations of IMF with full freedom.

His stellar role in that crisis is deliberately missed out by the Congress because he became autonomous of the Gandhi family and took his own decisions (though they were good for the country).
So you credit Rao with India's economic emergence, not Singh?

That does make sense. Since Singh by himself doesn't seem to be doing a great job, at least not without Rao there.

They are wrong...............MMS was then FM who presented the idea of opening economy...............and NOD by NS Rro
I think you should give some credit to MMS then FM........................but i know you cannot.....................

Read the post above.

All Manmohan did was implementing the IMF recommendations word by word. The political freedom to do so was given by PVNR. Please dont give me "you are biased" line. I know what happened..and I need not go by what Congress tells me.

They are wrong...............MMS was then FM who presented the idea of opening economy...............and NOD by NS Rro

Again wrong. The decision to open the economy was first taken by Yashwant Sinha when he was Finance minister in the Chandrasekhar Govt. But soon enough the Govt fell because Congress which was supporting the govt withdrew support and thats why we had the General elections of 1991.
They are wrong...............MMS was then FM who presented the idea of opening economy...............and NOD by NS Rro
MMS did it, yes. But it was Rao who brought him fro Planning Commission and made him FM.

So you credit Rao with India's economic emergence, not Singh?
That does make sense. Since Singh by himself doesn't seem to be doing a great job, at least not without Rao there.
He can but couldn't. Congress is dynastic party. As said by politician from opposition, Congress is party of A$$ Lickers. They can't challenge Sonia-Rahul. MMS is just the face, the decisions are made by Sonia and her consultants.

One Economist, I think he was English, who knew him closely, said that I don't know why MMS take care of Indian Economy. May be he doesn't have power to make decisions and implement his policies.
^^ his achievements were few. baring the nuke test (which let to sanctions) and the NHAI what was it he achieved?

his only major achievement was to unite a fractional party and bring it to power using the Ram mandir controversy .

Doesnt matter. BTW it was Jaswant Singh who through his brilliant conduct as the Foreign minister again opened track II talks with Strobe Talbott which lead to the cancellation of sanctions.

MMS did it, yes. But it was Rao who brought him fro Planning Commission and made him FM.

Dude that is a myth that MMS presented the reforms. The original idea of opening the economy was presented by Yashwant Sinha under the Chandrasekhar govt. The next FM (MMS) carried forward that within the guidelines recommended by IMF.
Providing an alternative to the congress which was ruling(not governing) the country for 45 years in the 50 years is in ITSELF a huge achievement. That is exactly what democracy was about. Where there is a credible opposition so that the ruling party does not behave with arrogance.

Regarding others - the nuke test, good conduct of Kargil war and not negotiating till the last of intruders were evicted, kickstarting the economy in a huge way, going about liberalization and divestment, starting the telecom boom, infrastructure development with projects like Golden Quadilateral..and this was all done with a mammoth coalition of 22 parties.

Providing an alternative is a huge achievement and I have acknowledged his contribution there.

1. Nuke test was already planed and would have gone ahead even with someone else as PM.
2. Fact that Kargil happened is itself proof of failure and of being a poor PM.
3. Telecom boom happened because its time had come and no one can stop an idea who's time has come. (not even Vajpayee)
4. Role in building roads has been acknowledged.

Parliament bombing and its aftermath and Kandahar mishandling are the two HUGE blots on him. History will judge him on his failures, not his small success.
MMS did it, yes. But it was Rao who brought him fro Planning Commission and made him FM.

I think TOO much of credit is given to MMS for the LPG policy of 1991-92, Yes it is true that he was the FM who did it but he was not at all a political person, it was b'coz of N.Rao's Political will (to take care of the opposition that would soon follow) that was the main reason behind the MMS announcing the policy on the first place.

I bet if former PM's name was N.Rao Gandhi than entire praise would have been reserved for him.

If one see than it was only after 2004 when MMS was made PM that world started praising his LPG policy decisions without focusing on who the PM was at that time. Actually, Congress made that image of him to justify there decision on MMS as PM.
Doesnt matter. BTW it was Jaswant Singh who through his brilliant conduct as the Foreign minister again opened track II talks with Strobe Talbott which lead to the cancellation of sanctions.

Small correction. He was a special envoy when he started those discussions with Strobe Talbott, the RSS having nixed his entry to the cabinet. It was only later that Vajpayee bulldozed all objections & made him Foreign Minister.
Small correction. He was a special envoy when he started those discussions with Strobe Talbott, the RSS having nixed his entry to the cabinet. It was only later that Vajpayee bulldozed all objections & made him Foreign Minister.

RSS be screwed.

I am of the view RSS must limit their contribution to BJP to organization/mobilization and let politicians run the country. A synergy must be found between RSS and BJP and lines drawn where RSS stops and BJP starts. Another reason why I like Narendra Modi. He has defined the lines very clearly in Gujarat and does not let the Sangh decide the policies there.
Do Indians credit Narasima Rao with the 1991 economic reforms that led to India becoming one of the biggest rising economies?

Or Singh?

The problem is in the name of Mr. Rao, he should have been a GANDHI if any credit can be given to him, a perception has been made post 2004 UPA administration that it was MMS to justify his SELECTION as PM, but actually it was more a Political Decision by Mr. Rao than Economic Policy of MMS since Opposition was clearly against it & Mr. Rao Govt. was a Minority Govt. even than he made successful implementation of this policy.
Doesnt matter. BTW it was Jaswant Singh who through his brilliant conduct as the Foreign minister again opened track II talks with Strobe Talbott which lead to the cancellation of sanctions.

Dude that is a myth that MMS presented the reforms. The original idea of opening the economy was presented by Yashwant Sinha under the Chandrasekhar govt. The next FM (MMS) carried forward that within the guidelines recommended by IMF.
Then why did all opposition with Mr Yasant Sinha (not sure whether he joined BJP at that time) opposed the opening of Economy on verge of Bankruptcy......................So credit goes to MMS.....................and Gandhi Family was no were in picture when Mr Rao was PM.......................
Then why did all opposition with Mr Yasant Sinha (not sure whether he joined BJP at that time) opposed the opening of Economy on verge of Bankruptcy......................So credit goes to MMS.....................and Gandhi Family was no were in picture when Mr Rao was PM.......................

The Congress withdrew the support to Chandrasekhar govt because of the deal they had to make with IMF to save the economy. Congress under Rajiv was a socialist cesspool that saw America and IMF as devil incarnate. What are you talking about ?
Do Indians credit Narasima Rao with the 1991 economic reforms that led to India becoming one of the biggest rising economies?

Or Singh?

Credit goes to both

The New Economic Policy was introduced in 1991. It was carried out by govt. led by Shri Narsimha Rao(PM) and Shri Manmohan Singh was FM in that govt.

Both did their job well(wrt to successfully implementing NEP)
Then why did all opposition with Mr Yasant Sinha (not sure whether he joined BJP at that time) opposed the opening of Economy on verge of Bankruptcy......................So credit goes to MMS.....................and Gandhi Family was no were in picture when Mr Rao was PM.......................

There was no 'opposition' at that time. The fight of N.Rao was primarily with his own party (Congress) that itself opposed the reforms as it went against their socialist mindset. The likes of Mani Shankar Aiyar and all.
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