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Narasimha Rao was ready to test the nuclear bomb in 1996: Kalam

Small correction. He was a special envoy when he started those discussions with Strobe Talbott, the RSS having nixed his entry to the cabinet. It was only later that Vajpayee bulldozed all objections & made him Foreign Minister.

BJP was very serious in controlling the fiscal deficit with tough measures during their tenure.
Providing an alternative is a huge achievement and I have acknowledged his contribution there.

1. Nuke test was already planed and would have gone ahead even with someone else as PM.
2. Fact that Kargil happened is itself proof of failure and of being a poor PM.
3. Telecom boom happened because its time had come and no one can stop an idea who's time has come. (not even Vajpayee)
4. Role in building roads has been acknowledged.

Parliament bombing and its aftermath and Kandahar mishandling are the two HUGE blots on him. History will judge him on his failures, not his small success.

We have to agree to disagree here. Because I feel you are a BJP supporter but considers Vajpayee went too soft. Well that was a political necessity ;)
RSS be screwed.

I am of the view RSS must limit their contribution to BJP to organization/mobilization and let politicians run the country. A synergy must be found between RSS and BJP and lines drawn where RSS stops and BJP starts. Another reason why I like Narendra Modi. He has defined the lines very clearly in Gujarat and does not let the Sangh decide the policies there.

Yeah, that's why they are extremely wary of him and will be a serious hurdle if it comes to a PM contest (if at all). It was why Gadkari & Modi didn't get along, it will be why Rajnath Singh will be used to try & build up other challengers. The RSS with its behaviour guarantees a BJP failure unless they stop trying to run the complete show. With the exception of Modi , there is no one who has the guts & the capacity to ignore them. It is why the BJP is doing the crazy things it has been, behaving like a "B" team of the RSS & towing their line on issues where the political party should have gone by their instincts.
RSS be screwed. I am of the view RSS must limit their contribution to BJP to organization/mobilization and let politicians run the country. A synergy must be found between RSS and BJP and lines drawn where RSS stops and BJP starts. Another reason why I like Narendra Modi. He has defined the lines very clearly in Gujarat and does not let the Sangh decide the policies there.
In the article on NaMo in TIME magazine, they said, NaMo is the only leader who can destroy 120 temples built illegally and get away with it. :D
There was no 'opposition' at that time. If I remember correctly congress came to power in 91 with nearly a 2/3 majority riding on a sympathy wave. The fight of N.Rao was primarily with his own party (Congress) that itself opposed the reforms as it went against their socialist mindset. The likes of Mani Shankar Aiyar and all.
No................that was in 1984 after Mrs Indra's assassination..............In1991Congress came to power after assassination of Mr Rajiv with Simple Majority.................and Mr Sita Ram Kerasi was Congress president then......................
There was no 'opposition' at that time. If I remember correctly congress came to power in 91 with nearly a 2/3 majority riding on a sympathy wave. The fight of N.Rao was primarily with his own party (Congress) that itself opposed the reforms as it went against their socialist mindset. The likes of Mani Shankar Aiyar and all.

Nope you are wrong. The congress was short of majority & the BJP, because of the high regard they held Narasimha Rao in (Advani called him the best PM since Shastri)didn't push matters until much later (the JMM money for vote scandal). You are more likely talking about 1984 when Rajiv Gandhi benefited from a sympathy wave.
We have to agree to disagree here. Because I feel you are a BJP supporter but considers Vajpayee went too soft. Well that was a political necessity ;)

I am a Narendra Modi supporter and not a BJP supporter :angel: ...and yes there is a difference.

Vajpayee was incompetent, not soft.

He should not have activated the forces to attack, and once he did activate the force, the should have attacked. There is no room in this world for fence sitters (literally).
No................that was in 1984 after Mrs Indra's assassination..............In1991Congress came to power after assassination of Mr Rajiv with Simple Majority.................and Mr Sita Ram Kerasi was Congress president then......................

Still does not repudiate the fact that the primary battle of PVNR was with his own party and not with the opposition. That was also the reason why he was unceremoniously dumped as he was seen as a 'rebel' not towing the party idealogy.

Nope you are wrong. The congress was short of majority & the BJP, because of the high regard they held Narasimha Rao in (Advani called him the best PM since Shastri)didn't push matters until much later (the JMM money for vote scandal). You are more likely talking about 1984 when Rajiv Gandhi benefited from a sympathy wave.

Yes missed it. Thanks.
There was no 'opposition' at that time. If I remember correctly congress came to power in 91 with nearly a 2/3 majority riding on a sympathy wave. The fight of N.Rao was primarily with his own party (Congress) that itself opposed the reforms as it went against their socialist mindset. The likes of Mani Shankar Aiyar and all.

they didn't get 2/3 majority in 1991.
NO offence to anyone - but the Nagpur brahmins and the Delhi brahmins are really screwing up the party....

Though these Nagpur brahmins are atleast doing some other social work, these Delhi brahmins must be exiled to some other country. :angry:
Nope you are wrong. The congress was short of majority & the BJP, because of the high regard they held Narasimha Rao in (Advani called him the best PM since Shastri)didn't push matters until much later (the JMM money for vote scandal). You are more likely talking about 1984 when Rajiv Gandhi benefited from a sympathy wave.

Congress got 226 seats far short of 272.
The biggest difference between Narasimha Rao's time & now is the political culture. Narasimha Rao had political differences with the BJP, it was never personal (both Vajpayee & Advani held him in high esteem & he returned the compliment). It was why India could advance a large sum of money to Russia (unusual) for the purchase of Su30's and even when Vajpayee & Jaswant Singh were worried enough about the nature of the transaction & called in Shekhar Gupta of the Indian Express to dig further, they could still believe & go by the explanation of Narasimha Rao (when relationship between Rao & the BJP had deteriorated) and later with arch enemy Mulayam Singh (who as Defence Minister arranged for the documents to be shown to the BJP leaders) and still put national interests ahead of petty political differences (Yeltsin wanted that transfer before elections in Russia), something that we just don't see today. Everyone, including Modi opposes for the sake of opposing, national interests be damned. Started with the nuke deal & continues with FDI. The Congress must take most of the blame, treating the principal opposition part as an enemy rather than as a political opponent, the bad blood now having spilled over into the BJP's own behaviour. Shinde's remarks are only a continuation of that behaviour.
Rao is most underrated PM of India, many have forgotten him. Even congress seems to have disowned him, his only fault is, he is not a gandhi.
NO offence to anyone - but the Nagpur brahmins and the Delhi brahmins are really screwing up the party....

Though these Nagpur brahmins are atleast doing some other social work, these Delhi brahmins must be exiled to some other country. :angry:
So you mean to Say BJP is a Brahmin Party......................
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