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Myanmar Navy starts submarine training in Pakistan

We might have self-righteous bearded bufooons going about their self-styled divine mission but Islam has no ecclesiastical order & no 'now you're foOked' kinda a movement !

If you believe in it - Fine...! If you don't - Fine; to you is your way & to me mine as long as you're not breaking any law ! We - in Pakistan - are huge on Muslim Brotherhood because it lies at the foundation of our country & goes back to the essence of Islam & has remained a cherished goal for every progressive Muslim who remotely gave a frig about Islam, throughout the ages. We had that in '47....others had that in ages past but Islam & Muslims are two very different things. If Iran is going to strike down resolutions on Kashmirs, the Arabs are going to holler on about Palestine being a Muslim Issue without even giving Kashmir a second glance & the North African Muslims forever being caught between the Arabs on one hand & the West on the other, living in their own world, whilst we've been refusing to recognize Israel simply because they oppress Palestinians, have even sent our boys to fight Israel, struck up an enmity with them throughout the ages, gave refuge to millions of Afghans during the Afghan Jihad despite the sh*t they'd been doing to us since '48 & have tried to give the 'Muslim Brotherhood' factor a place in our foreign policy than I think we could be forgiven to tell the lot to of them to foOk Off till they start reciprocating some of that !

Are you telling me that under exigent circumstances direct commands from the Prophet and the word of your lord contained in the book can be breached..Zarvan is going to get a heart attack. :angel:
Are you telling me that under exigent circumstances direct commands from the Prophet and the word of your lord contained in the book can be breached..Zarvan is going to get a heart attack. :angel:

No what I'm saying is that things should be understood in a particular context ! :angel:
No what I'm saying is that things should be understood in a particular context ! :angel:

Does it allow for that..A muslim is a muslim no matter what the circumstances and thhe ummah is the ummah.
@BDforever is right..you people are being naughty..what will happen if the Burmese now sink a BD ship in the future..BD will declare war on you..your funeral buttstrong. :sick:
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@BDforever We dont need to be worried about the Burmans. We have seen what they are worth in 2008. Let them train as much as they want. Didn't BD Army provide some English Language course to Burmese officers sometimes back? This Burman Army is as good as the Kachin militia's they fight all day. :lol:

And just to please the crowd....
News is fake. Evil Zionist controlled media's handiwork. :agree:
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Hey @BDforever why don't you send your boys over to Pakistan & we'd train them in basic Submarine Operations too ? :what:

And then maybe you can lease a sub off us (our old Agosta 70Bs) & another off the Chinese to get a blend of both French & Chinese submarines & their training methodologies ! :)

BD Naval personal already are in training in Turkey :tup:
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what the f@ck? This is sick man, look at the Myanmar's genocide against the Rohingya Muslims yet the majority Muslim Pakistan wants to co'operate with them?!

india occupies Kashmir and has killed thousands of Kashmiris since 1947, and despite the Kashmiris call for independence they are still forcefully tied to india through the brute force of the indian state.

But Arab countries still cooperate with india?
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this should not be happening coz they are killing muslims why support them rather opposing them
good news teach them well so they will round in bay of bengal without any notice

[--Leo--];4438913 said:
this should not be happening coz they are killing muslims why support them rather opposing them

they are doing well and we are doing more well :) i wish one of this day they have any good sub in hands
Does it allow for that..A muslim is a muslim no matter what the circumstances and thhe ummah is the ummah.
@BDforever is right..you people are being naughty..what will happen if the Burmese now sink a BD ship in the future..BD will declare war on you..your funeral buttstrong. :sick:

Not quite my munshi friend....not quite ! If you read the verse previous to the one in which the Muslim Brotherhood thing is talked about it talks about an exception that if one is being naughty than whom do you support ? Well the one who is in the right & not the oppressor ! The point being that it like everything else in Islam is not a zero-sum game.
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Not quite my munshi friend....not quite ! If you read the verse previous to the one in which the Muslim Brotherhood thing is talked about it talks about an exception that if one is being naughty than whom do you support ? Well the one who is in the right & not the oppressor ! The point being that it like everything else in Islam is not a zero-sum game.

Still, now BD jihadis will come after you! :rofl:

They are going to support the BLA! Which was THE MOST hilarious jape ever!

BUT seriously if in the future a BD ship sinks its your a$$ BDf will be coming for.:D

AND according to BDians Burma is the oppressor..although our friend Aung jee is so nice, not a mean bone in her body, wait till she comes to power.:agree:
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