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Musharraf's political career launch speech (apology, promises and clean slate)

AMPL headquarter closed in London

Updated at: 0854 PST, Tuesday, September 13, 2011

LONDON: Shutters have come down at the London headquarters of Pervez Musharraf's one-year old All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) over the non-payment of monthly rent, utility bills and council tax for five months.

A reliable informant from the party said that the APML owes to the landlord £19,000 in rent money which has not been paid for five months now and this doesn't include the council tax and other utility bills.

The source claimed, and this has been verified by various reliable APML insiders, that Musharraf gave £50,000 to a senior position holder of the party for running the office and other affairs of the party but "a lot of it has been embezzled."

The annual rent of the party's Old Street headquarter was £38,000 and in total it amounted to £45,000 a year when local council taxes etc was included.


oops !!

Isay khatey hain .. chor key ghar chori ...
I am surprised that folks from PTI are bloody disconnected with their leadership!!!

If you have a doubt that President Musharraf will return then you should consult your cricketer-turn-politicial-leader about it.

I am sure Mr. Khan will confirm that President Musharraf is coming back on the 23rd of March insha-Allah ;)

Please keep in mind that in order to save the country, many unlikely alliances have taken place and many will take place so if you have any political understanding of things then please stop this nonsense about the APML and President Musharraf and stick to your leader's line.
Just because Khan stayed at the home of one of Musharraf's old supporters in Dallas, TX doesn't mean he will be supporting Musharraf or collaborating with him. There was no talk of any of that. You can pay heed to the rumor mill, but it'll eventually amount to nothing. Just giving you all a heads up.

the fun begins ! lol
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Save Pakistan: Join Pervez Musharraf on his return to Pakistan in March 2012

As I came to know with the email below sent by Br. Imran Sadiqqui, Chairman APML Canada, our former president and Army Chief has put the shoes on to retun to Pakistan in March 2012. This is not the first time when President Musharraf (yes! many of his hard-core fans still affectionately call him Mr. President) has took a decision that is at odds with the current political circumstances. There has been many times where he has made things happen which seemed impossible. He is a man of a great integrity and a fine product of Pakistan Army who has dedicated his life to serve Pakistan.

Would this great son of Pakistan receive a warm welcome by Pakistanis recognizing his service to Pakistan or would he be getting himself into a lots of trouble with elite Pakistani political and Judicial circles is yet to be seen.

But every one agrees on this; Pakistan has never seen such an honest, eloquent and patriotic leader since the sad demise of the father of the nation, i.e. Qaid e Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah in 1948. His slogan ‘Pakistan first’ depicting his unshakeable resolve to serve his nation to the best to his ability remains beyond any doubt.
Such are the profound memories of this great leader that majority of people of Pakistan still quote him for his services to Pakistan; so much so his tenure is openly discussed in Pakistani media as being a much better era than that of the current democratic regime.

For the Canadians who would like to Join Former President Musharraf on his return; here is an email sent out by the President APML Canada, “Mr. Imran Siddiqui”; known locally for his selfless leadership, unwithering dedication and hard work to help established APML in Canada.

( Other APML member and other friends from other countries should check out the “Contact us” on APML’s official website to contact their local presidents for more information )

And now Imran’s email:

Dear friends,

All overseas Pakistanis are concerned about the situation in Pakistan and want to save Pakistan but nothing can be done practically to save Pakistan.

Here is an opportunity for overseas Pakistanis to be involved and play their practical role to save Pakistan. President Musharraf will go back to Pakistan on 23rd March, 2012. This is a historical event because his journey will change the political culture of Pakistan forever, insha-Allah.

In order to support this great event in the history of Pakistan, members of APML Canada will join President Musharraf in this journey to save Pakistan. This is an invitation to all Pakistanis living in Canada to join us in the quest of saving Pakistan.

APML Canada members will fly to Dubai, hotel stay in Dubai will be provided. From Dubai, APML Canada members will go to Pakistan along with President Musharraf. Strong possibility of a group rate exists for APML members flying from Toronto.

If there is a change in date then a four week notice will be provided.


Imran Siddiqui
President, APML Canada

Government machinery was in full force and they over all succeeded in disrupting massive crowd, 50% people were forced to turn around but Still Mashah Allah 13,000-15,000 people managed to make it to the Jalsa, We learnt a good lesson and next time we will change our tactic to get to jalsa, Also poor Media coverage which showed that they are totally biased and sold out! Shame on today's democracy!!! This is what police tried to do with PTI jalsa but Thank Allah crowed was way bigger and Media was very much in favor of PTI where as with APML we were turned down by media. Inshah Allah we will rock in Coming days, Next election two parties will emerg and that will be APML and PTI, And PML-N and PPP can go die now Inshah Allah
Government machinery was in full force and they over all succeeded in disrupting massive crowd, 50% people were forced to turn around but Still Mashah Allah 13,000-15,000 people managed to make it to the Jalsa, We learnt a good lesson and next time we will change our tactic to get to jalsa, Also poor Media coverage which showed that they are totally biased and sold out! Shame on today's democracy!!! This is what police tried to do with PTI jalsa but Thank Allah crowed was way bigger and Media was very much in favor of PTI where as with APML we were turned down by media. Inshah Allah we will rock in Coming days, Next election two parties will emerg and that will be APML and PTI, And PML-N and PPP can go die now Inshah Allah

despite being a extreme opponent of military dictator aka Musharraf, on principle it was unfair of media not to cover properly and very dictator of the sindh government using force to prevent the AIML jalsa.

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