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Musharraf's political career launch speech (apology, promises and clean slate)

^^ wow 1500 attendents in dubai.

People believe that Mush is the last hope for Pakistan. Inshallah he will make Pakistan as proper as it was in his era.

I attended a 500-crowd-large wedding and that was bigger crowd than what was at Musharraf's gathering.

Crowd at his gathering was 500 or less, I have seen it. Not even remotely 1500 that's exaggeration.
You want pictures?

It's not any Pakistan newspaper reporting its gulfnews (dubai). Do watch the video I posted.

Here you go:







پاكى;2032343 said:
I attended a 500-crowd-large wedding and that was bigger crowd than what was at Musharraf's gathering.

Crowd at his gathering was 500 or less, I have seen it. Not even remotely 1500 that's exaggeration.

Lol. You edited your posts. :P
I do not label 'Mullah' anyone who preaches Islam, Mullah are those who use Ahadiths to achieve their own goals.
So do Scholars Mullahs and Leaders and it should not come to as a surprised since its a prophecy.
If I say that my father / my son or anyone else will not be asked or held responsible for what I have not done or not followed the Islam, is it Un-Islamic? and you want me to give proofs for the same? Whatever I do / not do, is purely my personal thing, as I ll be alone in my grave. In the same lines I will not be asked for any wrongdoings of others, bcaz that is their 'personal' matter.
No, you have got the wrong idea here. As a Muslim, its your liability to guide your children towards Islam and you will be accountable for how you bring up your children. This is what makes us different from animals who just breed and leave their children on their own when they are mature enough.
"Islam" is not a personal thing and creating new matters in religion is bidah and this is exactly what you have displayed.

Once someone asked Rasool (S.A.W) that what is 'Deen e Islam'? he replied 'Ebadat e Khaliq and Khidmat e Makhlooq'. Is that hard to understand the simple definition of Islam? rather we should keep following the mullahs blindly who use Quran / Ahadiths as their business? Just keep the Islam (the religion) separate from Muslims (its followers) thing will get a bit clear to you.
Their is not much difference between Mullahs, leaders, and liberals who twist and bend the religion to suite their agenda. It does not even mean Islam is a personal religion and you have just molded the shape of this hadis according to your heart desire.

He might have not completely followed the guidance of Quran. and your conclusion is just based on 'one thing' and ignoring what he had done for Pakistan. We are not going to make him 'ameer ul momineen' or leader of Islam rather we want him the leader of Pakistan. Thats it.

Obviously verses of Quran and hadis are mental torture to you but let me remind you of prophet mohammed has said about leaders like Mush

Abdullah ibn Harith (ra) narrated that the Muhammad (saw) said, “There will be after me rulers who will have a Fitan (big test) outside their doors, it will be like the big herd of camels, and whenever they give anything to anybody they will take an equivalent amount from his Deen.” [Hakim]

Abdullah ibn Umar (ra) narrated that the Muhammad (saw) said, “Be careful from the doors of the rulers and all its departments (smaller offices). The people closest to the doors of the rulers and its government departments are the furthest away from Allah (swt). And the one who favours the rulers over the Deen of Allah in any matter by justifying him and even if he is silent (i.e. consenting to the evil) Allah will make Fitnah in his heart (both) inner and outer and will make him have no Wara’ (i.e. no fear of Allah) and Allah will leave him confused.” [Daylami]

Ibn Abbas (ra) narrated that Muhammad (saw) said, “There will be a people after me from my Ummah who will recite the Quran, study the Deen, Shaytan will come to them and say if you go to the rulers they will make sum of your Duniyah better for you however do not let them pollute your Deen.” Ubaid ibn Umayr (ra) narrated that Muhammad (saw) said, “Whenever a person comes closer to the rulers (governors, Caliph etc.) he will be far from Allah.” This Hadith is stating that you will not be eligible for the Mercy of Allah (swt).

Abu Darda (ra) narrated that Muhammad (saw) said, “Whoever goes to an unjust ruler by his own free will, whether just to go and see him or to have a good relationship with him or to give Salam to him; then the distance he will enter (walk) into the hellfire will be based upon the amount of steps he took to go to see that ruler including the steps that he took to take him back home. Whoever is inclined to the rulers desires or supports him on what he says then whenever Allah’s curse is on that ruler he will get the equivalent amount (of curse). And whenever that ruler is punished in hellfire for anything that so called scholar will get the same punishment.” Abdullah ibn Umar (ra) narrated that Muhammad (saw) said, “Whoever recites the Quran and studies the Deen deeply and goes to the ruler seeking worldly benefit Allah will seal his heart and punish him everyday.”

A man from the tribe called Salim said, “Oh Messenger of Allah advise me.” Muhammad (saw) said, “Be careful from the doors of the rulers.” [Bayhaqi]

Ibn Abi Dharr (ra) narrated that Muhammad (saw) said, “The best of those from my Ummah are those who do not become close to the gates of the rulers.”

Abdullah ibn Masud (ra) said, “A man will enter the ruler with his Deen and he will walk away without his Deen.” [Bukhari's Tareekh & Saheeh Sahabi]

Abdullah ibn Masud (ra) said, “Knowledge and the people will lead in their own times but they study the Deen for the sake of the people of the Duniyah (i.e. get salaries, positions etc.)” [Ibn Majah and Saheeh Sahabi] Hudaifah (ra) said, “Be careful from any position of Fitn.” Someone asked, “Where is all the Fitn?” Hudaifah (ra) replied, “On the door of the Amir (i.e. ruler), a man will go to the Amir and believe all of his lies and he will say about him what he is not.” [Ibn Abi Sheebah and Saheeh Sahabi]

It has been authentically narrated by Junada bin Abi Umaiya who said, “We entered upon Ubada ibn As-Samit while he was sick. We said, “May Allah make you healthy. Will you tell us a Hadith you heard from the Prophet (saw) and by which Allah may make you benefit?” He said, “The Prophet called us and we gave him the pledge of allegiance for Islam and among the conditions on which he took the pledge from us, was that we were to listen and obey (the orders) both at the time when we were active and at the time when we were tired and at our difficult time and at our ease and to be obedient to the ruler and give him his right even if he did not give us our right and not to fight against him unless we noticed him having open kufr for which we would have a proof with us from Allah.” [Bukhari] )
This glib talker attracted just few hundred people to his show? Ten times more people will attend the jalsa if our hounourable ghazi Mumtaz Qadri launches his political party. In my unworthy opinion fateh e Kargil is the third best option to lead the Islamic Republic, after Mumtaz Qadri and Zaid Hamid..
پاكى;2032891 said:
Thanks for proving me right. This is hardly 400-500 people. You can count them or count on me instead.

Only this much of sensible people is enough to run state affairs efficiently and help remaining people live better lives.
So do Scholars Mullahs and Leaders and it should not come to as a surprised since its a prophecy.

No, you have got the wrong idea here. As a Muslim, its your liability to guide your children towards Islam and you will be accountable for how you bring up your children. This is what makes us different from animals who just breed and leave their children on their own when they are mature enough.
"Islam" is not a personal thing and creating new matters in religion is bidah and this is exactly what you have displayed.

Dont try to deviate from what i said. Please prove from aayah that i ll be held responsible for doings of others. If i do not train my children, then it is me who will be accountable, not you or anyone else. Again if I do not follow Islam, I will be accountable for that not my father/son/etc. So following Islam is purely a personal thing.
Their is not much difference between Mullahs, leaders, and liberals who twist and bend the religion to suite their agenda. It does not even mean Islam is a personal religion and you have just molded the shape of this hadis according to your heart desire.

Islam is 'ebadat e khaliq and khidmat e makhlooq' according to Rasool e Akram
(saw), if you have anything else that is to be included in above, plese enlighten what is that...

I dont know how i have moulded the shape of this hadith?

Obviously verses of Quran and hadis are mental torture to you but let me remind you of prophet mohammed has said about leaders like Mush

Baseless allegation, the typical mullah approach....

Googling with 'leader islam hadith' as keywords and then Copying and pasting Will not convince me....

These ahadiths whose health is always suspicious, are used by mullahs just to convince others... They even quote mun gharat ahadiths...

First prove that Musharraf was Islamic leader then try to fit him in these ahadiths....

Btw, if we should not go for Mush then who do we support? Molana fazlur rehman? jamat e islami? ?????
Sher Afgan Niazi resigns from APML


KARACHI: Senior Vice-President All Pakistan Muslim League Dr Sher Afgan Niazi has resigned from his position and from his membership of the party.

Dr Sher Afgan Niazi has confirmed his resignation to DawnNews. He said that although he still views Pervez Musharraf as his leader, there are people within the party with whom he can no longer work with.

He said that it is no longer a matter of settling differences and that he can no longer think of returning to the party.

Sources said that his view points were no longer being considered in the party offices being made in southern Punjab. Sources have also confirmed that by being aligned with Musharraf his vote bank was being affected in Mianwali.

the only sincere person to musharraf abandoned his leader..
"I am aware of the fact that there were some decisions which I took which resulted in negative political repercussions, repercussions which had adverse effects on nation building and national political events, and my popularity also, may I say, plummeted in that last year. I take this opportunity to sincerely apologize to the whole nation. Ladies and gentlemen, only God is infallible," Musharraf added.
Watch Pervez Musharraf interview on Geo tv, iftikhar ahmed and muhammed malik interviewing.
Mushi uncle stay the **** out of Pakistan u already have done damage too much. No more cheers for u asshole :butcher:
AMPL headquarter closed in London

Updated at: 0854 PST, Tuesday, September 13, 2011

LONDON: Shutters have come down at the London headquarters of Pervez Musharraf's one-year old All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) over the non-payment of monthly rent, utility bills and council tax for five months.

A reliable informant from the party said that the APML owes to the landlord £19,000 in rent money which has not been paid for five months now and this doesn't include the council tax and other utility bills.

The source claimed, and this has been verified by various reliable APML insiders, that Musharraf gave £50,000 to a senior position holder of the party for running the office and other affairs of the party but "a lot of it has been embezzled."

The annual rent of the party's Old Street headquarter was £38,000 and in total it amounted to £45,000 a year when local council taxes etc was included.


oops !!
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