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'Most in Arab world want nuclear Iran'

ptldm3 makes a good point about stockpile reduction. Why the hell do we need Arabs and Iranians to acquire nukes? But then again, who the hell said Israel can point them at our heads unchallenged?

By the way ptldm3 it is not fair to say most Arab armies fight like cowards. By the same token it would not be fair to say most Russians are drunkards thus their armed forces are similar in performance.
Recall Florida in 2004 presidential elections, recall the US supreme court verdict? A stolen election? - - and now they want lecture Iran on elections?

muse, Sir, your pro-leftist predilections are showing. The 2000 election was not stolen. The Florida Supreme Court Democratic majority tried to steal it but it was checked by a 7-2 decision by the US Supreme Court. Note the decision to overturn the Florida Supreme Court was 7-2, including 2 pure liberals! All retrospective analysis of the Florida elections have concluded that Al Gore would have lost had all of his entreaties been granted. To perpetuate the idea that the election was "stolen" merely shows your personal bias, not the facts.
Arab armies don't fight like cowards (Actually they are very brave) But they lack the most basic principles of war. Tactics and strategy.
wow It seems everyone here talking about Arabs not wanting to go nuclear forgot that Iraq already tried it in the early 80s (the Osirak reactor). Israel has alleged that Syria has been trying to do it in the last few years, and responded with a strike against one of their facitlites. Egypt has had a nuclear research center since 1958, but has never tried to aquire weapons. These are just some very random examples and I'm sure there are many more if anyone researchs carefully.

As for Arabs fighting "cowardly", I suggest you actually read the details of the wars they have been in. While, Iran's preformance in the Iran-Iraq war was no better than Iraq's. Each had their successes and failures.
i somewhat support a nuclear Arab world and an Arab Union on the lines of EU which also includes Pakistan and TUrkey in it.....a responsible democratic arab world is what is best for the world's peace and what somewhat piss Europe and America off Asia as it has lots of money to invest in SAARC and China and Africa!!
whats so good about democracy, singapore is a great country

Singapore is a tiny country and there are many things that do not scale up well.

The biggest appeal of democracy is accountability.

I agree that a sham democracy without accountability, like we have in Pakistan, is worse than a dictatorship. At least there is public safety under dictators. But this is getting off-topic.
Singapore is a tiny country and there are many things that do not scale up well.

The biggest appeal of democracy is accountability.

I agree that a sham democracy without accountability, like we have in Pakistan, is worse than a dictatorship. At least there is public safety under dictators. But this is getting off-topic.

yes it is off topic but people bark about democracy as if its a universally good thing, its not, it can in fact be damaging in certain circumstances.

they also go on as about having the right to choice is so important, hardly anyone votes in the uk and hardly anyone would care a great deal about democracy in pakistan if human rights and a stable prosperous economy were ensured, i am not so precious about my "right to vote", its laughable.
i somewhat support a nuclear Arab world and an Arab Union on the lines of EU which also includes Pakistan and TUrkey in it.....a responsible democratic arab world is what is best for the world's peace and what somewhat piss Europe and America off Asia as it has lots of money to invest in SAARC and China and Africa!!

Theres a lot of unstable leadership, even crazies out there, and all that has to happen is one to think the other is going to use a nuclear weapon and all hell breaks loose. If I remember right there are some Christian and Muslems sects that belive in order for Jesus or some Muslem prophet to return Armageddon must take place. The president of Iran might be one of them.

yes it is off topic but people bark about democracy as if its a universally good thing, its not, it can in fact be damaging in certain circumstances.

they also go on as about having the right to choice is so important, hardly anyone votes in the uk and hardly anyone would care a great deal about democracy in pakistan if human rights and a stable prosperous economy were ensured, i am not so precious about my "right to vote", its laughable.

True. Modern democracy is just oligarchy by stealth where a handful of media owners dictate state policy by manipulating public opinion.

The ordinary voter has neither the time nor the desire to be politically knowledgeable and, even if they did and disagreed with the media-sanctioned narrative, the dominant media would dismiss them as fringe lunatics and unpatriotic agitators.
True. Modern democracy is just oligarchy by stealth where a handful of media owners dictate state policy by manipulating public opinion.

The ordinary voter has neither the time nor the desire to be politically knowledgeable and, even if they did and disagreed with the media-sanctioned narrative, the dominant media would dismiss them as fringe lunatics and unpatriotic agitators.

yes this is a truly crazy world

the west it seems has copyright to call itself democratic, open and fair

except its not, its media is controlled, they can get away with monstrous lies and kill thousands in foreign countries

at the same time they can use this copyright as a form of blackmail and left wing imperialism to dictate to others, whilst not exactly walking the walk themselves, and still claim to be fundamentally virtuous at the same time
can i ask a question. Why didnt israel get economic sanctions? They have built nuclear sites. I recall Paskistan getting sanctions and Iran has also gotten economic sanctions for there nuclear project.
can i ask a question. Why didnt israel get economic sanctions? They have built nuclear sites. I recall Paskistan getting sanctions and Iran has also gotten economic sanctions for there nuclear project.
Before you can understand economic sanctions, you should understand trade.

First...Trade is not a right, it is a privilege. I have only the right to initiate trade, but not the right to force you to trade with me. Access to any market is therefore contingent upon mutual agreements between parties. So if trade is a privilege and compelling someone to trade is morally wrong, then refusing to trade is a right. That mean no one can force anyone to trade with anyone we do not like, meaning if the US refuse to trade with North Korea it does not have the right to force China to the same. China can trade with NKR as long as both parties benefit each other.

That mean in order for economic sanctions to work, there must be an agreement among multiple parties that all will not trade with so-and-so country. That agreement came through persuasion, not military force. So if ten countries agreed not to trade with North Korea but there are five who want to trade with NKR, there is nothing that group of ten can do. If the US propose group economic sanctions on NKR and no one agree, then only the US will not trade with NKR while everyone else profit from NKR.

You need to ask individual country as to why each will trade with Israel but not Iran.
You need to ask individual country as to why each will trade with Israel but not Iran.

Yes... and by the same token, you have to ask Russia and China why they trade with Iran even though Iran is angering America.

It's the same reason that America trades with Saudi Arabia... despite the fact that women aren't even allowed to drive a car in Saudi Arabia.

They just want the Oil.

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