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'Most in Arab world want nuclear Iran'

Arab Countries are cowards, they are used by the US and can't handle Isreal, also the laws and rules they have uses and abuses Islam. Turkey, Pakistan and Iran are the only Islamic countries that are taking matters into their own hands.
. The three countries mentioned has different stories. Turkey=Turks who were warriers but unfortunately converted to Islam and whole idea of fighting Turks in expanding islam before 1000 years has gone in vain because in that process actual Aryan (ie today's Iran) & land of Hinduism's birth (today's Pakistan) got converted. It was the peoples quality of these nations regardsless of religion that makes them special. World would have been different had these countries never converted to Islam. In my opinion Iranians are not only best Muslims but one the best learned, cultured people on Earth. Down with Arabs.
That's a interesting point -- how is Iran "forcing" other countries to react to what is for Iranians to decide? After all, would you say that Israeli development of nuclear power "forced" Iran to do likewise?

If yes, then shouldn't pressure be on Israel to denuclearize ? thereby allowing Iran to do so? Or perhaps "leadership" from others will show the way forward?

Has Israel used these weapons ? Have they threatened Nuclear war? Also do they run a backward Islamic agenda ? The U.S. is keeping Israel calm when it comes to Iran but if Iranian nukes come into the picture even the U.S. won't stay calm. Iran is not forced to build nukes because they are not under the threat of war. They are creating a problem by themselves. Israel is not plotting to invade and destroy Iran and Iraq is long gone. Why exactly does Iran need nuclear weapons ?
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I think its time the ARAB WORLD should GO NUCLEAR itself

Do not about other Arab nations however Saudi Arabia should acquire nuclear weapons but if they are too dump to realize the need of it then they should support nuclear Iran. Iran will safe guard holy cities from out side intrusion.

Zionist also need to be checked for dadagiri.
Do not about other Arab nations however Saudi Arabia should acquire nuclear weapons but if they are too dump to realize the need of it then they should support nuclear Iran. Iran will safe guard holy cities from out side intrusion.

Zionist also need to be checked for dadagiri.

Saudi is nothing but a puppet of the US.Moreover i dont think they have the capability of building a nuke.
its funny u mentioned Israel.I think the saudi gov decided to allow IAF jets to use Saudi airspace .So who is the Dada???
I think the saudi gov decided to allow IAF jets to use Saudi airspace .So who is the Dada???

It was propaganda by Zionist. Saudia denied the allegation and Saudi will not be that stupid to allow Zionist to attack on Iran. They will be destroy from within.
It was propaganda by Zionist. Saudia denied the allegation and Saudi will not be that stupid to allow Zionist to attack on Iran. They will be destroy from within.

How do u know it was propaganda.The saudis will never agree to it openly.Remember that the Al Saud family has close ties with the US.
Arab world do not want Iran to be nuclear. Arabs were united to keep middle east nuke free. That is why Israel has never declared (actually is not capable) itself as a nuclear state. On lighter note: May be Arabs want Iran to be a nuclear state so that USA can expedite its efforts to invade her.

As far as democracy in Muslim nations is concerned then its wrong to blame totally on USA for this (this is only what i have to say).
Arabs want nuclear-free Middle East, they back the Iranian program to pressure Israel.
There are a lot of divisions within the Arab world. Generalizing won't get us anywhere. I can think of some Arab countries who would like it, but many are against Iran even having an air force. Iraq-Iran war has not left the minds of millions, remember that.
Democracy in the muslim world is America's worst nightmare.

yep, its the rest of the worlds worst nightmare too. west aligned dictatorships are the only thing keeping the only major totalitarian-fascist memplex in the world in check. :azn:

btw, given how smart you are, i'd be surprised if you haven't seen through this memeplex for what it is.
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I think most Arabs are glad that someone affront the US and Israel in middle East, sunni Arabs don't want Shia Supremecy in Middle East.

In Pakistan, we never had major problems among Shias-Sunnis. Both Ottoman and Mughal empires followed Sunni Hanafi fiqh while Safavid dynasty followed Shia Ithna Asharia fiqh. It was only after Afghan jihad that different countries start funding extremist sectarian groups. It is Saudi Arabia's regime with Hanbali fiqh based extremist Wahabi sect that is spreading anti-Shia sentiments. Saudi Arabia's major oil fields are situated in Eastern province populated by Shias and that is problem and source of their fear. There is no major problem among Shia-Sunni except Saudi spread hatred in Muslim world.
I think its time the ARAB WORLD should GO NUCLEAR itself

Ah no, we can't allow, no we must not allow that. The ideal thing to do is to reduce nuclear stockpiles and perhaps eventually eliminate them, something the US and Russia has been working on.

Nuclear weapons are still extremely dangerous even if they are only intended as a deterence, what happens if there is a glitch in the computer that indicates an incoming enemy ICBM launch? This has happened before. What happens if a computer clitch arms an ICBM? again this has happend before. What happens if eventually nuclear weapons are disposed of improperly? Or what happens if few fanaticals decide the launch an ICBM?

It's no ones fault that most Arab armies fight like cowards (no offense), if they want a deterence they should start by building professional militaries. Nuclear weaponds are no joke, why should the world bare the burden of another nuclear state?
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yep, its the rest of the worlds worst nightmare too. west aligned dictatorships are the only thing keeping the only major totalitarian-fascist memplex in the world in check. :azn:

btw, given how smart you are, i'd be surprised if you haven't seen through this memeplex for what it is.

What Developreo said is true to some extent,read this book ,Clash of Fundamentalisms: Crusades, Jihads and Modernity (2002) by Tariq Ali It explains very well how democracy in the middle-east will impact American influence in that region.

But then again like you said those dictators are keeping things under control,considering Iraq's example.So Middle-east should be given its time to adopt democracy,rather than forcing it on them.

Every nation considers having nukes as international prestige symbol,attaining influence in their neighborhood,perfect deterrent against invasions etc.Only when others neighbouring nations too develop nukes they realize it was a curse from the start.

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