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Militants gouge out both eyes of Indian Army jawan in J&K



You talking about this?? I made my views clear I never said I supported Xinjiang violence, in fact we had a conversation on the topic in the thread. :no:

From that thread:

That being said if the government is restricting them from doing things that are obligated to them in Islam on a state level then they are supposed to fight back and therefore they are justified.

And other members like ajtr were much more enthusiastic about supporting the terrorists in Xinjiang.

Anyway, why does it matter what we kaffirs think?
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A bit strange that the "freedom fighters" should capture a indian solider and then release him with his eyes taken out......could this be the hysterical indian media at work again?
Good for you.

Good for me, good for kashmiris, good for humanity.

Our jawans have shed a lot of blood to make Kashmir peaceful, despite all the mischief done by pak sponsored terror groups and separatists. Lashkar-e-whatevers, hizb-ul or harkat-ul or whatever other ul-mujahideens, etc etc. From 1989 to 2009, these terrorists have tried their best to make Kashmir a hell. But today Kashmir is a peaceful place (despite incidents like this), and those terrorists are fertilizing its soil. All thanks to the rashtriya rifles and other security agencies.

Yes, very good for everyone except the people who's devious designs got frustrated.
From that thread:

And other members like ajtr were much more enthusiastic about supporting the terrorists in Xinjiang.

Anyway, why does it matter what we kaffirs think?

Yes and it was proven to be a hoax or no? :coffee: Of course it matters little to me but if you are going to accuse me of something at least be truthful. Read on in the thread to where we spoke. :rolleyes:
A bit strange that the "freedom fighters" should capture a indian solider and then release him with his eyes taken out......could this be the hysterical indian media at work again?

Possible. There is a jawan who's name and other details have been released, and who's family is with him now, with both his eyes gorged out. It is possible that it was done by a passing flight of birds or wild animals, and the media is blaming poor, peaceful "freedom fighters".
Good for me, good for kashmiris, good for humanity.

Our jawans have shed a lot of blood to make Kashmir peaceful, despite all the mischief done by pak sponsored terror groups and separatists. Lashkar-e-whatevers, hizb-ul or harkat-ul or whatever other ul-mujahideens, etc etc. From 1989 to 2009, these terrorists have tried their best to make Kashmir a hell. But today Kashmir is a peaceful place (despite incidents like this), and those terrorists are fertilizing its soil. All thanks to the rashtriya rifles and other security agencies.

Yes, very good for everyone except the people who's devious designs got frustrated.

Look kid... i already said im sorry for the poor indian soldier... what else u want from me? a bleedin tribute? not happenin.. i like 180 million Pakistanis support the kashmiri struggle but not such inhumane act... nor the barbaric acts of indian army ... be it the sopore rapes and killings or the genocide of kashmiri people... now get lost.... create a new thread if u want il be happy to babysit you there.
How come the indians are not calling these guys terrorist but freedom fighters?......just hope you keep using the tag "freedom fighters" when it comes to all issues on kashmir and not just the ones where it suits you.
Good for me, good for kashmiris, good for humanity.

Our jawans have shed a lot of blood to make Kashmir peaceful, despite all the mischief done by pak sponsored terror groups and separatists. Lashkar-e-whatevers, hizb-ul or harkat-ul or whatever other ul-mujahideens, etc etc. From 1989 to 2009, these terrorists have tried their best to make Kashmir a hell. But today Kashmir is a peaceful place (despite incidents like this), and those terrorists are fertilizing its soil. All thanks to the rashtriya rifles and other security agencies.

Yes, very good for everyone except the people who's devious designs got frustrated.
:) good now this is officialy now a dead thread walking..
What about RAW Backed attacks taking place in pakistan!
Possible. There is a jawan who's name and other details have been released, and who's family is with him now, with both his eyes gorged out. It is possible that it was done by a passing flight of birds or wild animals, and the media is blaming poor, peaceful "freedom fighters".

Theres no need to go the extraordinary, maybe his rifle misfired?
This is inhumane! What is wrong with people?! Disgusting people cant fight like a human?! Heinous acts are becoming more common...

The Kashmir seperatists gave up fighting like humans a long time ago, as did Pakistan. India's ability to keep her territory and seperatists' inability to take it were realized long ago, which is why for the past two decades, they have been trying to do it through terror attacks. The famous "bleeding india by a thousand cuts" strategy. That too failed, all the terror networks within india have been crushed and dismantled, and the border sealed off to prevent foreign terrorists coming in. So the only thing they can do is these random acts of violence, like beheading or eye-plucking.

Not because they will get an inch of Kashmir, but because that is the only thing they can do to justify their existence.

Look kid... i already said im sorry for the poor indian soldier... what else u want from me? a bleedin tribute? not happenin.. i like 180 million Pakistanis support the kashmiri struggle but not such inhumane act... nor the barbaric acts of indian army ... be it the sopore rapes and killings or the genocide of kashmiri people... now get lost.... create a new thread if u want il be happy to babysit you there.

I did not ask anything from you, neither tribute nor baby sitting. I said what I wanted to say. It is not your place to ask me to get lost.

The only genocide that happened in Kashmir was the mass exodus of pundits. No other group has been exterminated from that state (which is what genocide means, to exterminate one particular ethnic or religious group).
The Kashmir seperatists gave up fighting like humans a long time ago, as did Pakistan. India's ability to keep her territory and seperatists' inability to take it were realized long ago, which is why for the past two decades, they have been trying to do it through terror attacks. The famous "bleeding india by a thousand cuts" strategy. That too failed, all the terror networks within india have been crushed and dismantled, and the border sealed off to prevent foreign terrorists coming in. So the only thing they can do is these random acts of violence, like beheading or eye-plucking.

Not because they will get an inch of Kashmir, but because that is the only thing they can do to justify their existence.

People are trying to condole with you guys- and yet you still find a way to blame us-
And eventually some one will end up saying good riddance and your a55 will be on fire then-
How come the indians are not calling these guys terrorist but freedom fighters?......just hope you keep using the tag "freedom fighters" when it comes to all issues on kashmir and not just the ones where it suits you.

Did you notice that you yourself used that phrase? And many Pakistanis before you? Anyway this is what your "freedom fighters" have been doing for the last 25 years. Other than random acts of terror, they haven't done any military warring with the indian army. It is Pakistan that keeps insisting on calling seperatists as "freedom fighters".
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