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May Allah save Islam from Pakistan

I hate these extremist Mullahs and their brand of misguided Extremist Islam. They have twisted this beautiful peaceful Islam on its head.

According to History these idiots came from hindustan [barelvi-ahmadi-deobandi-shafi], rest is imported from saudi arab that includes wahabi, salafi, maliki.
I did not bother to read the Article but people are too much obsessed with PTI.

This is not a single case there are thousands of Pakistanis who die daily deliberately due to police, doctors, friends, families, business associates, religious fanatics and so on, until there is no Proper Government and Strict Law & Order Imposed things will continue like this, for now sabr karo aur blame PTI par mat dalo, main ney ban outfits key jhandey ppp-pml-mqm, JI kay rallies main dekhay hain.

Ah Yes the way you guys kill christians and sikhs and forgot muslims and new addition is african people and even kill people who you think could be jado garni. Go Swami Raj!!!

tee hee.. we have no laws that say its ok to kill these kind of people.. your constitution says death to bleasphemers.
there lies the big difference uncle.

According to History these idiots came from hindustan [barelvi-ahmadi-deobandi-shafi], rest is imported from saudi arab that includes wahabi, salafi, maliki.
lol.. you guys wanted them.. there are more such who have the right to call pakistan their home..
abut salman taseer he was not blasphemer at all he was just helping a women whom accused for Blasphemy damn . its a signal that even if you help Blasphemer you are Blasphemer and will be killed . wow and we will petal roses on murdrer :confused: no one can help pakistan now .
abut salman taseer he was not blasphemer at all he was just helping a women whom accused for Blasphemy damn . its a signal that even if you help Blasphemer you are Blasphemer and will be killed . wow and we will petal roses on murdrer :confused: no one can help pakistan now .

he deserved it.. he shouldnt have supported a blasphemer who is a criminal according to law.
i wish all those who support the supporter of an alleged blasphemer also get sent to heaven. (only for pakistan by the way)
Sir Mullahs taught Islam t he problem of liberals is that they want to follow that Islam which suits them but this will never happen and Islam is Islam their is no such thing as peaceful Islam Islam teaches peace with those who want peace but those who attack Islam and Muslims Islam teaches to have war with them and to take them out

What are you talking about ? I am speaking about Mullahs that send in 12 year old kids to blow up innocent civilians. Is that your Islam ?

If you support such Mullahs then you are one sick person. Does your Islam teach you to kill innocent Shia Civilians ? Are you defending these Barbaric " Lashkar e Jhangvi " Mullahs ?

BTW, I am a Sunni Muslim but I have no respect for these animals I just described. Tell me if your support these animals ?
On a happier note, this incident is leading to some introspection and soul-searching on the part of Pakistan, we all have stupid stuff happen in our countries...this is the way to handle it. Find out what is wrong...see if you can mitigate it.
Human having something called brain at-least by using this part of body they can easily understand the difference between wrong and right I don't think so you need Mullahs every minutes.
he deserved it.. he shouldnt have supported a blasphemer who is a criminal according to law.
i wish all those who support the supporter of an alleged blasphemer also get sent to heaven. (only for pakistan by the way)

And I wish Indian TROLLS like yourself should be sent to the opposite direction of Heaven. I think you know what I really mean ?:wave:
On a happier note, this incident is leading to some introspection and soul-searching on the part of Pakistan, we all have stupid stuff happen in our countries...this is the way to handle it. Find out what is wrong...see if you can mitigate it.
Last soul searching on Blasphemy law happened exactly 1.6 years back last January after Punjab Governor Salman Taseer's assassination and which ended up in killer being feted and showered with rose petals by lawyers just outside court and judge who sentenced the killer had to leave Pakistan with his wife for fear of his life And the present Pakistan ambassador to USA Sherry Rehman had to drop her plan for constitutional amendments in blasphemy laws after threats.
The problem in today's Pakistan is that majority of them are in fix over their status

Are they -
-An open and modern society with Islamic values or
-A conservative society with radical views
-A liberal society but wants to be custodian of Islam

There is ambiguity in its every approach. People don't know in which category the fall. There are radicals and fanatics, there are people with true Islamic values, there are people with semi-Islamic values then there are people who don't follow any of the values of Islam but will insist in calling themselves Muslim.

Few examples-
- Liquor is served in high-society parties whereas any instance on street termed as unIslamic by the same people.
- Open mujra shows are there but the same people want their own women to be in hijab.
- Pakistanis are largest searcher of **** on net but sex is a taboo for discussion.

Pakistan need to understand itself as to whether its an actual custodian of the Islamic values or its just forcibly carrying it forward. Being fanatic in religion is no crime but being liberal with the religion is neither!!
Indians won't miss anything to criticise Islam, but the truth and reality speak for themselves;
The first Human suicide bombings, that we all have witnessed were the killings of Indira Gandhi and her son Rajiv afterwards, The internet is also full of Indian suicide bombers videos even at local government's offices. Lunching of people is very common too, the examples are numerous, but I'll mention the case of the catholic priest killed lately, destruction of temples and mosques are world famous in memories of billions of people and it was "made in India", I can go on and on, but I wish the Indians on this forum to come to their senses before criticising any others.
I do not know for sure(100%, but sure at 90%),That if someone goes to any "practising" religious community's neighbourhood and, let's say burns a Bible (In Ireland or southern US), a Torah (in Israel) or some Hindu religious symbols(in India) for instance, in front of these people, if his fate will be less violent than this Pakistani guy!!!
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