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May Allah save Islam from Pakistan

Sir that is law of Islam if your have problem with Islam openly admit it because order of Islam is to finish of the one who commit blasphemer and any one who helps him we don't tolerate blasphemers and what ever they do
Read this: http://www.islamicvoice.com/April2006/QuestionHour-DrZakirNaik/

Contrary to your belief, Islam gives several options for dealing with blasphemers.

Also, what about falsely accusing an individual for blasphemy for personal gain or revenge? In a country like Pakistan where people have no respect for the law - you can expect the accused to get lynched by fanatics or even pretenders of faith without a fair trial in the court.

Who have given common people the right to punish a blasphemer without trial? Only Islamic authoritarians can decide the fate of the blasphemer and this too after a fair trial.

Picture yourself in the place of the accused to understand what I am saying.

funny thing about this is that despite all the links and all the ***-headed trolls polluting this thread (forum) --- nobody mentioned that religious parties have never managed to gain a foothold in politics....maybe sometimes JUI or MMA gained seats in frontier but a broader national level (and despite no shortage of funds) they still never managed to gain any real position of power

yeah sounds like Pakistan is "losing to mullahs"

This is not a matter for laughing. Extremists do not need to be in the government to prove their power in Pakistan.

Salman Taseer incident should teach you something.

p.s. indians of all people cant claim morality here....not after gujrat genocide, genocide of christians; slaughter of sikhs and even "untouchables"
Agreed on this.
Sir Islam only makes society better but secularism make people complete animals with no moral values

Yeah sure. If conservative laws, less freedom, and less opportunity is what you support, then an 'Islamic' (or more precisely a 'theocratic') state is what you'd want. However, if you want a prosperous state like those in the West, then secularism is necessary.

And lol at "no moral values". People like you who want to impose your religious values on the rest of society are the people with few moral values.

funny thing about this is that despite all the links and all the ***-headed trolls polluting this thread (forum) --- nobody mentioned that religious parties have never managed to gain a foothold in politics....maybe sometimes JUI or MMA gained seats in frontier but a broader national level (and despite no shortage of funds) they still never managed to gain any real position of power

yeah sounds like Pakistan is "losing to mullahs"

Despite that, clergy have great street power in Pakistan and are part of the reason why Pakistan is in it's conservative and ultra-religious state. If you even mention something somewhat "anti" religion, people often give you that look as if you just committed murder.

And although there were religious extremists in Pakistan pre-1970, Pakistan witnessed a huge rise in extremism when the "secular" ZAB tried to appease Mullahs and fanatics and he got killed in the end anyway. He was just a tool who though he good reap in millions of extra votes. And then Zia arrived on the scene and as they say the rest is history.
"Picture yourself in the place of the accused to understand what I am saying".

You really should have inserted a health warning with the above quote because I did "picture myself" and I could not sleep all night. Even now I am having nightmares of being chased by crazed mobs in some Punjabi town.
please explain the bold part,
religion needs humans for its survival, not the other way arround. Religion is just a nother lifeless parasite that needs a emotionally weak host.
Islam doesn't think that way humans need Islam not the other way around GOD if can create humans can make the part of history and bring those in front who will love Islam more than their lives so it is test of humans that they implement Islam or not
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