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Maulana Azad's predictions about the sub-continent

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Jul 29, 2011
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Let me from the outset declare that I am a patriotic Pakistani who was born and raised in Pakistan. Both my Parents were born and raised in Delhi and migrated to Pakistan. Being a Pakistani is my ethos and my identity. Having said that I will say to my Pakistani fellow countrymen to not be emotional when looking back at historical events. Some wise man once said those who do not learn from History are condemned to repeat same old mistakes over and over again. Now instead of emotionalism we need to look at the past with realistic and cool analysis to learn from our history. Calling Maulana Azad names without even having a remotest idea what he said to the Muslims of subcontinent is shortchanging history and even shortchanging ourselves.

The argument Maulana Azad was making was simply this. Muslims of Subcontinent are a minority but they happen to be a humongous minority. By creating Pakistan, you will divide Muslims into two and possibly three separate groups ( Yes he had predicted in 1947 that East Pakistan will break away from West Pakistan leaving Muslims of Subcontinent into three groups ) thereby weakening their collective bargaining power.

Even though I realize their is no going back, I just want you to know these facts. Today Indian government claims that Muslims are only 13.64 % of Indian Population. Most of my Indian friends say the govt undercounts Muslims for political reasons and that the correct %age is closer to 20%. Even if we accept this number to be 13.64 % govt. figure, both Congress and and BJP perform somersaults to get this votebank. Imagine the power of 500 million + muslims would have wielded in an undivided India. We are under the delusion that Jinnah got us Pakistan, the reality is Nehru and more appropriately Sardar Patel allowed Jinnah to make Pakistan and solve their Muslim problem. Why ? because a 35 % + Muslim block vote spelled disaster for them. Muslims would still not have been the kings but instead they would have been KINGMAKERS , and my friends a KINGMAKER is more powerful than the King because the Kingmaker can pull the carpet under the feet of the king anytime.

Please listen to the Prophetic words of Maulana Azad with a cool mind and then tell me if he did speak the truth and he was anti muslim. Here is the Speech Maulana Azad made in 1947:

Prophetic sayings of Maulana Azad
Even though I realize their is no going back, I just want you to know these facts. Today Indian government claims that Muslims are only 13.64 % of Indian Population. Most of my Indian friends say the govt undercounts Muslims for political reasons and that the correct %age is closer to 20%. Even if we accept this number to be 13.64 % govt. figure, both Congress and and BJP perform somersaults to get this votebank. Imagine the power of 500 million + muslims would have wielded in an undivided India. We are under the delusion that Jinnah got us Pakistan, the reality is Nehru and more appropriately Sardar Patel allowed Jinnah to make Pakistan and solve their Muslim problem. Why ? because a 35 % + Muslim block vote spelled disaster for them. Muslims would still not have been the kings but instead they would have been KINGMAKERS , and my friends a KINGMAKER is more powerful than the King because the Kingmaker can pull the carpet under the feet of the king anytime.

Do you even gave a thought to the idea in an undivided india hindus would also have been a votebank and as the larger votebank again would have had the bargaining power ?

..only because of the muslims are now a minority in india they are pampered...else they would also be neglected as the hindus....as the only way politicians get their vote is inducing a fear psychosis among them...being in equal population as the hindus there would not have been the fear pychosis.....
Do you even gave a thought to the idea in an undivided india hindus would also have been a votebank and as the larger votebank again would have had the bargaining power ?

..only because of the muslims are now a minority in india they are pampered...else they would also be neglected as the hindus....as the only way politicians get their vote is inducing a fear psychosis among them...being in equal population as the hindus there would not have been the fear pychosis.....

I think you are missing the point. In an undivided India two Hindu political parties are facing each other in elections ( like CONGRESS and BJP). Lets say one of these ( either Congress of BJP ) is backed by 35 % block vote of Muslims. Now this party with 35 % Muslim vote would only need 22% percent of vote from the remaining 65% vote to win. I am sure even a Genius like yourself can figure out the implication of this scenario if you choose to do so.
You should know that it was due to Muslims like Maulana Azad that many areas didn't came into Pakistan, otherwise today whole Punjab & a big area of UP would've been Pakistan.
. .
Nope, sorry. Im glad we Muslims of the North West broke away. Now we form a clear majority in parts of the subcontinent. In a united India, Muslims would be a minority everywhere except KP and Balochistan. Being a minority means you are at the mercy of the majority.
We are under the delusion that Jinnah got us Pakistan, the reality is Nehru and more appropriately Sardar Patel allowed Jinnah to make Pakistan and solve their Muslim problem. Why ? because a 35 % + Muslim block vote spelled disaster for them.

It cannot be said by Maulana Azad, the fact is very wrong. In the 40s Punjab, Sindh and NWFP all the provincial govts had Congress govts. Among the Muslim Majority states only Bengal where Muslim league had majority. Thats is after Jinnah's 'direct action' changed the situation. Still after the independence when there was an election in NWFP to join Pakistan, it is said that people voted 51:49 in favor of it while Congress and AG Khan boycotted the poll. In the previous election in pre independence NWFP, Congress was the largest party with maximum no of seats.

But now many thinks the partition was good for us.
I'm glad that I live in Pakistan. Indian muslims don't give a **** about Pakistan, so I don't care about them. I'm only concerned with Pakistanis, of every religion.
Whatever may be your beliefs, but Maulana Azad was one of those great men who got undivided India (which included Pakistan & Bangladesh) her freedom. He should not be viewed only as an Indian, because he is a part of all our history.
You should know that it was due to Muslims like Maulana Azad that many areas didn't came into Pakistan, otherwise today whole Punjab & a big area of UP would've been Pakistan.

This is totally news to me. Please educate me how could UP with 18% Muslim population could become part of Pakistan.
This is totally news to me. Please educate me how could UP with 18% Muslim population could become part of Pakistan.

Because Western areas(bordering Punjab) were majority Muslim areas so when whole Punjab goes to Pakistan the Muhajirs of UP would have easily fought for their land which they totally lost now, but dumbs like Maulana Azad messed up every thing by dividing with Sir Jinnah. BTW my grand parents were from UP too.
Because Western areas(bordering Punjab) were majority Muslim areas so when whole Punjab goes to Pakistan the Muhajirs of UP would have easily fought for their land which they totally lost now, but dumbs like Maulana Azad messed up every thing by dividing with Sir Jinnah. BTW my grand parents were from UP too.

My young friend if Pakistan got all of Punjab, it would have come with all of the Sikhs. You think they would have liked to join Pakistan and would Pakistan have been receptive to such a scenario ?
My young friend if Pakistan got all of Punjab, it would have come with all of the Sikhs. You think they would have liked to join Pakistan and would Pakistan have been receptive to such a scenario ?

Actually Sikhs doesn't care for India or Pakistan, they want united Punjab, maybe there would be some Sikhs who would oppose but i don't see any other reason why they would've not liked it.
My young friend if Pakistan got all of Punjab, it would have come with all of the Sikhs. You think they would have liked to join Pakistan and would Pakistan have been receptive to such a scenario ?

suggestion: read some books on partition.
I and we (pakistanis) dont give a damn wat maulana said 70years ago...we have a pakistan today and are proud to have it.
Its a country where all muslims are free to practise Islam. So its good.

What matters to us is where this country is headed. We need to improve our country. Build dams, extract ores, purify resources, build defences and then enjoy..

So regardless of what the reason for the creation of this country was, we are glad to have it.
for muslims brothers:there is a hadith which summarised :that any muslim who looks or enquires about his future/predictions is said to have 40 prayers cancelled.
I know lot of people follow predictions/future telling and they dont care or least know because all they follow is telling/qualifying for the rest of the world that they are peaceful while some of the others slaughter them...
to hell with maulana azad or anyother xyzzz....
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