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Man created God!!


Nov 21, 2008
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Yes you read that right. Please consider this as my personal view OR "nazaria".

we all know that that Man over the centuries evolved from an APE to first Hominid and then eventually to Homosapien. (which is our current form.).
During our evolution our ancestors discovered fire , wheel , lever etc. There is no doubts about that.
Man was initially a Hunter then evolved to be a farmer..at that point he realized that Rain has role to play ..so do Sun as a energy source.
Hence if you relate most of ancient civilizations have Rain God , Sun god. From middle eastern civilizations to Mayan civilizations ..Sun has been a common God. why??? bec they realized that it is bec of it their is life on earth.

Mayans went a step further and to please the Gods .. they gave human sacrifices..watch the movie Appoclyptus!!

Man evolved further in thousands of years and Races spread across continents, changed color of skin based on climates etc.

Man was always and still is scared of future and uncertainties, So to find a solace, started to think about destiny.. that is when God also evolved ...
stories were made out of common man .. who were either kings or saints off track people. Over the years what they preached also got evolved ..became epics or tales or supernatural things.

All modern day religions have similar past.

But having said that Religion was evolved as civilizations evolved .. to prevent some one to live like animals , Man was to be tied up to some faith, so that atleaset he or she is scared of something atleaset after he dies. now let me share some similarities or deterrents:

1. For Hindus it is Narak
2. For Islam it is Jahanum / or do zak ki aag
3. For Christianity - Hell.
4. Jews - not sure what-- Maybe Nazi death camps
This post made by indian member doesnt make any sense at all.

Almost all Pakistanis are Muslims, we will always stay Muslims.

You Indians can turn athiests, we dont care but we Pakistanis will always stay Muslim and we are happy being Muslims.
I agree with the topic but its personnal thing for everyone,so maybe some ppl here may feel offended by this topic.
1. For Hindus it is Narak
2. For Islam it is Jahanum / or do zak ki aag
3. For Christianity - Hell.
4. Jews - not sure what-- Maybe Nazi death camps

Good philosophy "" Man created GOD" but the question remains same otherwise:" Who created man". Religion is more a personnel matter of faith and belief. it can be defined as a set of symbolic forms and acts which relate man to the ultimate conditions of his existence."

But for jews ur finding is hilarious.:yahoo:
I agree totally that man created God. But the concept is worth it in daily life. I take solace in believing that there is someone watching us and ensures fairness if we follow the rules. The same was personified in every God. It is unfortunate that it has reached a stage where people fight over God. As far as I am concerned I keep my God to myself and feel it comforting to believe in him. May be the concept of hell was necessary in those ages. Now people are more civilized they don't need blind rules and punishments designated for their violations. These rules are just like constitution of a nation. I feel they should stay as far as the spiritual practices and customs are concerned. We should not forget our culture.
But for the order of the society, modern laws are required which is nothing but the present day constittions.

Please give your comments
Sorry if I offended anyone. I dont see anything that can be complained about. If there is anything please do post about it.
Always ready to give more of my views
Stop this rubish Man did not create GOD and for the ones that cant repect wat others belive then leave from here !

Where's the disrespect? He's only talking abt his beliefs.

don't YOU say that ur prophet is the last prophet of god etc etc - does that mean u r disrespecting others who don't believe the same?
man might or might not have created god. God could have created man. But man definitely created Religious ideology.
Looks like most Pakistanis in this forum have strong beliefs in their religion and most Indians in this forum dont have strong beliefs in their religion.

Very intersting!!!
Yes you read that right. Please consider this as my personal view OR "nazaria".

we all know that that Man over the centuries evolved from an APE to first Hominid and then eventually to Homosapien. (which is our current form.).
During our evolution our ancestors discovered fire , wheel , lever etc. There is no doubts about that.
Man was initially a Hunter then evolved to be a farmer..at that point he realized that Rain has role to play ..so do Sun as a energy source.
Hence if you relate most of ancient civilizations have Rain God , Sun god. From middle eastern civilizations to Mayan civilizations ..Sun has been a common God. why??? bec they realized that it is bec of it their is life on earth.

Mayans went a step further and to please the Gods .. they gave human sacrifices..watch the movie Appoclyptus!!

Man evolved further in thousands of years and Races spread across continents, changed color of skin based on climates etc.

Man was always and still is scared of future and uncertainties, So to find a solace, started to think about destiny.. that is when God also evolved ...
stories were made out of common man .. who were either kings or saints off track people. Over the years what they preached also got evolved ..became epics or tales or supernatural things.

All modern day religions have similar past.

But having said that Religion was evolved as civilizations evolved .. to prevent some one to live like animals , Man was to be tied up to some faith, so that atleaset he or she is scared of something atleaset after he dies. now let me share some similarities or deterrents:

1. For Hindus it is Narak
2. For Islam it is Jahanum / or do zak ki aag
3. For Christianity - Hell.
4. Jews - not sure what-- Maybe Nazi death camps
You have over simplified things.

Let's take your 1st assumption to test. Man was evolved from Apes. Taking Darwin's own theory of evolution, we still haven't found the missing link that would explain how from APE we got man through natural selection.

A humanoid, does not fulfill Darwin's own theory.

Now why remain to outer appearances, lets take the theory of evolution to the molecular levels. Everything evolved right? All living matter, is created from other matter. New cells in your body are generated by factories, called Proteins. Proteins are generated from further proteins.

Till date you cannot make a protein in a lab without the use of another protein. I'm talking about a lab, where you can add all sorts of chemicals together except for a protein.

Where did that 1st bit of protein come from?

Now my theory does not prove God. But it disproves the theory of evolution. There is something that created life, that created protein to allow natural selection and bring forward present day man. Furthermore, natural selection doesn't always work at the molecular level. Darwin made the whole thing up by his observation of animals with big beaks, small beaks, different colored frogs, etc. True science is at the molecular level.

This is what neo-Science, calls the theory of intelligent design. You can't PROVE that God made life, you can't prove that chance made life either. But you can PROVE that life was MADE out of a design by an intelligent being. Maybe we were a lab experiment by ancient Aliens, maybe we started calling this ancient alien, God or maybe it was God and the Quran is correct. We can't prove either through science. But through science we can disprove, Natural selection.
You have over simplified things.

Let's take your 1st assumption to test. Man was evolved from Apes. Taking Darwin's own theory of evolution, we still haven't found the missing link that would explain how from APE we got man through natural selection.

A humanoid, does not fulfill Darwin's own theory.

Now why remain to outer appearances, lets take the theory of evolution to the molecular levels. Everything evolved right? All living matter, is created from other matter. New cells in your body are generated by factories, called Proteins. Proteins are generated from further proteins.

Till date you cannot make a protein in a lab without the use of another protein. I'm talking about a lab, where you can add all sorts of chemicals together except for a protein.

Where did that 1st bit of protein come from?

Now my theory does not prove God. But it disproves the theory of evolution. There is something that created life, that created protein to allow natural selection and bring forward present day man. Furthermore, natural selection doesn't always work at the molecular level. Darwin made the whole thing up by his observation of animals with big beaks, small beaks, different colored frogs, etc. True science is at the molecular level.

This is what neo-Science, calls the theory of intelligent design. You can't PROVE that God made life, you can't prove that chance made life either. But you can PROVE that life was MADE out of a design by an intelligent being. Maybe we were a lab experiment by ancient Aliens, maybe we started calling this ancient alien, God or maybe it was God and the Quran is correct. We can't prove either through science. But through science we can disprove, Natural selection.

Utterly Crap!!!,

Beside protein there are lots of other things that science cannot do. It does not mean it can't be done. This theory of Intelligent Design is made up from these religious fanatics that have nothing to do but disapprove scientific thinking. These Religious fanatics in America had the gull to go to congress and ban evolution theory from the schools. If that would have happen, i would have simply left this country and moved. People who believe in this crap of Intelligent Design and make it into a science are just out of touch with the real world.
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Till date you cannot make a protein in a lab without the use of another protein. I'm talking about a lab, where you can add all sorts of chemicals together except for a protein.

Where did that 1st bit of protein come from?

Your assumption or misrepresented fact is wrong. A protein can be made simply out of a synthetic chemical reaction in a lab without another protein being used as a catalyst. There are many companies that synthesize proteins of 20-50 amino acids.

The first bit of protein also came out of chemical reactions by chance which is nothing but evolution.

Evolution has been observed even happening at molecular level. Bacteria's ability to gain resistance to antibiotics, for example, is a result of mutations in DNA which produces a altered protein which no longer is inhibited by the antibiotic.

Science and Religion (or God) cannot go hand in hand and everything can be explained by science but in some cases it needs more time.

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