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Indian Man with 14.5 inch hairy TAIL

Science the western way measures. Whereas the philosophical systems in India developed stuff long before your science measured stuff. Take a field psychiatry. The entire western theory of mind science was based on Freud. They had to dismiss that lock, stock, barrel, when they came across Hindu philosophies. Likewise Yoga. What the yogi achieves, the western sciences only are catching up now by observing and studying him. Much of the stuff done by yogis are still impossible for others to achieve. Medicines, most of the allopathic medications have so many side effects and toxicity to it. People are looking for alternative treatments. I can go on and on.

This is in no way to dismiss science, but just to remind you that do not be so dependent on it to answer all your questions.

Science has no 'Western' way of measuring.

Mathematics is the language of the universe. The way Aryabhata measured the Earth's orbit is likely how Copernicus and Galileo did it.
Science has no 'Western' way of measuring.

Mathematics is the language of the universe. The way Aryabhata measured the Earth's orbit is likely how Copernicus and Galileo did it.

The science of old was not this arrogant. Aryabhata did not dismiss the philosophy of his society as useless. Now what you have in the name of science is dogma. There has been technology development in the last 80-90 years, no science.
The level of superstition in some parts of this country is simply ridiculous and a shame

Jeez man, you Indians are surely reversing the evolution. :D

No such thing as blasphemy in Hinduism. He can claim what he wants. Believers will believe. Others won't bother.

Did that apply to a man called MF-Hussein?
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Did that apply to a man called MF-Hussein?

Yes it did. He was not labelled a blasphemer under any religious law of Hinduism because no such law exists. He was just unfortunate that he managed to pi$$ off the religious right wing nutters in India. That was a failure of the Indian state to not have been able to make him feel safe here.

Still the point stands , there is no concept of blasphemy in Hinduism like there is Islam as incorporated in your laws as well. That was the answer to Chinese Dragon's question.
Spina Bifida does not involve excessive hair growth though. And notice how the spine is straight. Hypertrichosis, on the other hand, also covers cases of excessive hair growth & hair growth in unusual areas.
the sacral part growth sometimes manifests as this we humans still have a small tail bone coccyx which is redundant, while in some those genes are activated and it manifests as this growth, i seen his case in tv before he tried to cut it but was very painful and he became ill after cutting it implies it is linked to sacral nerve plexuses.

Jeez man, you Indians are surely reversing the evolution. :D

Did that apply to a man called MF-Hussein?

MF Hussein angered people by painting Hindu Godesses and the Bharatmata in the nude. So he was facing many lawsuits here in addition to public wrath. He fled because he feared for his life. If he felt he was right, he could have fought.
Because the one who suffered is also god and the one who punishes is also god. It is like a big drama, where every actor is god itself. The experiences are real or feels entirely real. It is called Maya.
@Hermione This Maya is very confusing for me then. Rapist and victim of rape both are God. Calling rapist as God will be insult of God or Hinduism. Its like those who insulting God/Goddess are also God. People have no free will or choice in Hinduism if we attribute everything to God? You should worship everything because everything is God including all evil out there. Here they don't even give equal rights to dalits and consider them polluted let alone giving them status of God.
@Hermione This Maya is very confusing for me then. Rapist and victim of rape both are God. Calling rapist as God will be insult of God or Hinduism. Its like those who insulting God/Goddess are also God. People have no free will or choice in Hinduism if we attribute everything to God? You should worship everything because everything is God including all evil out there. Here they don't even give equal rights to dalits and consider them polluted let alone giving them status of God.

Everyone has free will and free choice. It is a role god play's in different forms. It is quite like atheism actually. If everyone/everyone is precious than no one/nothing is precious. God takes on those roles to experience life in all its variations. So the choices are real and the result of those choices are real too. As real as the reality of experience allows. No one worships "evil." There is nothing called "evil" in Hinduism. There is only knowledge and there is ignorance. Those who act stupidly act so out of ignorance and those who act with better judgement do so out of knowledge.

Calling a rapist a god is no insult theoretically at least, because who is doing the "calling?" A god. Right now this conversation is happening between God Raja. Pakistani and God Hermione. It is God Raja Pakistani's position that he is confused and aghast at what God Hermione is saying about her idea of God. The police who nabbed the rapists are also god. The judge who gives the verdict to hang or imprison the rapist is also God.

All have rights as per their position in life. If you work hard and became a billionaire you obviously have access to more privilege just on the basis of your influence. Likewise if you slack, then you will miss out on many privileges. Then again this is not true always. Sometimes slackers become rich and the hard worker gets nothing. Here comes the role of Karma.

Depending on your Karma (accumulated benefits of several lifetimes), you are born as rich person, a poor person, a highly intelligent person or a rock or any other form. You may be born in a rich country or a poor country, in a war zone or a peaceful place. These are arbitrary and depending on ones own karma. So this is the accountability for your actions done of your own free will.

Like I can be Stalin and make policies which kill million people, but I wont necessarily face my karma in this lifetime. My negative karma can manifest in any lifetime in any many ways. So should I be born again as a leper or as a fish which lives at the bottom of the ocean and swims just above a sulfuric acid pool then that is my karma. Karma again should not be confused with fate. Karma is ever changing and can be changed with ones good actions/behaviors.

A society which troubles people and mistreats anyone on any basis is also earning its karma. So if the God Brahmins are torturing the God Dalits, then God Brahmins may very well be born as God Dalit in next lifetime and undergo the same bad treatment. Or may be this lifetime itself, they will be subject of ridicule and shame by everyone. So the fruits of their action will always be there.

You can also equate this position to atheism. Because if all is precious, then nothing is precious. The equality of all negates the specialty of any. But only atheism precludes spirituality, while Hinduism is entirely spirituality.
^ @Hermione Although i don't completely agree with your opinions and some of your views dont make any sense to me but interesting to read how you perceive God. I have a different view of God, karma and good and evil. Your views of God are very much idealistic just like the views of communists about communism. When we are all God then i don't understand why Krishna, Vishnu, Durga, shiva, ganesh, Lakshmi etc should be given more significance/Importance than God father Raja. Pakistani or heromine.
Although i don't completely agree with your opinions and some of your views dont make any sense to me but interesting to read how you perceive God. I have a different view of God, karma and good and evil. Your views of God are very much idealistic just like the views of communists about communism. When we are all God then i don't understand why Krishna, Vishnu, Durga, shiva, ganesh, Lakshmi etc should be given more significance/Importance than God father Raja. Pakistani or heromine.

Those are different traditions of Hinduism. Like Hinduism opened itself up for exploration of the universe and god and each sage came up with different concepts, almost matching, of understanding god/universe.

The explanation given for Vishnu, Brahma, Durga is like this while every ray of sun is has the same quality, there are some rays which are very very stronger than the other rays. Like when a solar flare happens.

So if God became tiny God Hermione and God Raja. Pakistani, God became very powerful Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva.

Like the waves in the ocean. Each wave is different. Each wave has different peaks and troughs and shape. But they are all waves nevertheless. The waves are born of the ocean and without the ocean they have no other reality.
^ @Hermione Although i don't completely agree with your opinions and some of your views dont make any sense to me but interesting to read how you perceive God. I have a different view of God, karma and good and evil. Your views of God are very much idealistic just like the views of communists about communism. When we are all God then i don't understand why Krishna, Vishnu, Durga, shiva, ganesh, Lakshmi etc should be given more significance/Importance than God father Raja. Pakistani or heromine.

Our souls is part of god but not our deeds.... A soul which reside in human or any living body is part of god. But karma cause n effect cycle has nothing to do with God's act..... Thats y every hindu is asked to follow dharma (righteous deeds).....
Its so simple u reap wat u sow.....

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