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Low turnout, More Violence as Kashmiris Boycott India Poll

Aww thats cute.. Election commission of the biggest democracy in the world is concocting lies.

Where as every word from your mouth is the gospel truth!! Go feed these conspiracy theories to some one who gives a $hit about your opinion on elections in India

As far as process of 'elections', 'choosing one representative', 'participating in democratic process' is concerned..Indian Kashmir generations ahead of Pakistan, which has been practically under dictatorial rule/ martial law nearly half its existence.

It might be election commission of mars. For us it doesn't matter. Just like you might not believe with Pakistani govt on many issues and figures then we also don't believe in this figure of Indian govt particularly when we have many other neutral sources who say otherwise.
you're right india is billions of people so if thousands get butchered alive (including pregnant women) -- it's perfectly okay and understandable

it's just common sense and viewing situation on the ground rather than drowning in waves of de-Nile (pun intended)
It is not OK Sir. Its just Indians unlike Pakistanis dont live in GLORIOUS PAST coz we believe in moving forward. Every thing in this world is not Conspiracy and the thinking of, 'if something happen it only has to be a planned conspiracy.' is typical of Pakistanis but not Indians.
I think this thread turned on it's head, the intent was to showcase low voter turnout, but it seems that OP has to eat his own words now...

Well only you or other Indians think that OP is eating his words. The logic says otherwise. If you think this thread is bogus you can quit from it. ;)
That's called that you want a Pakistani to believe in the report of Indian govt about Kashmir.

Looks stupid haan?? Yes it is.

Who cares if you don't believe or you prefer to use any kind of fancy wordings. :sarcastic::sarcastic:
Peaceful boycott or intimidating fear in the minds of the people those who wanted to vote ?

Whatever. It worked as far as the neutral sources are concerned.

Who cares if you don't believe or you prefer to use any kind of fancy wordings. :sarcastic::sarcastic:

You care douche. You are the one presenting this 50% figure to us.
It is not OK Sir. Its just Indians unlike Pakistanis dont live in GLORIOUS PAST coz we believe in moving forward. Every thing in this world is not Conspiracy and the thinking of, 'if something happen it only has to be a planned conspiracy.' is typical of Pakistanis but not Indians.
And AAP :D
Whatever. It worked as far as the neutral sources are concerned.

All those neutral sources will have to reach to election commission of India.
That's called that you want a Pakistani to believe in the report of Indian govt about Kashmir.

Yes it is.

Better yet, get over to Kashmir and count every inked finger - if you cannot then you have to believe the figures - because no one else has the data other than the election commission.

Look stupid haan??

Cannot be debated.
Better yet, get over to Kashmir and count every inked finger - if you cannot then you have to believe the figures - because no one else has the data other than the election commission.

Bold part. Biggest reason that this figure is unreliable. It can't be verified from elsewhere. :)
Kashmiri's has Pakistani Blood.They will die but not vote for genociders aka modi.
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