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Last Air Battle On This Day

I always get a good chuckle out of some indians delusions of grandeur, Wind Jammer bro, your posts are very enlightening
WJ, I guess your are talking about me thanking John's post. Just to let you know you are wrong here again, I am not banned on this site. I don't know why you have started targeting people thanking John and Death God's posts instead of answering their straight forward questions objectively. Sign of a looser, ain't it?

What do we have here, blind leading a blind ??
What ever gives you the idea of being in the equation, I was actually referring to the "Pinkie" in Post#93 & 95.!!!
Self pointing and clarifying without objective is a sign of disillusioned mind, wouldn't you agree.
Check the post that you so conveniently forgotten, your own post #80. Then see my #89 post in reply to that :"If you think my search on Google is fictitious......"
Now ask your self what was called fictitious here:-)
My comment was, that you have resorted to Google, does this mean, I have termed it fictitious ?? I guess it's spoon feed time again, the intention was that, since you have no knowledge of the events and characters, you are finding you are seeking answers elsewhere.!!!
You say that"nothing like your gloat of two F-104s being shot down on this date."

For all these posts, you have been saying that Changezi did not get shot down. Now Kaiser's blog has taken care of that lie, so now you are effectively questioning the other shoot down? Slippery little fellow, our Windjammer:toast_sign:
"Dear God, give this character some sense
Let me ask you, do you have any will to comprehend as this is what I have said in Post#19, As for the other claim, F/L Samad Changezi, flew eleven missions, he was responsible for the destruction of an Indian radar station and damage to an IAF aircraft. Albeit he was shot down while battling with two MIG-21s, but it certainly wasn't on the fateful day.
Now even a a five year will tell you that I confirm the loss of Changezi at an earlier date but the senior citizen John Doe has problem reading into it.
" my country fellows did send me PM(s)......."

By the way,you did the right thing by ignoring those well-wishers who asked you to stop posting anymore. After all, is it fair to deny over a 1000 people the entertainment that your posts provide? NOOOOOOOOOO.............
Just when we thought, your fortune telling days were over, we are somewhat shocked at your prophesies since you can read into people's mind,:yahoo: Guys, feel free to amuse your self but don't spoil it for the joker in the pack.
Oh, and by the way, I am still waiting for an admission or apology for all the things that I proved you were wrong about or just plain lied about:
Firstly congrats for so many consecutive posts, are we witnessing some desperation. ??
This is how you ended this post,
A man only gets bigger in apologizing, the apology does not diminish him.
Well, be that man and surprise us all for once.
Changezi's shootdown date
Earlier you claimed that i never admitted this loss, here you accuse the date, seems you are the very foot print of the beast you detest, also you claimed two F-104s on this date, i guess that calls for a double apology from you.
RJAF aircraft in PAF before the end of hostilites.
It wasn't merely my assertion but rather what i had read in other narratives. No Joy.
PAF Starfighters not having missiles AND guns, as per yourself.
Stop mincing words to your advantage, since it was F-104B models which arrived without any guns.
Calling the Starfighter much much older than the Mig21.
Again expressing your wordings, the Starfighter indeed flew before the Fishbed and you also failed to answer my query as why the MIG-21 is still in front line service around the world while the F-104, has called it a day. ??
All my posts are facts, plain and simple. I have addressed your posts factually with sufficient proof, from excellent sources.
All along you have conveniently digressed from the original argument, Lal's book being one example, instead of focusing on the contents of the book, you were more adamant in what colour the cover was. !!!
A man only gets bigger in apologizing, the apology does not diminish him.[/QUOTE]
Any time you feel like it, don't worry, i will not proceed on a victory session, you keep claiming of your seniority, time to prove how mature you actually are. Remember, no one can see you.
I always get a good chuckle out of some indians delusions of grandeur, Wind Jammer bro, your posts are very enlightening

Dear, small things amuse little minds.
JD thinks, I PM to fellow Pakistani members, yet, the thread looks like a Kolkota Street. :lol:
You are not now. But most of the time in past few days you were. In fact you are one of those one or two guys who were thanking John Doe's pathetic posts.
I don't know why me or anybody else thanking John's post has ticked all you off so badly. John and Death God's had posted some grilling questions for our friend WJ which he has not answered instead he started attacking people thanking the posts they felt relevant. Now was that not pathetic? You adopt such tactics when you want to divert the attention and want to avoid questions being asked.

And this is the first or second time you are appearing Green. Most of the time in the past few days you were appearing PINK and even during your ban you were one of those few guys who were thanking John Doe.
If you are interested in my Ban history check with Mods and they will clear any doubts that you may have. A little fact for you if you are banned you can not thank any post.

May be with this pathetic attitude I am optimistic that you would go pink again.;)

Well there is a reason moderation of this forum is given to a selected. They may be partial at times but I have full faith in them that they will not ban anybody for thanking a post, no matter how much you wish!
Take care :wave:
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What do we have here, blind leading a blind ??
What ever gives you the idea of being in the equation, I was actually referring to the "Pinkie" in Post#93 & 95.!!!
Self pointing and clarifying without objective is a sign of disillusioned mind, wouldn't you agree.

Check your post #100 which was clearly pointing to John's post thanked only by me. But it doesn't matter what post your were referring to but what's the point attacking somebody for thanking a post who so ever he may be. BTW a banned member can not thank any post on this forum and you must be aware of it as you too were banned for a long period of time.

That's all from my side now carry on with your discussion.
Check your post #100 which was clearly pointing to John's post thanked only by me. But it doesn't matter what post your were referring to but what's the point attacking somebody for thanking a post who so ever he may be. BTW a banned member can not thank any post on this forum and you must be aware of it as you too were banned for a long period of time.

That's all from my side now carry on with your discussion.
There you go again on a wild goose chase, firstly, let me enlighten you that i was never banned, albeit, i wasn't on line for a couple of months and i certainly don't know or care if you were ever.
@WJ and PDF members,
I do not know much of defense related matters. But questions asked in post 97 are very relevant and thought provoking and a layman line me forced to think WHY PAF did so? :undecided:
Would you pls do us a favor and enlighten us..

I repeat questions...
Some of my questions:

Q1. How do you explain the non-involvement of 3 squadrons of PAF aircrafts in light of Longewala ( & the Raj. sector in general) and for the PN.

Q2. Any examples of a conflict where a country has enjoyed air dominance and still lost the war.

Q3. What is your opinion on KT's blog where he clearly mentions that changezi went down on the last day of the conflict.

Q4. How do you explain the non-usage of RJAF 104's ? ( They were there for a reason , clearly PAF will be using them if it could have improved the situation)
Albeit he was shot down while battling with two MIG-21[/SIZE][/COLOR]s, but it certainly wasn't on the fateful day. Now even a a five year will tell you that I confirm the loss of Changezi at an earlier date but the senior citizen John Doe has problem reading into it.

It's like the last 85 posts never happened! Once again:WOW!

You have said this 3 times and the other members and I have answered it 6 times. Here is the 7th attempt. Before that, please read our posts before replying the next time, ok?

FulcrumD's post of Kaiser's blog:
An unsavoury surprise came on the morning of 17 December, the last day of the war, when two Uttarlai-based MiG-21FLs escorting a flight of four HF-24s on a morning army support mission, bounced a pair of patrolling F-104s near Naya Chor.........earned Changezi a fatal penalty

In my 2nd post I had given another link from a neutral site, here it is again:916 Starfighter

Rest of whatever you wrote is plain silly and childish and has been replied to earlier by me and others.

Your quest to have a triumphant last word / post is only digging you deeper into the pits. I feel honored that my fellow Indians and I can assist you in your endevour :cheers:

Your only way out of this swamp is to either admit your errors and fess up to your fibs, or plead with some mod to ban all of us. Best of luck, either way. I hope you can spare time to answer some of the other members' questions posed to you:-)

Yours truly!
P.S.: Your question about the Starfighter's obsoleteness is easily answered by our Uncle Google:
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I don't all why me or anybody else thanking John's post has ticked all you off so bad.

Well seriously do you think their was anything in his posts that could have ticked us. Are you really serious with this claim. We have spent more time on this forum than many like you and have faced even bigger idiots than John Doe.

John and Death God's had posted some grilling questions for our friend WJ which he has not answered instead he started attacking people thanking the posts they felt relevant. Now was that not pathetic?

Well that exactly they have done on this thread. Asking questions. While on the other they not only avoid sources provided by WJ but also don't answer WJ's questions. Even in his latest post he failed to answer WJ's questions about F-104's obsoleteness. Does John Doe thinks by providing two random links from the Google search he is going to avoid the WJ's question about F-104's obsoleteness. Certainly not.

Now was that not pathetic?

No it wasn't.

You adopt such tactics when you want to divert the attention and want to avoid questions being asked.

Really. Should I point out those points and arguments that John Doe has avoided in this thread. The list is a bit long.

If you are interested in my Ban history check with Mods and they will clear any doubts that you may have. A little fact for you if you are banned you can not thank any post.

Why should I ask Mods about your ban when I myself saw you in pink colours not once but several times. Obviously I don't need to ask them because I know you were on the vacations granted by our mods.

Well there is a reason moderation of this forum is given to a selected.

I know. Obviously this is not BR.

They may be partial at times but I have full faith in them that they will not ban anybody for thanking a post, no matter how much you wish!

Partiality is what we want from them. And hopefully they would partial enough some day to clean the mess from this forum.

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Well, looks like WJ has been busy on the PM network:-)

The post starts in a typical pathetic manner which we were expecting from you.

Firstly let me explain the 'Hahaha' phrases. While reading his posts, I am racked with side splitting laughter 90% of the times.

You can do as much Hahahaha or Hehehehe or Wow as you like but that doesn't changes the fact that your posts were not less than being pathetic.

Can't I share my feelings with my closest forum buddies such as yourself?

Obviously you can. But that looks a bit idiotic. Any ways you can.

About Jbond197 being banned once upon a time, well, he was also a new born infant once upon a time. While you are at it, why not hold that against him too? Somehow WJ and you think this is relevant to him thanking me, why, only God knows!

Well he can get ban any time. He will in the future also. I was just answering his claim that he wasn't banned.

Sunita and Lal were mentioned by WJ, and in what context(!), you can see for yourself.

I know but it was you who responded with immaturity. You should have responded in a better way which you didn't.

Ok, let me ask you this: What is your fair and unbiased opinion about my post #99? Since these are the statements made by WJ which relate to the 71 war, you and I can forget all the childish stuff from WJ and stick to the serious stuff.

He made claims. You countered them and now he has answered y9our response and is even answering them now. It is not a matter of victory or defeat. It is the matter of behaving sane. You also made claims which were childish like F-104's obsoleteness. You still haven't answered many questions and I think you won't answer them properly in the future also. Or you may improve and instead of doing HAHAHA might respond to those points in the appropriate manner. We would look forward to it.

Areesh Dear, this guy really loves himself, he has not only constantly digressed from the original topic by ridiculous claims but went on cheap banter criticizing my dialect, dragging on and on about my ability to access Lal's book, without focusing on the contents to which i pointed out, and when other Pakistani members joined in debate, his mindset descended further into a pathetic level by claiming that i must have sent PMs to others, however, he is never shy to indulge with his own country fellows. A series Troll in every aspect.
Areesh Dear, this guy really loves himself, he has not only constantly digressed from the original topic by ridiculous claims but went on cheap banter criticizing my dialect, dragging on and on about my ability to access Lal's book, without focusing on the contents to which i pointed out, and when other Pakistani members joined in debate, his mindset descended further into a pathetic level by claiming that i must have sent PMs to others, however, he is never shy to indulge with his own country fellows. A series Troll in every aspect.

Why are you bothered by the poster...Ignore him if you think he is trolling...you can do that, no??? For rest of us we are mature enough to decide who is making sense and who's not...So leave that to us...

B/W this is a thread opened by you so logically you have a little more responsibility than others...its looks like you are more interested in interacting with a guy whom you think is a series troll in every aspect but failed to see two posts asking very good questions.....Since i am going to repeat them i am expecting that you will ignore that as well...please prove me wrong and i will appreciate it...Here is the copy paste once again...

Q1. How do you explain the non-involvement of 3 squadrons of PAF aircrafts in light of Longewala ( & the Raj. sector in general) and for the PN.

[WJ - Reply]

Q2. Any examples of a conflict where a country has enjoyed air dominance and still lost the war.

[WJ - Reply]

Q3. What is your opinion on KT's blog where he clearly mentions that changezi went down on the last day of the conflict.

[WJ - Reply]

Q4. How do you explain the non-usuage of RJAF 104's ? ( They were there for a reason , clearly PAF will be using them if it could have improved the situation)

[WJ - Reply]

You might have answered all these in bits and pieces but just for the sake of giving the final blow to Indian ego please do us a favor and reply to them once again by filling in your reply in blue above....
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@Areesh and Windjammer:

Firstly Areesh:
Should I point out those points and arguments that John Doe has avoided in this thread.

You also made claims which were childish like F-104's obsoleteness. You still haven't answered many questions and I think you won't answer them properly in the future also.

Please do point out what I am missing. I am certain that all points mentioned by WJ pertaining to Dec 17,the Starfighters capability and RJAF's contribution have been answered by me. The biggest issue WJ has is when Changezi was shot down. Also answered by many.
What's left?
About the operational status of the F104, well, firstly that's not even the post subject, and secondly did you want me to copy paste the entire article since you could not be bothered to click on the link? Did you at least try the links before dismissing them?
exactly they have done on this thread. Asking questions.
What questions have I asked on this thread? Show me this too.
No response from you about Changezi's shoot down date yet?

While you are replying to me, do reply to the other questions posed by SMS, Deckingraj, and Deathgod?
Also if you think that your video footage offer is being misinterpreted by me, please involve a mod, or should I write to a mod of your choice? The ball is in your court(notice the tennis pun!)
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