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Reading through this thread there is a very strong sense of entitlement : "we are fighting their war for them" but you sem to forget it is you (ISI) who created these monsters and they are now coming home to roost (no conspiracy theories about RAW pls) it is our troops (US/NATO/ISAF) aswell who are dying for you, fighting the demons you people have created so stop this, and then you have the NERVE to get angry when US sells high-end equipment to India and ask why not us?? Well, this is quite simple, India pays for ALL it's equipment from it's own HARD EARNED cash not US/IMF handouts. If you pay cash no know is going to argue with you- it is the charity culture SOME of you guys take on defence procurements esp in regards to US. Take some accountability, if you haven't got the funds then you shouldn't be allowed the weapons.

I advise you to ask this question in Langley not to Islamabad, There were your interests and your soldiers are not dying for us but for the evil interests of US over the territory of Afghanistan.

We will not bear the loss of war but more than 80% it’s your war, you initiate it and you have to pay for it not me.

UK government is busy only to send spies to assist CIA & RAW (anti Pakistan activities) over there but not to dying for us.
This should not have been leaked, any good Pakistani would not repost this. Any way Pakistan should ask Russia for Mi-17 helicopters and helicopter upgrades and parts, because Russia has offered to expand relations with Pakistan and Russia hasn't really done its part to fight terrorism.

Hopefully one way or another Pakistan get's its helicopter's back in the air.

I am agree with you because we are tired to bear foolish promises and so called help from US, we must directly expand our military relations with Russian Federation to overcome current question and from US we have to demand their own military equipments.
Reading through this thread there is a very strong sense of entitlement : "we are fighting their war for them" but you sem to forget it is you (ISI) who created these monsters and they are now coming home to roost (no conspiracy theories about RAW pls) it is our troops (US/NATO/ISAF) aswell who are dying for you, fighting the demons you people have created so stop this, and then you have the NERVE to get angry when US sells high-end equipment to India and ask why not us?? Well, this is quite simple, India pays for ALL it's equipment from it's own HARD EARNED cash not US/IMF handouts. If you pay cash no know is going to argue with you- it is the charity culture SOME of you guys take on defence procurements esp in regards to US. Take some accountability, if you haven't got the funds then you shouldn't be allowed the weapons.

Hillary Clinton confessed that the US had created the terrorist organizations which Pakistan is now fighting. These guys were made to protect US interests in the region mostly relating to the USSR. They were given support by a dictator (Zia-Ul-Haq) who was openly supported by America.
Hillary Clinton confessed that the US had created the terrorist organizations which Pakistan is now fighting. These guys were made to protect US interests in the region mostly relating to the USSR. They were given support by a dictator (Zia-Ul-Haq) who was openly supported by America.

I thought all Pakistanis firmly believe that they are fighting TTP and not Afghan Taliban(who are considered strategic assets for the future)..then how could US have created a organisation that came into being in 2007 back in 80s?
I thought all Pakistanis firmly believe that they are fighting TTP and not Afghan Taliban(who are considered strategic assets for the future)..then how could US have created a organisation that came into being in 2007 back in 80s?

These groups whom you know with the name of TTP or TTA were created by US in the era of Soviet Afghan war ,these groups were created to fight with Soviet union and all the financial support and armament was provided to them by US because at that time collapse of Soviet union was in the interest of US .After the collapse of Soviet Union the main aim of US was fulfilled then US left Pakistan and these Talibans and refrained from providing any kind of financial support or leverage to them and then they declared the same groups which once they used for their purpose as terrorists and raged a war in Afghanistan.So the groups we are fighting now are basically are created by US
wow we are really lacking in this field. instead of going for chinook or some other helos, we should produce our own helo. we should just stick to mi 17 for now since we have the infrastructure for it but in the mean time, start constructing our own helo. we have some very smart engineers. given a time frame of 2-3 years and about 30M dollars, i am sure we can come up with our own variant
These groups whom you know with the name of TTP or TTA were created by US in the era of Soviet Afghan war ,these groups were created to fight with Soviet union and all the financial support and armament was provided to them by US because at that time collapse of Soviet union was in the interest of US .After the collapse of Soviet Union the main aim of US was fulfilled then US left Pakistan and these Talibans and refrained from providing any kind of financial support or leverage to them and then they declared the same groups which once they used for their purpose as terrorists and raged a war in Afghanistan.So the groups we are fighting now are basically are created by US

Then where is the distinction between good Taliban and bad Taliban?..when they were both created by US?
Then where is the distinction between good Taliban and bad Taliban?..when they were both created by US?

Its very difficult to distinguish b/w them ,they are further divided into groups some against us some not,i remember one interview of Gen Hamid Gul where he mentioned that the Afghani Taliban's are not against Pakistan and the one who are called TTP are a mixture of foreign terrorists plus some locals ones .but its a debatable issue ,so i think we should better leave it ryt here and discuss about what this thread was created for
Then where is the distinction between good Taliban and bad Taliban?..when they were both created by US?

Simply put, at first there was only one Taliban but then the Taliban started killing elders related to Taliban members after which they realized the negative aspects of the original Taliban and broke off in some sense.

Because of the disagreement the good Taliban has been seen willing to fighting the bad Taliban
The issue is the WOT and the time it will take to integrate a new platform for effective field use.

PA has experience in handling the MI series of platforms from MI8, MI17, to MI171 etc.

They are also proficient on the Bell series such as UH1, 212, 214.

Any other platfrom introduced today would require a lot of lag time for integration.

BTW almost all 214's are maintained by US maintenance teams based out of Quetta.
The issue is the WOT and the time it will take to integrate a new platform for effective field use.

PA has experience in handling the MI series of platforms from MI8, MI17, to MI171 etc.

They are also proficient on the Bell series such as UH1, 212, 214.

Any other platfrom introduced today would require a lot of lag time for integration.

BTW almost all 214's are maintained by US maintenance teams based out of Quetta.

its a US$100m FMS contract!
its a US$100m FMS contract!

Thanks for the update -- it is part of the CSF (Pentagon Budget) and valued at roughly $100 M as pointed out by you to support the FC (Piloted by Army Aviation pilots) through 26 Bell 412 platforms. All of these are armed with side firing weapons and some of them are equipped with rocked pods.

Thanks :-)
for how long we keep our miltary base on just one type o heli what about the heavy equipment if needed to cary who will do it in war you need to have good mobilization and heli do provide them specially likes of MI 28 and chinkooks
for how long we keep our miltary base on just one type o heli what about the heavy equipment if needed to cary who will do it in war you need to have good mobilization and heli do provide them specially likes of MI 28 and chinkooks

it can carry :lol:



look like some hindu in flag of england....Abingdonboy u need to shut up n safe ur *** from brit queen:chilli::chilli::chilli::chilli: chill pill boy


Instead of being insulting---you could have shared your side of the story.
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