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Kashmir - Think the Unthinkable

Dear Ejaz
India get its freedom from british and was broken in two two entities ..
if Principle and ethics are so important then Partition itself was wrong .

dividing a nation based on narrow definitions of religion , race , caste or any other man made definition is wrong ..
why cant we use the same principle in Baluchistan ?

First of all in the history there was no thing called "INDIA" in the first place.

hence there was no point saying India got freedom from Britishers.
The freedom struggle was more to do with Muslims than Hindus.

Muslims have an important role in getting freedom. They were fool enough to think that Hindus will treat them fairly.
And when the sub-continent was freed from Brits, afterward Muslims realized the way Hindus were eyeing to treat Muslims. That was it when they started struggle for their own homeland.

Those Muslims who opted to remain in India today are the symble of mistreatment.
Look at them the most poverty-striken section of India along with poor low cast Dalits. Its a pitty Muslims are also called Dalits in India due to their bad conditions.

Look at their plight.

Look at the religious conditiom of Muslims in India. They are being burnt alive in Gujrat brutaly.

Millions of Hindu Zionist, were seen by the world burning Babri Mosque and killing Muslims afterwards.
Current news on Kashmir
Kashmir: Police Kill 4 at Rally
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/26/world/asia/26briefs-POLICEKILL4A_BRF.html?ref=world

The police shot and killed four demonstrators who defied curfew to rally on Monday in Srinagar, the summer capital of Indian-controlled Kashmir. The deaths, coming two weeks after a shooting by the police that killed 20, are likely to inflame tensions in the already tense disputed region. The police and hospital sources said more than 150 people were injured after security forces tried to repel crowds with cane batons, tear gas and, in some cases, bullets.
First of all in the history there was no thing called "INDIA" in the first place.

hence there was no point saying India got freedom from Britishers.
The freedom struggle was more to do with Muslims than Hindus.

Muslims have an important role in getting freedom. They were fool enough to think that Hindus will treat them fairly.
And when the sub-continent was freed from Brits, afterward Muslims realized the way Hindus were eyeing to treat Muslims. That was it when they started struggle for their own homeland.

Those Muslims who opted to remain in India today are the symble of mistreatment.
Look at them the most poverty-striken section of India along with poor low cast Dalits. Its a pitty Muslims are also called Dalits in India due to their bad conditions.

Look at their plight.

Look at the religious conditiom of Muslims in India. They are being burnt alive in Gujrat brutaly.

Millions of Hindu Zionist, were seen by the world burning Babri Mosque and killing Muslims afterwards.
mam i dont agree partition of 1947 was a last ditch effort by the british to rule us but it didnt work,we lived lived together for 1000 years and nothing of this sort happened,rajputs(who were hindus) forught with babur only to defend their kingdom and not relegion infact it were the rajputs who invited babur to invade and defeat ibrahim lodhi but it proved counter productive,instead of looting and leaving babur settled here and rajputs had to fight the battle of panipet but lost awr which had to be won bcoz of loosing the king to an arrow in the left eye.....then mughal kingdom began hindu and muslim cultures began to mis up and produce new ones and akbars rule was one great example(he married rajput women and allowed her being a hindu) we built minument together but the division started when the british started to enter.............the one thing we had to understand is that our forefathers lived in a secular world even when the word 'secular' was not known but now in a modern world we fail to recognise how rational we were once.................so please stop arguing again in the divisive hindu muslim way i would rather be happy if we argue in the indian pakistani way...........................i hate the vhp,rss,mr advani,rajnath as they failed to keep up the reputation of mr vajpayes legacy..............blame them but not the whole of india those responsible will be punished and these wont happen again we stand for every indians welfare......
mam i dont agree partition of 1947 was a last ditch effort by the british to rule us but it didnt work,we lived lived together for 1000 years and nothing of this sort happened,rajputs(who were hindus) forught with babur only to defend their kingdom and not relegion infact it were the rajputs who invited babur to invade and defeat ibrahim lodhi but it proved counter productive,instead of looting and leaving babur settled here and rajputs had to fight the battle of panipet but lost awr which had to be won bcoz of loosing the king to an arrow in the left eye.....then mughal kingdom began hindu and muslim cultures began to mis up and produce new ones and akbars rule was one great example(he married rajput women and allowed her being a hindu) we built minument together but the division started when the british started to enter.............the one thing we had to understand is that our forefathers lived in a secular world even when the word 'secular' was not known but now in a modern world we fail to recognise how rational we were once.................so please stop arguing again in the divisive hindu muslim way i would rather be happy if we argue in the indian pakistani way...........................i hate the vhp,rss,mr advani,rajnath as they failed to keep up the reputation of mr vajpayes legacy..............blame them but not the whole of india those responsible will be punished and these wont happen again we stand for every indians welfare......

:) Why was that ???

That is the difference when Muslims were there.
First of all in the history there was no thing called "INDIA" in the first place.

What a kiddish way of thinking .. Do you understand the difference between Mind and Matter ?? everything in this existence is mind .. "INDIA" is an Idea like "ISLAM" or "PAKISTAN".
It is a civilisation .. a thought process developed and progressed as a culture .. it was there before any other Idea now in this world .. older then "ISLAM" .. Name doesnt matter .

The freedom struggle was more to do with Muslims than Hindus.

Narrow minded education can shape small thinling .. freedom struggle was for freedom .. for every human .. only a fool can make it communal ...

Muslims have an important role in getting freedom. They were fool enough to think that Hindus will treat them fairly.
And when the sub-continent was freed from Brits, afterward Muslims realized the way Hindus were eyeing to treat Muslims. That was it when they started struggle for their own homeland.

Those Muslims who opted to remain in India today are the symble of mistreatment.
Look at them the most poverty-striken section of India along with poor low cast Dalits. Its a pitty Muslims are also called Dalits in India due to their bad conditions.

Look at their plight.

Look at the religious conditiom of Muslims in India. They are being burnt alive in Gujrat brutaly.

Millions of Hindu Zionist, were seen by the world burning Babri Mosque and killing Muslims afterwards

Lol Indian Muslims are much better then Pakistani Muslims
why dont you ask a Indian muslim himself rather then using your biased communal judgement .
Look at the Pakistan .. there is just hope for future .. but no present ..
Taliban burning schools .
more then 300 killed in SWat
No proper education system .. Madarsas producing biased and narrowminded citizens who are ready to kill ..
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:) Why was that ???

That is the difference when Muslims were there.

That is the equivalent of calling the British Raj a Christian fiefdom.

The Mughals were way more Hindu than most people acknowledge; this is true for Aurangzeb too.

It was the Delhi Sultanate that was really fundamentalist and had Mongolian rhetorical tendencies.

But the above post shows how racist and communal you are; hence, you assume everybody else to be the same.
:) Why was that ???

That is the difference when Muslims were there.

they are even now much more than in pak ,here anyone can become anything president,pm,army chief anything provided he or she has the calibre..........not that there were not enough hindus during baur or akbar there were as many hindus as they are now............terrible events happen but like it or not most muslims in india are happy some r rich some r poor but they dont experience things like dictatorship,unstable govt,23% inflation which affects all in the country unlike these events confined to regions..........ur govt(not people) has tarnished the image of islam and has taught other islamic nations how u shouldnt lead a country........secular india will rule the future and u and i will be there to see it.
That is the equivalent of calling the British Raj a Christian fiefdom.

The Mughals were way more Hindu than most people acknowledge; this is true for Aurangzeb too.

It was the Delhi Sultanate that was really fundamentalist and had Mongolian rhetorical tendencies.

But the above post shows how racist and communal you are; hence, you assume everybody else to be the same.

Still you guys are ungratful isnt it ??

If you guys are not communal and racist then why billions of Muslims who opted for India are still taunted with solagns "Go back to Pakistan"
even after 60 years ??

There is big difference between British Raj and Muslim rulers.

The brithishers treated Hindus and Muslims as their boot licking servents.
Still you guys are ungratful isnt it ??

If you guys are not communal and racist then why billions of Muslims who opted for India are still taunted with solagns "Go back to Pakistan"
even after 60 years ??

There is big difference between British Raj and Muslim rulers.

The brithishers treated Hindus and Muslims as their boot licking servents.

The Partition created wounds, and your wars and poking didn't help. Hence subtle racism came up in India. Our government's policies of "divide and gather vote" are also to be blamed.

"Ungrateful"? What do you think you are God? Our masters?

Now I know why you are so communal in your outlook; it is because you are a racist.
What a kiddish way of thinking .. Do you understand the difference between Mind and Matter ?? everything in this existence is mind .. "INDIA" is an Idea like "ISLAM" or "PAKISTAN".
It is a civilisation .. a thought process developed and progressed as a culture .. it was there before any other Idea now in this world .. older then "ISLAM" .. Name doesnt matter .

There is big difference between an ideology and a territory called India today.

So try to understand difference between mind and matters.
The current land comprising India was never India nor it belonged to current India.
If we buy your argument it means Nepal being a Hindu majority country should be called India isnt it????

Narrow minded education can shape small thinling .. freedom struggle was for freedom .. for every human .. only a fool can make it communal

:) thats what Muslims thought when they were fighting against the Britishers for freedom of Sub-Continent but afterwards they came to know the real face of the other side.

Lol Indian Muslims are much better then Pakistani Muslims
why dont you ask a Indian muslim himself rather then using your biased communal judgement .
Look at the Pakistan .. there is just hope for future .. but no present ..
Taliban burning schools .
more then 300 killed in SWat
No proper education system .. Madarsas producing biased and narrowminded citizens who are ready to kill ..

Lolz Indian Muslims are better :lol: yes yes thats why Sachare report proved their plight.

Will you care to tell me in Hinduism for becoming a Pundit how what are the qualification one must posses ???????????
The Partition created wounds, and your wars and poking didn't help. Hence subtle racism came up in India. Our government's policies of "divide and gather vote" are also to be blamed..
Why Muslims were forced to go for partion in the first place???

vish;187270"Ungrateful"? What do you think you are God? Our masters? said:
Now I know why you are so communal in your outlook; it is because you are a racist.
Well to your personal attacks i cant say anything.

AS far as your discovery about me well do let me know too ;)

Was the
Kashmiris defy curfew: Six dead, LoC bus service suspended

* Police arrest Hurriyat leaders Ali Geelani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq

NEW DELHI: Six people including two women were killed and hundreds wounded as fresh violence ragged the Kashmir Valley on Monday.

In a midnight swoop, the police arrested Hurriyat leaders Syed Ali Geelani and Mirwaiz Umar Farooq. Later, JKLF supremo Muhammad Yasin Malin was also arrested.

Police sources said people defied curfew restrictions at 210 places across Kashmir, which resulted in clashes injuring 185 people. Hospital sources said they received 77 people with bullet wounds. Srinagar was under complete siege, so much so that no newspaper was published from the city on Monday. News channels were put off air and all short message services were stopped.

In Hajan, once a stronghold of pro-government militant Kuka Parrey, paramilitary forces opened fire to quell a mob marching to Srinagar resulting in the death of two people including a woman and injuring 40 others.

According to the News Agency of Kashmir (NAK), protesters gathered in the evening again and refused to bury the bodies demanding action against the paramilitary forces. The agitators later forced troops to retreat.

People clashed with security forces in Chuti Pora area of Handwara after the security forces beat an elderly man who was returning home after offering prayers in a mosque. The police opened fire, killing a woman and injuring another.

At least forty-two persons were injured in other villages. About eighteen people were in Kralgund injured after they defied a curfew while ten people were injured in a police action in Handwara.

Reports said that four persons were injured in Kulangam and 12 including five from one family were injured in Rajwara when security forces allegedly stormed and beat the inhabitants.

Reports from South Kashmir said security forces opened fire on protesters in Pulwama killing one person and injuring 11 others.

National Conference President Omar Abdullah expressed concern at the killings. PDP President Mehbooba Mufti in a statement asked the government to stop repressive measures. Jammu Muslim Action Committee General Secretary Farid Kholi said that while the security forces were exhibiting restraint in Jammu, bullets were being showered on peaceful protesters in Kashmir.

Meanwhile, The bus service between Poonch in Indian-held Kashmir and Rawalkot in Azad Kashmir was suspended on Monday due to a curfew imposed in Poonch following the clashes over the Amarnath land row.

“The bus service across the Line of Control (LoC) is suspended as of today (Monday) but is likely to be operational after a fortnight,” a foreign television channel quoted an Indian official as saying. iftikhar gilani/app

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Lol Indian Muslims are much better then Pakistani Muslims

Do you have anything to support your claim? Any press report, article,news item, or you are just ranting as you feel like?

why dont you ask a Indian muslim himself rather then using your biased communal judgement.

I think there is no need to ask anyone here.It is quite obvious from the press reports how threatened they feel while living in India. Did you forget Kashmir? Did you forget Gujrat?

Look at the Pakistan .. there is just hope for future .. but no present ...

Come up with a more logical statement.

Taliban burning schools .
more then 300 killed in SWat
No proper education system .. Madarsas producing biased and narrowminded citizens who are ready to kill ...

I recently read a report that Hindu terrorists have burnt down a church in India. What about that? Now if i am wet dreaming like you are, then i will be quick to draw a conclusion that " Look at India, churches burning everywhere, no proper education system, Mandirs producing hindu fundamentalist ready to kill innocent civilians...". Irrespective of the fact that you have a bad track record of treating Muslims & other minorities, I do not say that it will be happening all over your so called union of states you call INDIA. There will be Muslim dominated areas where Muslim population will be more prosperous as compared to less Muslim populated areas. But if you say that it is everywhere in India, no one will agree.

Next time try to come up logically with some press reports. Comments like yours are found on Yahoo Chat, but this is not a chat site, you should have known it by now.
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they are even now much more than in pak ,here anyone can become anything president,pm,army chief anything provided he or she has the calibre..........not that there were not enough hindus during baur or akbar there were as many hindus as they are now............terrible events happen but like it or not most muslims in india are happy some r rich some r poor but they dont experience things like dictatorship,unstable govt,23% inflation which affects all in the country unlike these events confined to regions..........ur govt(not people) has tarnished the image of islam and has taught other islamic nations how u shouldnt lead a country........secular india will rule the future and u and i will be there to see it.

Well Dear jaison you are civilized in your replies here thats good.

AS far Muslims being rich in India well the world doubt that/.

Dont assume that few film actors or Muslim Kalam comprise billions of poor Muslims in India.
The committees formed including own Indians came up with worse condition of Muslims in India.

Hate Muslims and hate Islam thinking is the root cause of all this.

Indian secularism is questioned again and again.
Leave Pakistan aside we never falsely claimed that we are secular country.

Indians claim that but failed to proof that on many fronts
Now I know why you are so communal in your outlook; it is because you are a racist.

Why are you launching personal attacks on Jana? You are a so called senior member please try to earn some respect. Is it hard to swollow facts?
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