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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Ask your Pakistani army to Withdraw from So Called AJK...where you guys are ruled by Pakistan....Your president is an EX Army man From Pakistan army...

Wow...what a Azadi.....

Being ruled by Puppets...

Your so called Mujahidins are known as Terrorists in Kashmir....and People fight with them and Give information about them to Police and security forces....

Thats the reason these morons are getting Pissed off...and now started giving Fatwas like ...Don't watch TV...its un-Islamic....
Actually we Indians don't have to spend so much efforts or resources and waste our time putting up such an act to ban PTV. It can be done by 'figuratively speaking' a flick of a switch by appropriate authorities in appropriate places!

C'mon, tax your grey matter a little bit more... so much for conspiracy theories. @ Glomex, I like that term...nutcase!

OTOH, didn't some morons issue a 'fatwa' for mandatory wearing of burkhas in Srinagar a few years earlier? We know how it turned out, expect a repeat of that now.

What an understatement of the facts, this must be understatement of the millennium.

You Indians have 500,000 soldiers in the valley and you say that you Indians do not have to spend resources and make efforts.

And than you pick on isolated cases of fatwa by some disgruntled dude who have axe to grind with occupation and take it literally.

Let me give you Indian a word of advise. Practice what you preach and get all your Army out of the Valley and allow Kashmiris the right to choose.

Or the other choice is, stop claiming to be the biggest Democracy of the world and for once speak the truth and call India a country for Hindus, Many of your politicians and people say that any way.

Watch this video and see for yourself that if this is true. Now do not tell me this is isolated case, look at the gathering of extremist Hindus.

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Do you know why Kashmiris protest freely against the state but wouldnt dare do the same against militatns. Thats' because they know that sooner or later the state will take action. But if you speak out against the militants, you will get shot.

Sorry it is the other way around ... I don't think mujahideens carry anything other than weapons all of the rest is most likely provided by the Kashimiris supporting these guys. There is a lot of support for insurgency in Kashmir therefore no protests.

A point has come in Kashmiris' lives where they don't care about living therefore there is no fear left of the Indian forces ... what more can Indian Army do?
^Actally, its because the protesters are brainwashed by religious propaganda.
because china has replaced US:smitten:,,,,,,new boyfriend,,,,,,has to support him or will not have a boyfriend at all

Hawk you talk silly when saying (NEW BOY FRIEND).

It is not only mannerism you Indians lack, you lack scruples, you lack practicing equality, and most of all you lack practicing true Democracy.

China's history is quite clean as compare to you guys who had their freedom only 60 years ago.

China has taught not only you but Europe all the good things, i can name many but i know that you know it, but deliberately try to close your eyes.

So all will reap as they sow.
Hawk you talk silly when saying (NEW BOY FRIEND).

It is not only mannerism you Indians lack, you lack scruples, you lack practicing equality, and most of all you lack practicing true Democracy.

China's history is quite clean as compare to you guys who had their freedom only 60 years ago.

China has taught not only you but Europe all the good things, i can name many but i know that you know it, but deliberately try to close your eyes.

So all will reap as they sow.

the entire thread has become silly because you guts can't stop making every thread into an n-th indo pak war thread ,,,,,,its supposed to be a thread to give respect to the indian soldier who s guarding the border and look at where it is going ...so i am just fed up of another kashmir thread .....and am just posting the ever repeating arguments that take place in a different way so that atleast some replies would atleast find new shape(with the never ending old repeated points)......
Ask your Pakistani army to Withdraw from So Called AJK...where you guys are ruled by Pakistan....Your president is an EX Army man From Pakistan army...

Yours used to make missiles and bombs for india

Wow...what a Azadi.....

Being ruled by Puppets...

Dont see no mass movement of people against the govt.

Your so called Mujahidins are known as Terrorists in Kashmir....and People fight with them and Give information about them to Police and security forces....

Thats the reason these morons are getting Pissed off...and now started giving Fatwas like ...Don't watch TV...its un-Islamic....

www.outlookindia.com | Azadi
by Arundhati Roy

Not surprisingly, the voice that the Government of India has tried so hard to silence in Kashmir has massed into a deafening roar. Hundreds of thousands of unarmed people have come out to reclaim their cities, their streets and mohallas. They have simply overwhelmed the heavily armed security forces by their sheer numbers, and with a remarkable display of raw courage.
Well if your that confident that the kashmirs like indian why not just have a vote like the UN said and going off what your saying india will win hands down and we have no more problems between pakistan and india.

The way i see it is the if the indian army pulls out we have peace and the kashmiris can get on with there lifes.

No need to have a vote in our own territory. We just dont distribute land to anybody who starts sulking and asking for land. GOI stand is clear, its our land, our people, if you start having votes wherever a few people start demanding it it applies to your regions as well, Pakistan hopes India allows a vote and Kashmiris vote for it and they get the Land, wet dreams, I doubt Kashmiris would like to go to Pakistan.
Hiding behind the false cry of muslim brotherhood is a charade by Pakistan as there are plenty other muslims that could use their support, but they dont get any, why, Pakistan doesnt gain any benefit from that !
So lets call a spade a spade and accept you have your eyes on the Prized land and nothing about Humanitarian or brotherhood crap you keep throwing about.
What an understatement of the facts, this must be understatement of the millennium.

You Indians have 500,000 soldiers in the valley and you say that you Indians do not have to spend resources and make efforts.

And than you pick on isolated cases of fatwa by some disgruntled dude who have axe to grind with occupation and take it literally.
Incase you missed the bus, heres a magic mantra for an effective COIN operation : 'Boots on the ground'!!
Morons and bas**rds strike anywhere anytime due to certain advantages they enjoy. Inorder to nullify that advantage, the primary job of a COIN force is to put more boots on the ground. Plain and simple.
Oh and some religious fanatics actually follow the 'fatwas' to the 'T' and end up causing harm to the population. Case in point being the acid attacks on pretty young girls who refused to wear the barbaric veil in Kashmir!!

Let me give you Indian a word of advise. Practice what you preach and get all your Army out of the Valley and allow Kashmiris the right to choose.

Or the other choice is, stop claiming to be the biggest Democracy of the world and for once speak the truth and call India a country for Hindus, Many of your politicians and people say that any way.

Let me tell you this: "Aint gonna happen!!" Try as hard as you might, it simply aint gonna happen! Just like kids don't understand whats best for them, sometimes certain populations don't get whats best for them, and during such times, the Govt steps in to rein in the horses!
Its a pity that you will 'neva eva' understand the pulse of the democratic India, indoctrinated as you are in loathing anything 'Hindu India'!

Watch this video and see for yourself that if this is true. Now do not tell me this is isolated case, look at the gathering of extremist Hindus.

VHP extremists from India

one word: BS (I mean those VHP morons!)
No need to have a vote in our own territory. We just dont distribute land to anybody who starts sulking and asking for land. GOI stand is clear, its our land, our people, if you start having votes wherever a few people start demanding it it applies to your regions as well, Pakistan hopes India allows a vote and Kashmiris vote for it and they get the Land, wet dreams, I doubt Kashmiris would like to go to Pakistan.
Hiding behind the false cry of muslim brotherhood is a charade by Pakistan as there are plenty other muslims that could use their support, but they dont get any, why, Pakistan doesnt gain any benefit from that !
So lets call a spade a spade and accept you have your eyes on the Prized land and nothing about Humanitarian or brotherhood crap you keep throwing about.

Its our land not yours......jihad for peace in kashmir
Its our land not yours......jihad for peace in kashmir

So whos gonna do the "JIhad for peace"...I m sure you 're coming along since you believe in it so deeply
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