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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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hmmm... For Russians as well as US they were not preserving their own land, they invaded a foreign country. So this is not a comparision at all.

The comparision is spot on.....the indian army invaded kashmir and the kashmiris are fighting to expel the invader.

Dude, there is no need for terrorism to highlight if you think there is an issue. Just for highlighting the issue Pakistan is slaying its own citizens, this is what is unacceptable.

We tried the the democratic route and you rigged the elections so that leaves only the gun.
India sending its citizens dressed in army uniforms to get killed in kashmir is a disgrace.

hmmm... this was discussed in so many threads and they went no where, anyways my 2 cents India never wants anybody to interfere in Kashmir, not even the UN.

Its not a question of you want ,but a question of if you will forfill your obligations that where promised to the kashmiris.
The debate on kashmir will always end up on the kashmiris getting the right of self determination which is something you guys know is where all your talk falls apart.

Yes I have never been to Pakistan and I did not get any source at all from your government saying that your so called freedom fighters are getting even two cents from Pakistan.

Well yout totally wrong.

Nope not at all, it is all defence expenditures to protect our own country. And those expenditures are listed out in budget by the government elected by the people (anyways defence expenditure or Kashmir had never been the issues highlighted for election by any party in India).

Again kashmir is not part of your country so logic does not count.

We have already been over this, I asked for any educated people (you yourself said Doctors, Engineers, etc..) participating in your so called armed struggle, but you could not get one for me, so forget it.

As i said before google it but heres aquick few examples

Ilyas Kashmiri (militant) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maulana Masood Azhar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Theres two well know persons that fought in kashmir with an education......i bet now you want me to list freedom fighters with PHds?
Cmon Mr.Dabong....For the Vietnamese there was the mighty USSR and the Chinese backing it..and for the Afghans there was the USA backing it.......But for Kashmir...?
Dont say Pakista unless u have the mental fortitude to equate Pakistan with either the US or USSR.
And in our case both the US and Russia support our position on Kashmir.

What i find funny is that you have the mental fortitude to equate india with either the US or USSR.

Nobody in the world is concerned abt the Kashmiris dear...The international community is concerned abt the nuclear weapons in the hands of Pakistan and India and how this region will become a international nuclear dumping ground in case of a war..that y they r pressuring.

But you fail to mention the nukes came about becauce of the kashmir issue and if theres a war it will be for reason to do with kashmir.
Thats why the world wants the UN ro sort the issue out of kashmir.

We took the case to UN because that fool Nehru believed in non-violence and a peaceful slution to all problems.
And thts the single biggest mistake we have done on the Kashmir issue.
Ahh Hw much i wish a Sardar Patel or a Subhash Chandra Bose had been the Prime min isters of India.

Nehru invaded kashmir and other states also....he was never into non violence.

We ve been protecting them for the past 63 years friend.

And we have been trying to give the people of kashmir a taste of true freedom for the last 63 years.

Why shuld i care even my hair as to wat ppl in Pakistan think abt the terrorists..?For Indians they r terrorists and are dealt *** such.Period.

The same way we dont care what you indian call the occupation army in kashmir.....to us there all ****.

I dont care my tax money being spent in "occupying" Kashmir....Why do u care..?

I dont care for what you indians do with your money as long it its spend on killing innocent kashmiri people.....then i do care.

They wuld be doing a even greater help if they allow these terrorists to live a little longer rather than making them come to india and get killed in the hands of the RR,J&K poilice. :lol:

The indian occupation forces are just target practice.
Amnesty International to assess human rights scenario in Kashmir

Srinagar, May 19 (ANI): A two-member team of Amnesty International met Separatist Hurriyat leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq here and discussed various aspects to assess the state of human rights in the valley.

The team, comprising Bikram J. Batra and Ramesh Gopal Krishen arrived on Monday on a six-day visit to assess the human rights situation and note instances of human rights violations in the state.

"They should responsibly assess the situation and condemn the violations and take up the issue with Central government. And if the Government does not respond then they should make it public that despite their repeated approach to the government, the latter has remained silent," said Farooq.

"We want that this organisation should bring out the real situation, make it clear and take a stand on the issue then," he added.

The Amnesty members said they would be meeting all sections of the people to obtain first hand information of any violation of human rights.

"The purpose of the visit is to get a better understanding of the human right situation here. We are meeting with all the key activists, political actors, government officials, lawyers and people who have suffered from human right violations," said Batra. (ANI)

Source: Amnesty International to assess human rights scenario in Kashmir
Trying to be funny are we ? Did you even know that the F.C is raised completely from the tribal areas, so they are all Pushtuns as well, if we were killing Pushtuns in our military ops, we would have the type of negative image IA has in Kashmir, PA wouldn't be hailed as saviours.
And if someone shoots at you from a cave and runs at you with a suicide jacket, we know that they are TTP, since these don't seem to be the favourite pass times of the local population.

A person of your knowledge must be knowing that Terrorists are identified and marked by locals / J&K Police (raised from locals). Even if I post an article mentioned the details of weapons they carried - would it make any difference to you. You will shout - they were planted by the army and we'll be back to where we started.

This is a long standing double edged argument. If some identification documents are posted - The answer is - Will a terrorist carry his I-Card mentioning his nationality while on mission. If there are none - then we already see your line of argument.

So we have this preconceived notion that whoever is killed by IA is a local Kashmiri - falsely implicated. Mind you I have never denied that there have been excesses and that no innocent has ever died, but atleast in the recent years the Army is being held accountable - Latest example is the death of a begger, who was falsely claimed to be a terrorist - and later identified by local population as a Kashmiri.

If they actually were local Kashmiris, will the population stay so quiet - Recently on the issue of that begger - and even for Sophian rape case - there were widespread demonstrations demanding justice. In the case of these terrorists as for most others, even the cremation will be conducted by IA.

I wish these - even rare - incidents of innocents suffering could be avoided. But then it is their misfortune that the beautiful home is the subject of tug of war between two powerful nations.
Read the Report first !

I ve read the post first itself..but since u asked TWO questionss.?

1)Wats the proof that they were the bodies of Kashmiri Muslims only
and not Hindu Pandits or Terrorists..except the golden words of this god-women Angana..?

2)She had declared arbitarily that 47/50 encounters were fake and even in the real one he was a local militant..
a)Hw come she knows abt real and fake encounters..?
b)how is she damn sure that the other was a local militant..?
Did she interview him ..?

and I can go on and on with so many questions.

The point is there are too many unanswered question buddy....so before pointing fingers a bit self-introspection is appreciable.
Amnesty International to assess human rights scenario in Kashmir

Srinagar, May 19 (ANI): A two-member team of Amnesty International met Separatist Hurriyat leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq here and discussed various aspects to assess the state of human rights in the valley.

The team, comprising Bikram J. Batra and Ramesh Gopal Krishen arrived on Monday on a six-day visit to assess the human rights situation and note instances of human rights violations in the state.

"They should responsibly assess the situation and condemn the violations and take up the issue with Central government. And if the Government does not respond then they should make it public that despite their repeated approach to the government, the latter has remained silent," said Farooq.

"We want that this organisation should bring out the real situation, make it clear and take a stand on the issue then," he added.

The Amnesty members said they would be meeting all sections of the people to obtain first hand information of any violation of human rights.

"The purpose of the visit is to get a better understanding of the human right situation here. We are meeting with all the key activists, political actors, government officials, lawyers and people who have suffered from human right violations," said Batra. (ANI)

Source: Amnesty International to assess human rights scenario in Kashmir

Dude the very same Amnesty International in collaboration with Canda immigration agency gives a even more damning report on the state of Human Right Violations in P-O-K:

Worth a look:

Issue Papers, Extended Responses and Country Fact Sheets

Before u jump the gun.let me add...Im not saying there are no violations in our Kashmir..In every insurgency prone area were the Army operated they r bound to be there (case in point FATA)
but wat i want u to understand is that U guys Are no saints either,,,
Both are equally culpable.
Amnesty Team visits Kashmir after 20 Years

After a log gap of 20 years, an Amnesty International team has landed in the Kashmir valley to assess the present and real human rights scenario. They also met most of the Separatist leaders.

The Central government has allowed the team to visit Kashmir valley and analyze the situation that always remain under a lot of political controversy.

The two-member team led by both Indian nationals has invited all the political leaders and human rights groups to know their views and opinions.

Syed Ali Shah Geelani, chairman of the hardliner faction of the Hurriyat said he did not expect any good results from the team because of their Indian origin.

Source: Amnesty Team visits Kashmir after 20 Years
AI claims Union Home Ministry refused to entertain it

The global human rights watchdog, Amnesty International (AI) on Tuesday said that Union Home Ministry refused to discuss the issue of Human Rights violations in India with its representatives.

A two-member AI team, on a five-day visit to Kashmir to assess human rights violations, said that government of India was not ready to discuss the human rights violations. "Before coming to Kashmir we sought an appointment with Union Home Ministry but they did not seem interested. We even approached joint secretary home but to no avail. The response from the secretary came that 'you can send your report to us'," said Bikramjeet Batra, India Campaigner of South Asia chapter of AI.

For the first time since armed insurgency erupted in Kashmir in 1989, AI has visited Kashmir to assess human rights violations. India has been continuously denying permission to the agency.

Batra along with another AI representative Ramesh Gopala Krishnan said that government did not allow them to visit Kashmir even this time but being Indian citizens they could not stop their visit.

"This is a compulsion for them. We are Indian citizens and they can't stop us from going anywhere we want to go," said Batra. "AI had continuously tried to visit Kashmir in last 20 years but often our representatives were denied VISA," he said.

The team would be meeting politicians (mainstream and separatists), human rights activists, victims of human rights violations, lawyers, journalists and civil society during the visit. After Kashmir the team is scheduled to visit Manipur.

Batra said that the team would be focusing on the preventive detention of people by the state particularly under Public Safety Act. "We wanted to start from somewhere so we are starting with preventive detention issue. Young children are detained under public safety act (PSA) in Kashmir," Batra claimed.

He said that AI wants a continued engagement in Kashmir. "We would be taking on other issues like armed forces special powers act (AFSPA), unmarked graves as well," said Batra. Amnesty in 2008 had demanded a probe into the claims by a local human rights group , coalition of civil societies which stated the "presence of hundreds of unmarked graves across valley of those people allegedly killed at the hands of security forces since 1989".

The team said that a probe into Shopian alleged rape and murder of two women was also on the agenda of Amnesty. "Shopian incident is a big issue even now," said Batra.

On second day of their visit today, the team met moderate separatist leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front chairman, Yasin Malik. The team is also scheduled to visit chief secretary of the state S.S Kapoor and Director general of Police Kuldeep Khoda. The team said that they are also hopeful of meeting Chief Minister Omar Abdullah and hard line separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani.

Source: AI claims Union Home Ministry refused to entertain it
AI claims Union Home Ministry refused to entertain it

The global human rights watchdog, Amnesty International (AI) on Tuesday said that Union Home Ministry refused to discuss the issue of Human Rights violations in India with its representatives.

A two-member AI team, on a five-day visit to Kashmir to assess human rights violations, said that government of India was not ready to discuss the human rights violations. "Before coming to Kashmir we sought an appointment with Union Home Ministry but they did not seem interested. We even approached joint secretary home but to no avail. The response from the secretary came that 'you can send your report to us'," said Bikramjeet Batra, India Campaigner of South Asia chapter of AI.

For the first time since armed insurgency erupted in Kashmir in 1989, AI has visited Kashmir to assess human rights violations. India has been continuously denying permission to the agency.

Batra along with another AI representative Ramesh Gopala Krishnan said that government did not allow them to visit Kashmir even this time but being Indian citizens they could not stop their visit.

"This is a compulsion for them. We are Indian citizens and they can't stop us from going anywhere we want to go," said Batra. "AI had continuously tried to visit Kashmir in last 20 years but often our representatives were denied VISA," he said.

The team would be meeting politicians (mainstream and separatists), human rights activists, victims of human rights violations, lawyers, journalists and civil society during the visit. After Kashmir the team is scheduled to visit Manipur.

Batra said that the team would be focusing on the preventive detention of people by the state particularly under Public Safety Act. "We wanted to start from somewhere so we are starting with preventive detention issue. Young children are detained under public safety act (PSA) in Kashmir," Batra claimed.

He said that AI wants a continued engagement in Kashmir. "We would be taking on other issues like armed forces special powers act (AFSPA), unmarked graves as well," said Batra. Amnesty in 2008 had demanded a probe into the claims by a local human rights group , coalition of civil societies which stated the "presence of hundreds of unmarked graves across valley of those people allegedly killed at the hands of security forces since 1989".

The team said that a probe into Shopian alleged rape and murder of two women was also on the agenda of Amnesty. "Shopian incident is a big issue even now," said Batra.

On second day of their visit today, the team met moderate separatist leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front chairman, Yasin Malik. The team is also scheduled to visit chief secretary of the state S.S Kapoor and Director general of Police Kuldeep Khoda. The team said that they are also hopeful of meeting Chief Minister Omar Abdullah and hard line separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani.

Source: AI claims Union Home Ministry refused to entertain it

Fine i think u r here for nothing but increasing ur post count..Carry On.
As i said before google it but heres aquick few examples

Ilyas Kashmiri (militant) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maulana Masood Azhar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Theres two well know persons that fought in kashmir with an education......i bet now you want me to list freedom fighters with PHds?

wo wo wo wo wo wo.........wait a second.

He asked you to name educated engineers and doctors and your reply is this?????? Maulana freaking Masood Azhar? And Illyas Kashmiri?

Do you know who they are?

Maulana Azhar is a well know religious fanatic and terrorist who was brainwashed by his religious education. His list of accomplishments have included kidnapping of foreign tourists and the famous hijacking of IC814.

Illyas Kashmiri studied ONE FREAKING YEAR studying communications, at the end of which he was trained to fight Afghanistan and subsequently India by YOUR Army. He has been awarded by YOUR former President Musharraf for presenting the head of an Indian army sepoy to him. And then he turned against YOUR establishment and tried to murder Musharraf and Kayani. All this is from your link only.

Dude, if you want to present educated and sane people, your choice of examples was extremely poor and in bad taste as well.

Edit: Can someone guide me as to whether this post by 'dabong1' can be reported for support of terrorism?
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lol i just got these latest news from site, so thought to share them here lal.
what's up with post counts lol. check out the sites, these news are just out an hour ago. Also it will be interesting to see the report from these AI persons as they are visiting Kashmir after 20 years. Also in 1 of above post, it is clearly said that both AI persons are indian citizens, so overall it will be all interesting to see the latest developments.

PS: i just thought it will be good to share these new here. didn't expected that you'll be pissed off.. :P
Normal people are some times against us, Many Innoscents die in between cross fire, some major failure in intelligence inputs would act against the innoscent.... Separatists Give assistance to terrorists....

So the normal kashmiris are feared, as we check them daily, we get a bit harsh, I myself accept it, but that is for there well being, we cannot take chances can we?

hmmm... hearing the other side of the coin also for the first time, from a person who had been there... thanks...
only thing is this dispute should end... how is the life of a normal Kashmir people ? I am not asking whether they support India / Pakistan / a seperate country... Normal people are always busy in finding food for themselves is what my view point is...

Are they enjoying their own culture freely and they do celebrate their own festivals ? And what is the amount of poverty there ?
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Dude the very same Amnesty International in collaboration with Canda immigration agency gives a even more damning report on the state of Human Right Violations in P-O-K:

yea and very same Amnesty International that was not allowed to visite I-O-K even after lots of lots of requests over past 20 years. :yahoo:
U think im pissed off.....:P think again.....i can be more than wat u can handle.

yea and very same Amnesty International that was not allowed to visite I-O-K even after lots of lots of requests over past 20 years. :yahoo:

Hey dude....u didn read abt Amnesty International report on our Kashmir by BlackBlood.Even though they may not be entirely true the report is an evidence of the fact that they visited Kashmir.So ur claim in this regard is busted.

Thirdly pls read my previous post once more.:

"Before u jump the gun.let me add...Im not saying there are no violations in our Kashmir..In every insurgency prone area were the Army operates they r bound to be there (case in point FATA)
but wat i want u to understand is that U guys Are no saints either,,,
Both are equally culpable."
if IA causing human right abuse then your *** handler ,their supporter ,those militant are more or equally responsible for this situation.
you create such a situation & all the worlds army is renound for human right abuses(be it iraq,NW frontier in pak)
this is the way army all over the world works.army is a beast which is taught to destroy.
your terror brothers wont let police handle the situation so army has to be called on scene.Even how much terrorist sent by *** are no saint in abusing human rights but people find army an easy option to make hue & cry.
my advice stop cross border terrorism help create good environment to withdraw army from law & order jobs this will ease some tension .

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