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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Major Sir, First time ever I am hearing about the status of the acceptance by normal people from a person who was in Kashmir. Thanks.

Normal people are some times against us, Many Innoscents die in between cross fire, some major failure in intelligence inputs would act against the innoscent.... Separatists Give assistance to terrorists....

So the normal kashmiris are feared, as we check them daily, we get a bit harsh, I myself accept it, but that is for there well being, we cannot take chances can we?
Human Rights Violations in Indian Held Kashmir

Recently, the International People’s Tribunal on Human Rights and Justice disclosed that 2,700 unmarked graves with nearly 3,000 bodies across 55 villages in three districts, Bandipore, Baramullah and Kupwara of Indian Held Kashmir (IHK) have been discovered. Some of the mass graves contain 3 to 17 bodies. The Tribunal claimed that the graves could be of those missing from custody of Indian troops. The report is based on research between November 2006 and November 2009 and has been authored by prominent human rights activists of India and occupied Kashmir. Last year too, the group had found 1,000 unmarked graves in the Kashmir valley. Dr. Angana Chatterjee of the Tribunal said, “The graves might be containing the bodies of the 8,000 people who disappeared during 20 years of the armed conflict”. The history of atrocities in Indian held Kashmir is as old as the dispute itself. Similarly, the High Court Bar Association of Occupied Kashmir maintained that more than 100,000 Kashmiris had been killed by Indian troops in the last two decades, while 10,000 persons were disappeared in custody. Similarly, it said that more than 300,000 Kashmiri’s were tortured in jails and interrogation centers.

Ironically, human rights are violated on large scale in the so-called world’s largest democracy. To crush the Kashmiri Liberation movement, India has employed various techniques including black laws. Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA), Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act 1990 (TADA) and Armed Forces Special Powers Act 1990, (AFSPA) are enforced in Kashmir despite the fact that they contravenes the Indian Constitution and international law. These laws violate the basic human rights such as right to life, the right to liberty and security of the person and the right to remedy. The Armed Forces (Jammu & Kashmir) Special Powers enforced on 10 September, 1990 authorized even a non-commissioned officer to search any place, fire at any person (and kill), or arrest on the basis of suspicion. TADA gives security forces and armed forces special powers for unauthorized administrative detention without formal charges or trial for up to one year. Under POTA, any person can be put into prison for not disclosing the information that can prevent an act of terrorism.

The International humanitarian organizations such as Amnesty International condemned these draconian laws. According to Amnesty International TADA gives a license to kill. Wide powers of arrest granted under TADA, combined with the absence of fundamental legal safeguards for detainees, create a climate, which encourages abuse of power and facilitates illegal and secret detention. AFSPA violates provisions of International human rights law, including the right to life, the right to remedy and the rights to be free from arbitrary deprivation of liberty and from torture and cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The Amnesty International is of the view that the POTA continue to be used to detain political opponents and members of minority populations.

Currently, 700,000 Indian army troops are deployed in occupied Kashmir to crush the Kashmiri freedom movement. The Indian occupational forces have killed more than 91,168 innocent Kashmiris, 38,450 rendered disable or crippled for life and 30,000 women have been raped and molested. More than 105,238 hoses and shops have been destroyed and 106,755 have become orphaned in Jammu and Kashmir, since 1989. According to the Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons 8,000 to 10,000 Kashmiris disappeared mysteriously in Indian Held Kashmir from 1989-2008 while the Asian Centre for Human Rights put the figure at six thousand. Up till July 2006 number of innocent Kashmiris in Indian custody accounted to 3,735.

The condition of Kashmiris detained in different jails of the occupied Kashmir is worse than that of those in Abu Gharib prison in Iraq. The interrogation methods and manners used in these jails are ghastly. Lord Eric Aveybury, Chairman, British Parliamentary Human Rights Group has described Indian atrocities as, “The atrocities committed by Indian imperialists in occupied Kashmir surpass brutalities of apartheid regime in South Africa or of Nazis 50 years ago”.

Arundhati Roy, a well respected Indian writer, while speaking in New York in May 2006, said: “The biggest myth of all times is that India is a democracy. In reality, it is not. Several states in India are on the verge of civil war…. In the Kashmir valley alone, some 80,000 people have been killed. In Iraq, there are 1, 50,000 military personnel whereas in Kashmir valley there are some 7, 00,000”.

Human rights organizations are routinely denied permission to investigate in a free manner. Media-men are being attacked and arrested. Humanitarian relief is limited as external agencies are not being allowed to provide medical assistance and other relief materials. Recently, the Amnesty International has requested President Barack Obama to help end human rights abuses in IHK. Even a five member European Tribunal recently expressed dissatisfaction about the prevailing human rights situation in IHK and urged India to improve this situation.

Many cases of human rights violation stem from abuse of power under repressive laws and police/army brutality unleashed against the Kashmiri people. They are taken into custody for acts that are legitimized by international human rights standards of free speech, freedom of association and assembly, and freedom of the press. The Indian government’s failure to account for these abuses and to take rigorous action against its forces responsible for murder, rape and torture speaks volumes of its fake posture of secular and democratic state. These atrocities are true reflection of its policy of condoning human rights violations by the Indian security forces in Kashmir that needs to be addressed, the sooner the better.

Human Rights Violations in Indian Held Kashmir
When I was there, We used to take care of the cute little children there when there parents used to go for work, we gave them education, we used to switch on the tele vision for them.... There were many separatists at that time, but the Normal kashmiri's are more than happy of us being there....

I wonder why this issue is given lot of importance...

What about this ?

Mass found Graves in Kashmir

Srinagar, Dec 2: A human rights group Wednesday claimed to have found 2700 unmarked and mass graves containing bodies of 2943 people across 55 villages of north Kashmir districts of Kupwara, Varmul and Bandipora.
The International People’s Tribunal on Human Rights and Justice, a rights watchdog, released a preliminary report “Buried Evidence: Unknown, Unmarked, and Mass Graves” in which the revelations were made.

Releasing the report, convenor of the Tribunal, Dr Angana P Chatterji said the graveyards investigated have bodies of those murdered in encounters and fake encounters from 1990 to 2009. “The graves include bodies of extra-judicial, summary and arbitrary executions, as well as massacres by the Indian military and paramilitary forces,” she said and added that of these graves 2373 (87.9 percent) were unnamed. “154 contained two bodies each and 23 contained more than two bodies. Within these 23 graves, the number of bodies ranged from 3 to 17.”

She said that post-death, the bodies of the victims were routinely handled by military, para-military and police personnel. “The bodies were then brought to secret graveyards by Kashmir police personnel. The graves were dug by local gravediggers and caretakers, buried individually when possible and specifically not en-mass, in keeping with Islamic religious sensibilities.”

The report has been already submitted to the Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, the UN Commission on Involuntarily Disappearances, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. The Tribunal asked the state and the central governments to enable independent and transparent investigations into unknown, unmarked and mass graves, drawing upon varied, credible and international expertise, and institute an independent and transparent commission of inquiry. “There is bound to be a reasonable correlation between these graves and the people who have disappeared.”

“If the government of India is serious about Kashmir resolution, here is our call of action,” said Dr Chatterji, who teaches Anthropology at California Institute of Integral Studies.

The report has examined 50 alleged encounter killings by the troops. “Of these, 49 people were labelled militants/foreign insurgents by the security forces. However, the Tribunal found that 47 people were killed in fake encounters and only one was a local militant,” she added.

The report comes 19 months after the Association of Parents of Disappeared People (APDP) released its report on nameless graves. Titled “Facts Under Ground”, the report gave details of 940 to 1000 nameless graves. The report was compiled after a two-year survey conducted by volunteers of the APDP in three tehsils, including Uri and Varmul in north Kashmir.

Flanked by human rights activists Guatam Navlakha, Pervez Imroz and Zahir-ud-Din, Dr Chatterji said these unmarked graves have been placed next to fields, schools and homes, largely on community land and their effect on the local community is daunting.

“If the independent investigations were to be undertaken in all 10 districts, it is reasonable to assume that 8000 disappearances since 1989 would correlate with the number of bodies in unknown, unmarked and mass graves,” she said. The Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons in Kashmir says there are 8000 people who have been subjected to enforced disappearance.

She said the photographs and the first information reports pertaining to those buried in unknown, unmarked, and mass graves across Jammu and Kashmir that are reportedly kept in police custody must be rendered into the public domain so that claimants may pursue their claim.

“The international community and institutions have not examined the supposition of crimes against humanity in J&K. The UN and its member states have remained ineffective in containing and halting the adverse consequences of the militarization,” she added.
(from Greater Kashmir)

Mass Graves in Kashmir | World Pulse
There is no running away from the Fact that Indian forces are commiting attrocities in Kashmir.
@Black Blood: As I have told you some serious False Intelligence Inputs go against the Innoscents , But these grave have 80% terrorists... I who spent my life there say that , Its difficult to find terrorists and encounter them, I hate to tell that, arms and ammunitions are hidden in masjids... so tell me, If Indian army openly searches masjid, the people get fed up, but you should also see that we are doing our duty, who support that are always enemys of nation and its our duty to kill them...
What about this ?

Mass found Graves in Kashmir

Srinagar, Dec 2: A human rights group Wednesday claimed to have found 2700 unmarked and mass graves containing bodies of 2943 people across 55 villages of north Kashmir districts of Kupwara, Varmul and Bandipora.

What are the odds that those 2400 odd are the bodies of Hindu Pandits butchered by the terrorists..? huh
Was anything written on the bodies that this is a muslim killed by the Indian army..?
Shall i give links describing the massacres of the Kashmiri Pandits by ur "innocent frredom fighters"..?
This is a serious incident, the Pakistani army needs to have higher standards and hold people accountable.
It's not one sided.Both sides fire artillery on each side specially at LOC.There was a time when Indians used to fire all the time towards LOC..

---------- Post added at 10:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 AM ----------

This is a serious incident, the Pakistani army needs to have higher standards and hold people accountable.
It's not one sided.Both sides fire artillery on each side specially at LOC.There was a time when Indians used to fire all the time towards LOC..Anyway, I would not be surprised if Pakistan Rangers (border forces) were returning the favor.
Not when you are talking to a guy who say 150 fine men fall in that very war.

150 men do not fall..They live in our hearts forever. :INDIAN FLAG:

I do, never denied that.

Buddy If u accept then were do the arguments of Pakistanis saying Kashmir is occupied by a foreign,Kuffar army go..?

The article quoted spoke nothing about weapons, that's why I criticized it.

Wen the word Terrorist is there it self-implies that they had weapons.
Or do terrorists have lollipops in their hand..?

Read that, but the alleged terrorists were killed on site, there was not time for informers to identify them.
Fine u read that..but u didn understand that...Its not like u kill a terrorist and then the informer comes and identifies them.
The Army or the RR would get PRIOR info of this much terrorists from this organisation are hiding here..or something like that...hope u got it...
What are the odds that those 2400 odd are the bodies of Hindu Pandits butchered by the terrorists..? huh
Was anything written on the bodies that this is a muslim killed by the Indian army..?
Shall i give links describing the massacres of the Kashmiri Pandits by ur "innocent frredom fighters"..?

If it were say Hindu Pandits, it would have been more convenient to burn any evidence.
What are the odds that those 2400 odd are the bodies of Hindu Pandits butchered by the terrorists..? huh
Was anything written on the bodies that this is a muslim killed by the Indian army..?
Shall i give links describing the massacres of the Kashmiri Pandits by ur "innocent frredom fighters"..?

Read the Report first !
Ok no need to start war of words here. It happens all the time, as many Indians are claiming that soldiers need order from high commands is just in books. How can you expect a soldier to be so disciplined?

Though it is sad, but everyone looks for chance to shoot. We aren't very innocent.
If it were say Hindu Pandits, it would have been more convenient to burn any evidence.

See my argument is also logical...unmarked graves...both sides have killed..
So hw cum ur damn sure that they r Kashmiri muslims only and not Hindus...?

---------- Post added at 04:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:17 PM ----------

he was preparing for BS.. :rofl:

It seems u too followed him.

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