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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Abdullah ki bhi G@@nd Phattii!!
Joota maro saley ko..

He should not be making such statements,that can cause unrest in the valley.
Such an id!ot he is!
Why should I? The past three months are enough to predict the future of IOK.

Really? What about the past 63 years. Are they not enough to predict the future of Kashmir
What would be considered as Kashmir? Would Gilgit-Balistan also fall into Kashmir? What about Jammu and Leh? Northern Areas?

What about the Indus water treaty? How do you think the water would be divided among the three countries. I am pretty sure Kashmir would reserve a lot for themselves as they are already complaining about less water at the moment?

Would Kashmir be declared a no military zone? One of India's main concern would be Kashmir cozying up to Pakistan Army as they have provided financial support to the separatist movement for so long. Kashmir has acted as a buffer for India for very long. If Pakistan would have any presence in Kashmir, it would not go well with India.

Secular or theocratic? What about Kashmiri Pandits and Sikhs? They were driven out by same separatist that would most likely rule Kashmir. How can they ensure safety of Hindus and Sikhs?
Could we discuss hell freezing over first before the subject in hand ?

That is likely to happen before.
If Kashmir was to be a sovereign state......

Thats a very big "If" mate....
While entire Europe has turned into a Union, we are still trying to divide each others lands. First it was India dividing Pakistan and Bangladesh and now it is Pakistan trying to divide Punjab and Kashmir from India.

Both countries needs to grow. So much potential, such a waste.

[voldemort voice] ONE CANNOT LIVE WHILE THE OTHER LIVES[/voldemort voice]
If Kashmir was to be a sovereign state......

Thats a very big "If" mate....

During Musharuff's regime there were serious discussions over a jointly ruled state of J&K. Therefore, having Kashmir as a neutral sovereign state is not a pipe dream. Think of it logically for second, rather getting all patriotic about it. Why do we even need Kashmir?

A) Buffer zone
B) Indus river

If the three countries come to an agreement that Kashmir would forever be a military free zone with the rights of the country protected by the security council (wonder if there can be an agreement like that), neither India nor Pakistan would have t worry about a war front in the North. Same would hold for China. My only worry is that under the influence of hard core extremist the valley might turn out to be hot bed of terrorism like Afganistan under an extremist rule like the Taliban.

It would be interesting to see what Pakistan be willing to give away for the freedom of Kashmir. Not only AJK but also Gilgit- Balistan and NA might be regarded as Kashmir (please correct me if am wrong). During the Khalisthan movement Pakistan withdrew its support when they thought that they would also end up loosing some land. What would happen in the case of Kashmir?
Could we discuss hell freezing over first before the subject in hand ?

That is likely to happen before.

If someone told you 70 years ago that the continent of Europe would be under one union you would have said the same thing. But look where we are today. No wonder they consider us sub-human. Clearly shows we are several decades behind them not only economically and ideologically as well.
If someone told you 70 years ago that the continent of Europe would be under one union you would have said the same thing. But look where we are today. No wonder they consider us sub-human. Clearly shows we are several decades behind them not only economically and ideologically as well.

Firstly, they are ' they' and we are ' us'. Pls try & understand that everything that happens in Europe & US does not have to apply to Asia & vice versa.Their way of doing things need not be the best & suited to Asia. China & India are fine examples of doing things their way at least as far as their fundamentals are concerned. With time we shall all see consolidation in this regard.

Nations in Europe that have contentious border still have problems eg. Turkey & Greece over Cyprus and the situation there is quite like J&K with a UN force in between. Major issues still exist in the Balkans.

One template does not fit all.

I was surpirsed at the Q in a post above that why India needs J&K . Its like why India needs India ? The strategic advantages that come to India by its presence in the North need no elaboration.

Being a fellow country man stops me from saying any further. We could discuss this perhaps elsewhere.

Buffer zones do not work. Switzerland too has recently had problems with minarets for mosques.Religion in our part of the world leaves no place or person either neutral or a buffer.

If we were to suggest options on division of Pak the suggestions would be earth shattering. similarly,Mush went to suggest division of parts he never held nor would ever do.

No, there is no option but for the LC to be an IB. This too is a major come down for India for the J&K Hari Singh acceded to India included Pak Occupied J&K .
Mystic is a pakistani pretending to be indian.........:taz:
What would be considered as Kashmir? Would Gilgit-Balistan also fall into Kashmir? What about Jammu and Leh? Northern Areas?

The map used by the UN when they passed the resolution should be used.

What about the Indus water treaty? How do you think the water would be divided among the three countries. I am pretty sure Kashmir would reserve a lot for themselves as they are already complaining about less water at the moment?

Stick to the treaty

Would Kashmir be declared a no military zone? One of India's main concern would be Kashmir cozying up to Pakistan Army as they have provided financial support to the separatist movement for so long. Kashmir has acted as a buffer for India for very long. If Pakistan would have any presence in Kashmir, it would not go well with India.

Make kashmir a non military zone.

Secular or theocratic? What about Kashmiri Pandits and Sikhs? They were driven out by same separatist that would most likely rule Kashmir. How can they ensure safety of Hindus and Sikhs?

Let all the refugees return..muslim,sikh,hindu ect........the police can protect everyone.......the bogey of kashmir being turned into some iran with the mullah as leaders will never happen.
The political parties that use faith as a platform have always done really bad in pakistan and never really taken power unlike india where a hindu party has ruled.
What would be considered as Kashmir? Would Gilgit-Balistan also fall into Kashmir? What about Jammu and Leh? Northern Areas?

What about the Indus water treaty? How do you think the water would be divided among the three countries. I am pretty sure Kashmir would reserve a lot for themselves as they are already complaining about less water at the moment?

Would Kashmir be declared a no military zone? One of India's main concern would be Kashmir cozying up to Pakistan Army as they have provided financial support to the separatist movement for so long. Kashmir has acted as a buffer for India for very long. If Pakistan would have any presence in Kashmir, it would not go well with India.

Secular or theocratic? What about Kashmiri Pandits and Sikhs? They were driven out by same separatist that would most likely rule Kashmir. How can they ensure safety of Hindus and Sikhs?

If Kashmir were to become a sovereign nation

1)Another partition and mass migration and with it lot of repercussion
2)Another Islamic state bordering India
3)Communal Violence in India
4)India and Pakistan would continue to fight to exert influence over Kashmir. I would say the enmity would be more intense than it is now
5)India would have another Afghanistan next to its border, with the same repercussions that Pakistan is experiencing now at its western border.
6)Kashmir would become new battleground for world leading powers so as to exert their influence in the region and contain India and China
7)Kashmir would become another playground for Taliban or its clones
8)There will be huge unrest in states of India bordering Kashmir
9)Pakistan would loose its share of water as the Indus Treaty would become redundant and major parts of Pakistan would become barren. This may lead to lot of refugee influx into India and Iran, leading to total disaster for the whole region

The list can go on…
It was a matter of winning hearts in that state, but such kind of statements must be avoided. He now has given more fodder to the separatists. But it never changes India's stand on Kashmir, he never was a good politician.

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