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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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this statement from omar was just to gain the sympathy from the troublemakers. he is feeling the heat because of the violence. it's a tactical move & it's working some what. beleive me.. this guy will always be sympathetic to new delhi. his whole political survival is based on that. so don't get excited by this statement. he knows what he is doing & so does new delhi.
You really dont have any knowledge of what is happening inside kashmir.. if you had atleast followed some news you would have not replied back this poorly...

So your from kashmir then are you?

India never invaded kashmir.. India rescued kashmir from Pakistan clutches... If india want to invade it would have done immediately after independence it would not have waited until a unrest happened.. Pakistan wanted to take over kashmir immediately after independence its diplomacy failed miserably and it started to plunder the people created unrest.. so we have to send our people to save those innocents... So logically our GoI never ate any one lives...

What are you talking about?
Pakistan and india where made for reasons of faith.....pakistan taking the majority muslim areas and making pakistan while the hindus took the majority hindu areas and made india and going of that simple logic kashmir belongs to pakistan.

Geelani is very much a kid ... it is you who dont understand what is a real development is... You are also thinking on his the lines of geelani which will put every one in dark land... come out of it sirjee.. go round the world and see and then go to AJK.. if you need to know what is development

I am from AJK and know fully well what development is taking place.....it seems its you that has no idea.
Heres a couple of pic to sure that we in AJK are living in mud huts.
Houses in AJK Photo Gallery by Gharib Hanif at pbase.com

For your information .. there are no freedom fighters in JK.. those who are protesting are pawns of ISI or those people who got money from ISI/Army... We can see lot of people staying away from them and even showed your existence in some wars... what you have got to say for it??

Yeah:rofl: of course every person that protest against indian brutality is an ISI agent:rofl:
Pakistan freed kashmir?? where it is buddy??? i cant see any such country in the map.. is it something created today??.

Its called azad kashmir

You know what image is there in outside world for P0K??? Terrorist breeding area.. do you feel happy about it.. do you hear the same in JK... you hear violence in JK because mosquito breded in P0K is creating problem here.. if "All-out/mortien" gives some quick solution then JK will be really a heaven on earth...

Fool yourself into believing the indian BS but is those "dirty mosquito"
you breed in india and then send to beautiful kashmir in uniforms that kill the people.
this statement from omar was just to gain the sympathy from the troublemakers. he is feeling the heat because of the violence. it's a tactical move & it's working some what. beleive me.. this guy will always be sympathetic to new delhi. his whole political survival is based on that. so don't get excited by this statement. he knows what he is doing & so does new delhi.

I feel more than to gain sympathy from troublemakers, Omar move is to checkmate Geelani & co at their own game...see...the results are obvious.
Ahhh hypocrites.if they evr wanted to go by consensus of the people in jammu and kashmir they would have abandoned their stance long a go.

how would you ever know, its india who has no interest in a plebiscite.
Their was a propaganda campaign that started after Kargil war, can't believe in such videos.

And what kinda proof will be acceptable to yo sir?

Seriously why is the onus to proof everything is on the person who debates with you ?
That is a video for god sake.
Just googled it and got 23000 results.Take your pick.

I feel more than to gain sympathy from troublemakers, Omar move is to checkmate Geelani & co at their own game...see...the results are obvious.

if that is part of the plan, even better.. & you can see people falling for it, including some on this very forum. guy was a puppet of new delhi only till last week & suddenly he is toast of the town.
If Kashmir were to become a sovereign nation

1)Another partition and mass migration and with it lot of repercussion
2)Another Islamic state bordering India
3)Communal Violence in India
4)India and Pakistan would continue to fight to exert influence over Kashmir. I would say the enmity would be more intense than it is now
5)India would have another Afghanistan next to its border, with the same repercussions that Pakistan is experiencing now at its western border.
6)Kashmir would become new battleground for world leading powers so as to exert their influence in the region and contain India and China
7)Kashmir would become another playground for Taliban or its clones
8)There will be huge unrest in states of India bordering Kashmir
9)Pakistan would loose its share of water as the Indus Treaty would become redundant and major parts of Pakistan would become barren. This may lead to lot of refugee influx into India and Iran, leading to total disaster for the whole region

The list can go on…

There would hardly be any mass migration issues. Our constitution has prevented people outside Kashmir to reside in the state. And there are not many Kashmiris living outside Kashmir, at least in Mumbai there are not many. Probably in Delhi the number might be larger (lot of Kashmiri Pandits migrated).

Why do you think there would be communal violence. Have you just presumed that we are barbaric? Don't you think we have grown over the past few decades. Why can the partition be peaceful?

Some good points but largely on assumption that it would turn out to be a radical islamic state. What if it adopts a secular democracy like India? They will be looking toward the west (US) to set up the country, which would require them to behave themselves. Unless the west has other plans for them (which is unlikely), it would turn out to be alright.

About the three powers exerting pressure on Kashmir, I already suggested Kashmir being a neutral non-military zone. If Europe can have Switzerland, why can't we have Kashmir :cheers:.

The Indus river will still be flowing. If you stop the water, the entire valley will be submerged.
I might be wrong about you being a pakistani but i find it harder to accept that your indian that is talking common sense when it comes to kashmir.

3 years and I have read enough BS from both sides.:hitwall:

Just kidding. But as you said its just common sense.
Pakistan should rather think of saving Baluchistan from Taliban rather than saving Kashmir. It might end up loosing both. Pakistan is just stretching the rubber.
how would you ever know, its india who has no interest in a plebiscite.

No need for plebiscite...the J&K elections have proved where the Kashmiries loyalties lie
i think its personally very introspective for indians to start thinking along these lines.

at the end of the day you guys are all aware of the ground situation, i mean the innate reality of the situation will "out" it self at some point into the mass indian conscience

you guys are all aware of the lessons of imperialism - well its india who have become the neo-imperialists so have a good think about these misadventures turn out.

violence begets violence, hatred begets hatred and the passion for freedom is still as strong as ever amongst the people of IOK.

would it not be wise to think more pragmatically?

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