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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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The world doesnt revolve around only American media. Guardian is a British news source which was founded in 1821, its not a Pakistani news source, its run by White Christians (which you are pretending to be here in this forum).

I'm not a propagandist. I never posted false news in this forum or from any news website thats known to write propaganda.

I post news from all different countries' news source not only American.

The question is: dont British media sensationalize? I would say Kashmir is not a known word in America except for the Cashmere, of course. What is funny to me is how Pakistanis readily say stuff like America wants Kashmir to become this or that without even knowing that Kashmir and its issues are not known to most Americans. That's why you dont see too much news about Kashmir from here. I'd be interested to see why the Brits would be bothered about Kashmir, unless they are writing to some South Asian constituency.
Really...Even your government and your army are not so convinced as you are

It is better you tell this to your army than to us. It is no use telling us

Why should I? The past three months are enough to predict the future of IOK.
so correct you are; I'm doing my best at least to inform my new American friends. It's great to be here in DC. But this isnt about me. Pakistan in America (i.e. the embassy and consulates) have a duty to bring the issue to their attention. Though of course the issue itself of the DISPUTED TERRITORY is between the stakeholders --- and yes, that includes (primarily) the Kashmiri peoples themselves and their right to determine their future.

Kashmir is NOT an "integral part" of hindustan just because some officials in delhi say so (blatantly ignoring ground realities of course). Freedom fighters are born out of need, wants and desires that are yet to be met.

our embassy should do more to highlight the plight; seminars, cultural events, lecture speaking at top universities; etc. In fact, I think it would be a good idea to expand our embassy to include an autonomous and somewhat de-centralized Kashmir wing perhaps to undertake this mission.
hey thats looks interesting.................can you plz translate to english?

Brother its in English only. :rofl: (at least font)

He said.

May Allah Kareem Bless the Shuhdaa e Kashmir. Ameen. May India reaches it's End in the Vally of Kashmir. Ameen YaRabul Alameen.

God should bless the kashmiris and india should finish its operation to a end in the valley of kashmir for bringing back the happiness.

Not sure about the second the sentence, as it is not clearing written. I am not an expert in hindi or urdu.
Why should I? The past three months are enough to predict the future of IOK.

oh! and past 60 years and 4 bloody wars are not enough ?

Great job Omar, proud to be Indian. He is very intelligent and asset for Indian fame.
so correct you are; I'm doing my best at least to inform my new American friends. It's great to be here in DC. But this isnt about me. Pakistan in America (i.e. the embassy and consulates) have a duty to bring the issue to their attention. Though of course the issue itself of the DISPUTED TERRITORY is between the stakeholders --- and yes, that includes (primarily) the Kashmiri peoples themselves and their right to determine their future.

Kashmir is NOT an "integral part" of hindustan just because some officials in delhi say so (blatantly ignoring ground realities of course). Freedom fighters are born out of need, wants and desires that are yet to be met.

our embassy should do more to highlight the plight; seminars, cultural events, lecture speaking at top universities; etc. In fact, I think it would be a good idea to expand our embassy to include an autonomous and somewhat de-centralized Kashmir wing perhaps to undertake this mission.

Don't you think you are expecting too much from people who couldn't conjure even enough aid for Pakistan's flood victims???:undecided:

Or you are just underestimating the discerning capabilities of Americans?

Or you are underestimating the now famous 'Indian Lobby'?

Please enlighten me.
an outsider would think that given hindustan's size, they would have been able to wrestle Kashmir out of everyone's hands (even the Kashmiris themselves)

such is far from the truth however, and Pakistan is MUCH smaller.

with that said, why would we ever surrender our position?

to answer your question --> if need be, NO
Don't you think you are expecting too much from people who couldn't conjure even enough aid for Pakistan's flood victims???:undecided:

we're dealing with a country that is having its own fiscal/macroeconomic issues

you'd be naiive to think that with the amount of damage caused by the floods, that we'd suddenly expect any generosity similar to what we saw in 2005.

not too long ago there was a global financial crisis (it still lingers); I would expect (and respect) a country that looks after its own first.

the only people who can rebuild and help are Pakistanis themselves, nobody else. Not the Americans, not the Turks or Chinese. Just Pakistanis.

but that is totally off-topic so no need to talk about it here.

Or you are just underestimating the discerning capabilities of Americans?

to be honest with you, I'm not interested, nor do I really care.

Or you are underestimating the now famous 'Indian Lobby'?

hmmm. :what:

Again, don't really care. Our position on Kashmir is transparent, justified and easier to project to the audience.

No need for lies, spin or having to dig out a pro-indian "Kashmiri" pundit amidst the overwhelming Muslim majority that is opposed to your occupation and repression of Kashmiris.

your powerful lobby hasn't done too well in 2009-2010. U.S. is still arming us to the teeth, still providing "aid" (which incidentally, is only making a few people rich); your powerful lobby couldn't/didn't stop Pakistan (a nuclear armed non-signatory of the NPT lacking a 'no first use policy' ) from becoming the chair @ IAEA -albeit between you and me, IAEA is about as effective and useful as a one-legged retard in a kicking contest

again -- not related to the atrocities committed by the occupational forces or Kashmir; so we ought to steer back on topic
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the occupational forces (aka the ''sissies'') at it.....

Indian Troops Harass People, Loot Valuables in iHK​

Indian troops harass people, loot valuables in IHK | Kashmir Media Service


Congrats u won make ur own story contest. This is how rumor mill is created. People u have no idea spread false news.
we're dealing with a country that is having its own fiscal/macroeconomic issues

you'd be naiive to think that with the amount of damage caused by the floods, that we'd suddenly expect any generosity similar to what we saw in 2005.

not too long ago there was a global financial crisis (it still lingers); I would expect (and respect) a country that looks after its own first.

the only people who can rebuild and help are Pakistanis themselves, nobody else. Not the Americans, not the Turks or Chinese. Just Pakistanis.

but that is totally off-topic so no need to talk about it here.

to be honest with you, I'm not interested, nor do I really care.

hmmm. :what:

Again, don't really care. Our position on Kashmir is transparent, justified and easier to project to the audience.

No need for lies, spin or having to dig out a pro-indian "Kashmiri" pundit amidst the overwhelming Muslim majority that is opposed to your occupation and repression of Kashmiris.

your powerful lobby hasn't done too well in 2009-2010. U.S. is still arming us to the teeth, still providing "aid" (which incidentally, is only making a few people rich); your powerful lobby couldn't/didn't stop Pakistan (a nuclear armed non-signatory of the NPT lacking a 'no first use policy' ) from becoming the chair @ IAEA -albeit between you and me, IAEA is about as effective and useful as a one-legged retard in a kicking contest

again -- not related to the atrocities committed by the occupational forces or Kashmir; so we ought to steer back on topic

You deflected all my points very nicely. Congrats:cheers:
an outsider would think that given hindustan's size, they would have been able to wrestle Kashmir out of everyone's hands (even the Kashmiris themselves)

such is far from the truth however, and Pakistan is MUCH smaller.

with that said, why would we ever surrender our position?

to answer your question --> if need be, NO

No, Pak must never surrender its position for it is the only issue the nation agrees on and is a neutral subject for all parties who run the nation ( ISI,Army, fundamentalists and occasionally some odd Pol party, in that order ) can agree without treading on each others toes.

Pak must never give up its stance on J&K for it would then run the risk of disintegrating. Disintegration of Pak would not be a good option for the region & the world.

J&K gives PA a reason to stay in control .

No. Of the two options , holding on to its stand on J&K is better. Helps channelize energies.

In any case, the dream of utopia often is better than achieving it.
oh! and past 60 years and 4 bloody wars are not enough ?

Yeah those 60 years too. A strong omen for signs of things to happen in future. The freedom of Kashmir.

Great job Omar, proud to be Indian. He is very intelligent and asset for Indian fame.

Yeah great job for this speech Omar. ;)
While entire Europe has turned into a Union, we are still trying to divide each others lands. First it was India dividing Pakistan and Bangladesh and now it is Pakistan trying to divide Punjab and Kashmir from India.

Both countries needs to grow. So much potential, such a waste.
Now, can any Pakistani member say that Abdullah is Indian Puppet? This rather bold statement confirmed the democratic traditions of India.

As regarding the Omar’s statement, what he says is J&K enjoys a special status with in the Indian Constitution and there is nothing new in it…so be calm


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