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Kashmir: Victims of twisted facts

Moderators behave like bus drivers who maneuver the direction of news hour debates according to their tastes. They twist facts cunningly by intermingling unrelated threads often interwoven weirdly​

Bilal Kaloo

Past four months of stringent curfews and shutdowns in Kashmir has locked the entire population in their homes. Along with this, a simultaneous attempt to inject what we can best describe as twisted version of ‘Indianised Media’ on Kashmir is fed to Kashmiris regularly. Not because Kashmiris like it but because local media outlets have been banned and rest of those who operate are often gagged.

With this the world’s largest democracy has epitomized the freedom of expression by the exemplary acts that seeks ban on anything that challenges New Delhi’s authority.

There seems to be no choice for Kashmiris. As stepping out of homes becomes too foolish when shoot-at-sight orders are in effect, options to stay inside home for long is too difficult to kill ones time.

Man is by nature thirsty of knowledge and information and wants to keep himself updated with latest developments in and around him. The hunger for information about the external happenings leaves one with an only option of turning to television sets. Interestingly, one may manage to escape from the bullets being fired on people in the streets outside, but the no-where-leading news hour debates on Delhi and Mumbai-based news channels on Kashmir unrest squeezes one’s body and soul as the outcome of such debates is always futile that only adds to the chaos and confusion existing in the Valley.

Crouching helplessly in front of television screens, the scrolling Breaking News actually breaks nothing but only the belief and trust of those living in a fools’ paradise.

Pleasing phrases, enticing in nature without practical worth raise hopes for a temporary time. Sample this: PM To Hold All Party Meet, CM Meets PM, PM to Announce Eid Gift, Congress Concerned on Kashmir, Kashmir On Edge, AFSPA May Go. And when nothing such occurs in reality, one’s trust gap on such news channels expands more. All this leaves one to remind the past and current breaches of trust by New Delhi.

In many of these debates, the anchors or moderators instead of facilitating or pushing forward the debates act like bus drivers maneuvering the direction of the discussion according to their taste and interests. Divergence is crafted cunningly to intermingle unrelated threads that are interwoven weirdly. When it comes to pro-Kashmiri or pro-freedom participants, the indifference on part of some anchors is obvious as they draw a dividing line in between. The anchors along with pro-Indian participants particularly BJP leaders play different cards to avoid any consensus on the main issue. No doubt Kashmiri pandits suffered in the early phase of the movement, but their pain is projected well beyond more than a lakh Kashmiri coffins. Such disproportionate comparisons can never belittle the legitimacy of the genuine demands that once the prime minister of India Jawahar Lal Nehru itself had promised to the people of Kashmir. Professionalism must be impartial and unbiased and journalism need not to take refuge under the umbrella of nationalism. Arnab Goswami of Times Now while moderating a news hour debates was judgmental about Kashmir conflict. He has no capacity to accommodate and acknowledge reality on the ground. Indian state for him is a sacred cow and he fails to realize that as a journalist his feet lie in the fourth estate and not the Indian state. ‘Infotainment’- the marriage of information with entertainment has eroded the rudiments of journalism. Neutrality, impartiality and independence of media are now utopian concepts.

As for as the panelists are concerned, the ex- military generals with twisted moustaches keep commanding the conference screens. They don’t debate but dictate. Old habits die hard. These ex-military generals reveal their military mentality without paying heed to the humane element of the excesses perpetrated by soldiers on the innocent civilians of Kashmir. They only defend their national interests neglecting ways and means adopted by men in uniform in carrying out their operations against innocent civilians.

During the fuss over partial withdrawal of AFSPA, the holy book was sanctified on the grounds that soldiers (the saviors of nation) need maximum protection to reflect efficiency in their task.

Why are these experts tongue-tied to justify incidents of Kunan-Poshpora, Chattisinghpora, Pathribal, Machil and the endless list of fake encounters and mass rapes? And such so-called brave and heroic acts were rewarded with medals and promotions rather being censured. Representatives of the political parties especially the spokespersons play a salesman’s role for their parties advertising agendas and arrogance together. Personalities that are remotely related to the conflict are presented as experts on Kashmir affairs. Out of sync statements made in these talk shows makes a common Kashmiri boil within.

Instead of analyzing the conflict in its entirety, panelists at times selectively try to debate the trivial matters that sideline the main issue, thus adding to the complexity and confusion. These are perceived as premeditated tactics just to send a message that a simple fact is a conundrum requiring a thorough contemplation before arriving at any concrete consensus. The varied shades of opinion makers want to paint the picture according to their own colours and try to score points and nothing else. These debates are spreading like an epidemic, but what annoys the people of valley is the fact that voice of Kashmiris is given a very least consideration. When innocent killings should have been the prime focus, Pandits, Ladakhis and Jammunities were projected from nowhere as the primary stakeholders that deserve immediate consideration. The corporate media is now a versatile tool in the hands of Indian establishment to mould the perception of Indians in general and the people outside in particular to hoodwink them and save her face from embarrassment. India, though being a strong economy along with having the world’s second largest armed forces, is too weak to acknowledge the true aspects of Kashmir conflict. The aroma of arrogance has intoxicated her, so much, that the promises made by its founding fathers are now thrown out to dogs. But history is testimony to the fact that one can not ride too far on the saddle of hypocrisy. The cold wars of weaponry and armory are now replaced by cold war of information. The innovations and advancements in the art of ‘fact fabrication’ is now becoming a Special Political Zone (SPZ), where Indian policy makers, politicians and think tanks are hammering and tampering facts and shape them to fit into their national interest. And the final products are being transported and marketed by Indian corporate media after adding some spices of glamour and rhetoric. The universal ethics and principles of journalism find place only in the academic side, but on practical platform these things surrender before the mighty politics.

The reins on media are strongly state-dominated and the vocabularies in the news items on Indian media paint an ugly picture of the peaceful protester on the streets of Kashmir. Tags like stone-pelters, mobsters, trouble-makers, anti-national elements and so on. And the peaceful demonstrations are labeled as instigated, orchestrated, militant backed, Pakistan supported and so on. Isn’t the word ‘human being’ appropriate for innocent Kashmiris that are daily killed by troops here? In the semantics of Indian democracy, Kashmiris do not even qualify for being addressed as human beings at all. The venom of indifference and alienation caused by atrocities and injustices has paralyzed the psyche of Kashmiris. The subjugation is now metamorphosing as newer dimensions of exercising control are continuously explored. In this era of information technology, misinformation is proving to be a deadly weapon. It strangulates facts and is aimed to install new memories that fit into the frames of manipulators. The silent war is on affecting not only the helpless oppressed class but also those who would try to raise voice for them. Bullets can poison the body, the misinformation and misinterpretation, however, poisons minds en mass.

Kashmir: Victims of twisted facts
JK India’s integral part: Congress

New Delhi: Congress Friday said Kashmir is an integral part of India and that the question of merger of the state with India was decided on October 26, 1947.
''The question of the merger of Jammu and Kashmir with India was decided on October 26, 1947 when late Maharaja Hari Singh

had announced accession of the entire state with the country, including parts of the state under the illegal occupation by Pakistan,'' Congress spokesperson Manish Tiwari told reporters here, apparently in reference to the speech by Chief Minister Omar Abdullah in the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly.

He, however, did not make any comment on Omar.

''From the time of the first Prime Minister late Jawaharlal Nehru to the present Manmohan Singh, the Congress has believed that Kashmir is an integral part of India,'' Tiwari said.

In reply to a question, he said the situation in Jammu and Kashmir had improved.

''It is the duty of all national parties and parties in the state to make responsible statements about Jammu and Kashmir to help improve the situation,'' he added
Just another political stunt to calm the masses. A politician once is a politician always.
Three questions:

1) Fact is majority of kashmirees don't want to stay with India. Is there anyone here who can dispute this? If you dispute it, Are you prepared for referendum in Kashmir to prove your point? (you can have Neutral US observers.)

2) Why is plebiscite per UN agreement is not being considered?

3) I am not sure Kashmires want to be part of Pakistan. but the discontent of the population with India is clear as crystal. and I understand India resisting giving Kashmir to Pakistan. What about making it sovereign nation?

Your post reminds me of a person who had a China flag n was talking abt india china war how china should attack india n he was exposed by chinese frends like siegecrossbow......................food for thought............................on topic

1.even un chief ruled out peblicite calling it non binding
2.politics n democracy requires tryin out new way to deal with discontent people.................. try to look abt omar's speech in this light
3.in democracy people do have diffrences they try to negotiate it over a period of time india is vast n diverse country people are bound have diffrent aspirations its upto political class to mould these aspiration according to the founding principles of this country i.e. unity in diversity:smitten:
Well he pulled the air out of the so called accession documents and unbreakable part of India balloon. As I said one can interpret it anyways for self satisfaction. We will go with the apparent context of his speech.

Enough said. :)

What did change on the ground? Except that a lot of Pakistani people suddenly started liking Omar Abdullah.
Until now Omar Abdullah was bad now he became good over night!!!! BTW its complete mis-interpretation of his words.

Kashmir is settled. No one will be ever be able to take a inch of it. Forget about that. :)

Tell this to your employee Omar Abdullah not us. Because we also know you aren't going to give up just an inch of Kashmir but the whole of IOK. Who wants an inch of IOK from you.
What did change on the ground? Except that a lot of Pakistani people suddenly started liking Omar Abdullah.

The killing of Kashmiri kids by the Bharati govt employed terrorist forces for throwing stones. That is the change. :)
Tell this to your employee Omar Abdullah not us. Because we also know you aren't going to give up just an inch of Kashmir but the whole of IOK. Who wants an inch of IOK from you.

Really...Even your government and your army are not so convinced as you are

It is better you tell this to your army than to us. It is no use telling us
well well well ....... if those were the millitants then it should have been another episode of pounch sector do i need to remind indians what did happen in pounch or they will re-call it by themselves.....

Do remind us,as far as I know,the place that you are talking about is still a part of India.The last time when the militants backed by NLI tried to take a part of Kashmir by force,they were blown to pieces by the artillery and the aerial bombardments......

india can kill only innocent ............... india does not has the capability to fight with any arm person ....

Really??thats why Pakistan launched 3 wars and lost all of them,loosing almost half of the country in the process??Regarding killing the innocents,what was Pak Army doing in East Pakistan,before it wasd severed??Picnic??

Significant part of Indian Armed Forces present in Kasmir are made of Kashmiris only.They are their to protect the common people from cross-border terrorists and to maintain the territorial integrity of India.

Pakistan is called the Epicenter of Global terrorism not without a reason.

If you really want Kashmir and that too by force then why play like pussies,by sending handful terrorists from time to time??Try going all out then.....
the occupational forces (aka the ''sissies'') at it.....

Indian Troops Harass People, Loot Valuables in iHK​

Indian troops harass people, loot valuables in IHK | Kashmir Media Service




A CRPF picket is removed by policemen from Margarmal Bagh locality of Srinagar following Centre’s eight point package to address ongoing unrest in the Jammu and Kashmir. Photo: PTI

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