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Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

They believe in one, true God.

They believe in the unseen (heavens, hell, angel, afterlife)

They pray, fast, go to pilgrimage and give charity.

Only difference is that they believe the prophecy of Prophet Jesus coming back has been fulfilled with Golam.

Since they have the characteristics with which Koran identifies a believer, I say they are Muslims. The rest of it: Leave it to God for judging.

THey should have equal right as any other Muslims.

I don't believe in 'Takfir' either so this is only me making sort of a correction : They don't believe in the finality of the Prophethood; they believe that when the Quran talks about 'Seal of Prophethood' its implying only an end to 'Law-Giving' Prophets and that otherwise Prophets may continue coming (even after Mirza Ghulam Ahmed) till the end of times. There is, however, a branch within Jamat Ahmediya who call themselves the 'Lahori Jamat' and they believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmed's references to himself as a Prophet were only allegorical (as he himself said so himself) and that he was nothing more than a Mujadid (a Reformer) - A scholar who wanted to reform Islam.
Whatever Ahmedi believe but declaring them as infidel will lead to more intolerance in the society and that exactly happened in Pakistan.

Ahmedis participated for creation of Pakistan and ended up being declared as non-Muslims in the state they dreamed about. First the hardliners made them their victims and got them declared non-Muslims. Now, they have their claws on Shias after they are finished with their plan on Ahmedis. Any Pakistani rarely feel proud of Great Nobel Prize Winner Abdus Salam because he was a Ahmedi.
I don't believe in 'Takfir' either so this is only me making sort of a correction : They don't believe in the finality of the Prophethood; they believe that when the Quran talks about 'Seal of Prophethood' its implying only an end to 'Law-Giving' Prophets and that otherwise Prophets may continue coming (even after Mirza Ghulam Ahmed) till the end of times. There is, however, a branch within Jamat Ahmediya who call themselves the 'Lahori Jamat' and they believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmed's references to himself as a Prophet were only allegorical (as he himself said so himself) and that he was nothing more than a Mujadid (a Reformer) - A scholar who wanted to reform Islam.

Whatever it is, even if they believe that Golam was a Prophet after Mohammed, they still do not contradict the definition of a believer in the Koran because they believe the Prophethood of Mohammed as well. So, nobody has the right to declare them non muslims. We should consider them as muslims and they should be treated as any other muslims, like in India. The rest, leave it to God for judgment.
Ahmedes or what ever u call them have been misleading the other and giving a false image of Islam
i guess thats why Muslims are angry
Being a fellow Indian u should all respect there feelings
Its like a new sect pops up in Hindu religion and says Brahmans are not Hindu will Indians tolerate such a thing?
Every person has the freedom to do whatever he wishes unless his wish don't fiddle with others wishes. AND THIS IS WHAT INDIA STANDS FOR.

Every Indian has the freedom of religion. Why would you want to deny the same right to the Ahmediyas?

As for tolerance. Doesn't most of the religions say that the others are Kafirs/Unbelievers/Untouchables, etc. In effect they do call other religions inferior and claim that the followers of that religion will go to hell. I guess the most satisfactory result would be to ban all the religions.

Why do you guys get so riled up about these things? Why can't you just let your God handle it instead? Stop thinking of hurting other people.
Whatever Ahmedi believe but declaring them as infidel will lead to more intolerance in the society and that exactly happened in Pakistan.

Ahmedis participated for creation of Pakistan and ended up being declared as non-Muslims in the state they dreamed about. First the hardliners made them their victims and got them declared non-Muslims. Now, they have their claws on Shias after they are finished with their plan on Ahmedis. Any Pakistani rarely feel proud of Great Nobel Prize Winner Abdus Salam because he was a Ahmedi.

I'd agree with you; apart from that ! Because the youth of Pakistan, and we are many, are proud of Professor Abdus Salam !
Whatever Ahmedi believe but declaring them as infidel will lead to more intolerance in the society and that exactly happened in Pakistan.

Ahmedis participated for creation of Pakistan and ended up being declared as non-Muslims in the state they dreamed about. First the hardliners made them their victims and got them declared non-Muslims. Now, they have their claws on Shias after they are finished with their plan on Ahmedis. Any Pakistani rarely feel proud of Great Nobel Prize Winner Abdus Salam because he was a Ahmedi.

I'd agree with you; apart from that ! Because the youth of Pakistan, and we are many, are proud of Professor Abdus Salam !
Ahmadis are Non-Muslims hence why the call to declare them as such as Ahmadis deceive young ignorant Muslims about their faith and as such declared Non-Muslim to distinguish that fact.

Nonetheless, it is the Ahmadis Caliph who when he went into the house of Parliament and declared Muslims themselves as Kaffir as according to the Ahmadi faith that the order against Ahmadis was past.

If you wish Meesna, we can discuss the very issues of Ahmadiyya over here again and again, you have just had one thread closed today and you opened another one to discuss religion here again........ well lets do it and discuss Ahmadiyya here as well shall we and see exactly what your so-called Krishna re-incarnation has said in his writings.
I'd agree with you; apart from that ! Because the youth of Pakistan, and we are many, are proud of Professor Abdus Salam !

Many in Pakistan do respect Abdus Salam but I saw lot many Pakistanis prefer to skip the name of Abdus Salam when it comes to talking about contributions of Pakistanis. He was denied a state funeral after his death and his tombstone was left in peculiar situation.
Ahmadis are Non-Muslims hence why the call to declare them as such as Ahmadis deceive young ignorant Muslims about their faith and as such declared Non-Muslim to distinguish that fact.

Nonetheless, it is the Ahmadis Caliph who when he went into the house of Parliament and declared Muslims themselves as Kaffir as according to the Ahmadi faith that the order against Ahmadis was past.

If you wish Meesna, we can discuss the very issues of Ahmadiyya over here again and again, you have just had one thread closed today and you opened another one to discuss religion here again........ well lets do it and discuss Ahmadiyya here as well shall we and see exactly what your so-called self claimant of Krishna re-incarnated has said in his writings.
So if the priest of the Ahmaddiyas issues a fatwa saying that Sunnis and Shias are not Muslims?

Lets see....

Hmmm.... The one who are here from last 1400 years ..... Or The other who are here close to 1 century..... The one who did not amend the basic concept of Islam..... The one who contradict it....

Well answer is clear.....
Due to ppl like him, Azim's father rejected Jinna's offer... [/COLOR]

He was good to reject the Qaids offer only to embrace one from Gandhi, a man of fascist views from his own wirtings........ I wonder when this secular State will take away the name "Hindustan" - Land of the Hindus to something else..........
Lets see....

Hmmm.... The one who are here from last 1400 years ..... Or The other who are here close to 1 century..... The one who did not amend the basic concept of Islam..... The one who contradict it....

Well answer is clear.....
but 99% of Ahmedis are ex-Sunni muslims. So, they also can claim the legacy. they are not converts from other religions.
Lets see....

Hmmm.... The one who are here from last 1400 years ..... Or The other who are here close to 1 century..... The one who did not amend the basic concept of Islam..... The one who contradict it....

Well answer is clear.....

Religious matters are personal matters, and no call to me or anybody. Mufti or anybody else can hold whatever religious beliefs they want to.

However the Law of the Land as enshrined in the Indian Constitution and enforced by an active system of Jurisprudence will prevail.
So even I or some Mufti cannot declare Ahmadis (or anyone for that matter) as Muslims or Martians.
Oh and for those who think Ahmadis think we Muslims are Muslims, as in worshipper of the Almighty. If this was true then Ahmadis would have no issues in praying for Muslims in funerals. So.....lets see what a former Calpih of Ahmadiyya had to say in this regards

Mirza Mahmud Ahmad writes as follows:

“Now another question remains, that is, as non-Ahmadis are deniers of the Promised Messiah, this is why funeral prayers for them must not be offered, but if a young child of a non-Ahmadi dies, why should not his funeral prayers be offered? He did not call the Promised Messiah as kafir. I ask those who raise this question, that if this argument is correct, then why are not funeral prayers offered for the children of Hindus and Christians, and how many people say their funeral prayers? The fact is that, according to the Shariah, the religion of the child is the same as the religion of the parents. So a non-Ahmadi’s child is also a non-Ahmadi, and his funeral prayers must not be said. Then I say that as the child cannot be a sinner he does not need the funeral prayers; the child’s funeral is a prayer for his relatives, and they do not belong to us but are non-Ahmadis. This is why even the child’s funeral prayers must not be said. This leaves the question that if a man who believes Hazrat Mirza sahib to be true but has not yet taken the bai‘at, or is still thinking about joining Ahmadiyyat, and he dies in this condition, it is possible that God may not punish him. But the decisions of the Shariah are based on what is outwardly visible. So we must do the same thing in his case, and not offer funeral prayers for him.”

— Anwar-i Khilafat, page 93 of original edition; This book is available online at the Qadiani website in the collection Anwar-ul-‘Uloom, v. 3, no. 5 from the link Anwarul 'Ulum : Urdu Books by Hadhrat Mirza Bashir-ud-din Mahmud Ahmad Khalifatul Masih II - Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at Urdu Pages. See pages 150–151.
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