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Kashmir not integral part of India: Grand Mufti

26th October 1947 (Exactly 67 years ago)


Hindu Times unreliable crap, I actually thought for a second you put an international, world newspaper with credibility or UN resolution cutting, you come and put up this. FAILED badly.

While if that was the case why the millionmarch in a Western country like UK, humiliating India: why have you killiked nearly 100,000 Kashmirs till now, it Kashmir had acceded to India and so peaceful....fact is the predominant muslim Kashmir NEVER was integral part of India....and hence till today the Kashmir Independence struggle is gaining momentum day by day.


@AsianUnion Are you an Indian in disguise? After your fake photos on that other thread you are still claiming a hundred men protest as a million?? Do you even know what a million means :rofl::rofl:
Max 500 people............
Go on close your eyes and mock all these people because this is what you guys are best at.

Kashmir will be developed more under India or China not Pakistan - and Kashmiris shouldn't have any problem living along their other millions of Muslim brothers in India.
Hey!! You are right kashmir is living better life under indian control. Their millions of women's were raped and millions of people were killed. And countless unmarked graves are there. What better life do you get than that!:tup:


Not more than few hundred people in this photo.
Sir with all due respect you sounds like a noora :unsure:
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Budhau is really high after smoking that fine afghani hash.
chill Dude.
What a jungli response and jungli language from an uncivilised indian.

B-but you're a forced convert! Islamist MOOZLIM TOURIST! India is RISING, SHINING, SUPA PAWA!

Uncivilized Indian who likes to call a spade a spade and similarly a pig a pig

Sad to see Indians beginning to accept their Brahmin leaders rhetoric. Just because you're an Indian, and have dark skin, and don't have a toilet doesn't mean you're uncivilized,

Apparently, some Indians are trying to create some disturbance in the million March.

No toilets, no fair skin, and no manners.

Kashmir will be developed more under India or China not Pakistan - and Kashmiris shouldn't have any problem living along their other millions of Muslim brothers in India.

We don't want to see Kashmir under Pakistan. We want to see it free.

For them they have to be in Kashmir to claim this, doesn't makes them any different from those Baloch separatists marching in London for 'Free Balochistan'.

And we have no problem with that. Quit deflecting.
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Sir with all due respect you sounds like a noora

With equally due respect, I am merely analyzing the photograph, fairly and correctly, without calling you or anyone else any names or labels unnecessarily. I do not care whose demonstration that is, but that particular photo shows only a few hundred people.
With equally due respect, I am merely analyzing the photograph, fairly and correctly, without calling you or anyone else any names or labels unnecessarily. I do not care whose demonstration that is, but that particular photo shows only a few hundred people.
Your thoughtfull insight and head count skills on the other photo Sir?-
With equally due respect, I am merely analyzing the photograph, fairly and correctly, without calling you or anyone else any names or labels unnecessarily. I do not care whose demonstration that is, but that particular photo shows only a few hundred people.
Sorry if I hurt your feeling but your comment just reminded me of those Nawaz supporters who use to say there are only few hundreds in the Islamabad protest lol.
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