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Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

There is NO 15 days man. Take a look at your airport in Karachi. This needs to settle now, they know the hideouts, the PAF should RIGHT NOW be dispatching a few squadrons to carpet bomb the terrorist hideouts. The terrorists ATTACKED your home, the biggest financial and business district, and killed your countrymen and you are giving timelines???

The terrorists are living within civilian populations. We have to separate them before launching any operation.
First the attackers looked uzbek..Then chinese..Then wearing white shalwar kamiz..and now have indian-made weapons
So attackers were carrying Indian weapons, Israeli currency, looking Uzbek, attacking Pakistan?
Actually, Uzbeks look surprisingly Asian, so the comparison can be forgiven. The Indian made weapons hasn't been confirmed, and even if it is, it isn't confirmed how they got them.

In short, military and police aren't blaming India. Such weapons can be found in the black market.
another HUGE blast reported...... heavy firing started again
TTP is creatures funded by Indian RAW agency via Afghanistan. World know this fact.

Target the source, don't listen to these people who want you to attack your own villages. Cut it off before taking action against individuals.

If you notice some suspicious people here are encouraging more internal strife as if they want Pakistan to rot.
Carpet bomb? Are you Pakistani or just American? You sound really odd as if you want it to go as you wish.

How does my nationality take away the fact that I am a human? I am a proud American who's very sad to see a civilian airport on fire with terrorists killing innocent lives. And yes, I want it to go as I wish because my wish it that the innocents living in Pakistan be safe.
Your wish seems to be against killing these terrorists......you'd rather have dinner with these barbaric maniacs while they kill innocents?
This thread is to discuss the current scenario and present and share the on ground information, take lead on analyzing the Information, rather then coming up with lame BS accusations, we don't know who is behind the attack, so why accuse anyone of wrongdoing with out proof.....
If Nato made Colt M4 rifles were recovered, would it be ok to declare war against US because weapons were US made? weapons prove nothing, let the Concerned Agencies do their work and stop derailing and trolling the thread ----
How does my nationality take away the fact that I am a human? I am a proud American who's very sad to see a civilian airport on fire with terrorists killing innocent lives. And yes, I want it to go as I wish because my wish it that the innocents living in Pakistan be safe.
Your wish seems to be against killing these terrorists......you'd rather have dinner with these barbaric maniacs while they kill innocents?

How much carpet bombing ( deadly accurate) by American AF helped in afghanistan besides killing civilians including women and children?
Poor Civilian establishment????last I checked IB was under the direct supervision of PM, Special Branch, CID, SSU, ASF, all of these were direct under the control of Civilian Leadership, and you are telling me poor intelligence???

Please don't be so ignorant here. The whole world knows our Army dominates everything

Where was Army when US Navy Seals stormed into Pakistan ? Why didn't the ISI chief and Army chief step down ????

The Air Chief also should have resigned when Militants took out Kamra
How does my nationality take away the fact that I am a human? I am a proud American who's very sad to see a civilian airport on fire with terrorists killing innocent lives. And yes, I want it to go as I wish because my wish it that the innocents living in Pakistan be safe.
Your wish seems to be against killing these terrorists......you'd rather have dinner with these barbaric maniacs while they kill innocents?

I didn't imply any of that. But, people with political interests may seek worse for Pakistan. There is much barbarism in this world, including our own nation which has taken barbaric actions. The point is that outsiders seek Pakistan's perpetual state of violence. I think they should take another route and gather evidence of any foreign intelligence involvement.
This thread is to discuss the current scenario and present and share the on ground information, take lead on analyzing the Information, rather then coming up with lame BS accusations, we don't know who is behind the attack, so why accuse anyone of wrongdoing with out proof.....
If Nato made Colt M4 rifles were recovered, would it be ok to declare war against US because weapons were US made? weapons prove nothing, let the Concerned Agencies do their work and stop derailing and trolling the thread ----

Thank you!

Also, the folks blaming MQM - seriously?! o_O
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