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Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

what is that ?

India needs to answer why their weapons are being used by the terrorists in Pakistan.

RAW should be made accountable!

If you can flood India with fake Indian currency what is stopping you from making fake made in India stamp???
Did you happen to read rest of my post? I was giving mere ezample. I'm not some ranger that i know precisely where terrorists were or have been.

If they were in hanger, it's partial open and partial closed space. Still dangerous as there coule be snipers etc.

Also, I think Pakistani army brought them in one closed space before killing them, maybe thatvwas hanger. No way terrorists will camp in hanger the entire time. And they'd like to get to civilians nonetheless.

Regardless, Pakistani army took 3 hours to get upper hand, mostly during night time.
Pak Army has not participated in the operation. Their role was just to isolate and protect two passenger jets ready for takeoff on the other side of airport. However they monitored it later but until that time, rangers and police commandos already cornered terrorists obv with the help of ASF.
NWO (New World Order to those Indians who do not know) have Indians doing exactly what they want. NATO have substantially reduced the foot soldiers on the ground and have told Indians to take control from hereon. Wars only benefit International Bankers who finance both sides. Now Modi (modern day Hitler) is in power, and just as Hitler was egged on and financed by International Bankers to start the war, Modi will do the same.

India want Kashmir issue to stay mute, for good that is ... it really is a shut the hell up call issue for Indians who cry and scream over less than 200 Mumbai dead but refuse to abide by a passed UN resolution commanding them to let Kashmiri population decide whether they want independence or join Pakistan. At the same time, they have murdered over a 100 thousand Kashmiris. Indians will answer one day for the Kashmiri genocide.

The hatred spewed here by Indians is reflected all over Indian media, and yet they say that we want peace with our neighbour. TTP and Indians are no different in their approach, really. Hypocrisy is a tool they love using.

Same old by Indians ... keep barking!
I am sick of the blame game. Bombay is attacked and Indians blame Pakistan. Karachi is attacked and India is blamed.

It is immaterial who supplied the arms & ammunition and how did terrorist got hold of it. Attack was carried out by TTP who have openly admitted it. Instead of punishing the killers you are threatening to send some terrorists to kill Indian civilians?

When will Pakistani & Indians ever grow up? By blaming ‘Foreign hands’ we ignore our failure. Actual perpetrators were Uzbeks: are you going to attack Uzbekistan as well. A day earlier terrorists killed 23 Shia pilgrims at Al Murtaza Hotel, Koh-e- Taftan on the Quetta- Zahidan Road, whom are you going to attack in reprisal?

What we are saying is that we are incapable of dealing with the situation because of India! I can understand such a statement from DG Rangers and / or other heads of security agencies who are trying to cover their failure as this was without doubt a massive security failure; but from a rational thinking individual, this is simply childish.

Attack on Mushharraf, PNS Mehran & PAF Kamra was planned by an ex Air force guy. Without doubt TTP has infiltrated the police, Army, Air force and the Navy. Jailbreaks at DI Khan & Bannu must have inside support from the Jail service. Truth of the matter is that a section of the society; may be as much as 10% sympathise with Taliban way of imposing their ideology by brute force. These people provide safe houses; arrange transportation and intelligence to terrorists. They have no love for Pakistan but looking for an ill-conceived 7th Century utopia.

On the other hand, majority of the police consist of those hired and promoted thru political party connections Besides, half the police is always busy on protocol duties any way thus totally incapable of maintaining law & order or providing security to the general public.

Way to fight is to put our house in order first and eliminate root cause by changing the people mind-set. Situation will never improve if we simply shrug our shoulders and just blame the foreign hand for our security lapses.

I have no idea whether Indian or CIA or Mossad or any other agency was behind it and we should do all to eliminate foreign agents from our midst. There should also be retribution against the people who brazenly admit they have done this.

Posts like these makes one feel sanity still exits in Pakistan.
They were specially trained Auzbecks and carrying over 65 pound back packs. With guns with capability of grenades launcher. A normal soldier carry around 30 pounds.....................Who trained them and who is the handler inside Karachi ?????????????

Pakistan need to secure Afghan-Auzbeck border at any cost. Plus. Auzbeck and chechian using Baluchistan route to enter Pakistan.
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what is that ?


Looks like a Made in China grenade....now why isn't China blamed for the attack. One thing from personal experience...back in Assam a so-called small terrorist group (Dima Halam Daogah-we call them extortionist) attempted to kidnap my uncle and cousin, during the event one of the militant accidentally shot one of his mates...following which they panicked and shot my uncle and left in a hurry...leaving one dead militant and my injured uncle behind. Police recovered an Italian made 9mm and a Chinese made grenade from the dead guy. I have never heard Indian authority or Army pointing fingers at those countries for these findings. The arms market is filled with gun from around the world....guns from one corner of the world pops up in a rural part of India..
Looks like a Made in China grenade....now why isn't China blamed for the attack. One thing from personal experience...back in Assam a so-called small terrorist group (Dima Halam Daogah-we call them extortionist) attempted to kidnap my uncle and cousin, during the event one of the militant accidentally shot one of his mates...following which they panicked and shot my uncle and left in a hurry...leaving one dead militant and my injured uncle behind. Police recovered an Italian made 9mm and a Chinese made grenade from the dead guy. I have never heard Indian authority or Army pointing fingers at those countries for these findings. The arms market is filled with gun from around the world....guns from one corner of the world pops up in a rural part of India..
Well Italy is not your neighbour nor has India got rising terrorism going on...so yes blames will come quick with stupid media reporting shit and Indians behaving equally crappy!
Sheikh Rasheed views on Karachi Airport attack an…:
good for them...at least they got to see an example ...
"good for them?" strange choice of words there bro....

Anyway, from what I hear a very similar attack was planned on Islamabad international but was foiled so Karachi should have been on alert as it was.
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