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Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

what is that ?


It can be fragment of ASF inventory , Talk about heavy weapon recovery.
"good for them?" strange choice of words there bro....

Anyway, from what I hear a very similar attack was planned on Islamabad international but was foiled so Karachi should have been on alert as it was.
sorry my bad at my choice of words but in a way its always nice to update security at least now we know where ours lag..though situation is under control thank heavens to the brave men who took control and made the airport operational in couple of really tense hours :unsure:
I am sick of the blame game. Bombay is attacked and Indians blame Pakistan. Karachi is attacked and India is blamed.
I'm sorry, but I am sick of the parallels being drawn between 26/11 and this and by extension India and Pakistan. 26/11 is an entirely separate case where ti has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt the perpetrators were Pakistani, were trained in Paksitan, launched from Paksitan and were controlled from Pakistan. Of course I don't expect many Pakistanis to accept this but the world does (even your own govt) and that is good enough for me.

You can't compare India being the victim of terror to Pakistan being the main hub/exporter of terror. It was an ACTIVE policy by your establishment to create and nurture unconventional forces to bleed India dry, whether this is still the case is another argument. India has never had this sort of terror infrastructure in place to use against Pakistan, I'm not even going to claim this is because India is the more morally superior nation but mostly because India has the clear conventional military edge that it doesn't need to seek to undermine Pakistan like this.

Anyway the jump that was made in India even during the 26/11 event to claim Pakistan as the likely culprit is perfectly logical as there is precedent- 1993 bomb blasts, 2001 Parliament attacks, Pak involvement to this day in sending terrorists into India through Kashmir and even ISI support for the Khalistan movement in the 80s. Yes, I see a lot of Pakistani members like to claim an Indian hand in Balouchastan but there is zero credible evidence for this. As such it is a perfectly fair assumption to have made during the audacious 26/11 attacks had a Paksitani hand in them and this was proven to be 100% true. I'm not going to say every single act of terror in India is the result of a Pakistani hand, most of the smaller acts of terror are homegrown and this most security agencies in India will freely admit. But even during and after Mehran and Kamra an Indian hand (foreign but this was often implied to be India) was speculated by many Pakistanis but this has never even remotely been proven or taken up at a govt level. if there was any truth to it the GoP would surely have asked for the wrongdoers in India to be prosecuted like the senior leadership in India has constantly asked the Paksitani side to do on the accused in 26/11. In no act of terror in Pakistan has the preverbal smoking gun been found to hint at Indian involvement but in almost every large scale act of terror in India there has been proof of Pakistani involvement.

I and the world need proof. If you ask the Head of RAW or the COAS they will give you a detailed map of Paksitani terror camps aimed at India ( I think the last count was 42) in "Azad" Kashmir, ask any Paksitani to do the same and they'll say "something something Afghanistan, consulates blah blah blah"

The simple fact is that the homegrown terror groups in India don't have the capacity to launch a large-scale attack in India but the same is not true for the home-grown elements in Pakistani who DO have the capacity to commit such large scale attacks in Pakistani and have proven this again and again- Mehran, Kamra, KIA, GHQ, Red Mosque etc

The fallacy that many Pakistanis hold is that India is just like Pakistan in every way and its tactics and thus that because they have a hand in terror in India the reverse must be true also. But India is a very different country than Pakistan and in India there Military and Intel agencies don't have a free hand and are 100% subservient to the civilian leadership.
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You do realise like every other terrorist atrocity this is a false flag by the usual suspects (mis)using their standard dupes and throwaways?? Question is why now? What's happening in Pakistan that justifies this attack?
@WebMaster and @my2cents - I believe the rumor about indian weapons was proved to be unsubstantiated and your pak govt has made no such claims

I guess India controls the GoP then too? That's the logical explanation, right??

Or maybe- just maybe it was one over eager senior officer of the Rangers running his mouth after having found drugs produced by the largest generic drug manufacturer on the planet? Maybe, like every other act of terror in Pakistan, this was a home-grown attack which is far more concerning for Paksitan.
I'm sorry, but I am sick of the parallels being drawn between 26/11 and this and by extension India and Pakistan. 26/11 is an entirely separate case where ti has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt the perpetrators were Pakistani, were trained in Paksitan, launched from Paksitan and were controlled from Pakistan. Of course I don't expect many Pakistanis to accept this but the world does (even your own govt) and that is good enough for me.

You can't compare India being the victim of terror to Pakistan being the main hub/exporter of terror. It was an ACTIVE policy by your establishment to create and nurture unconventional forces to bleed India dry, whether this is still the case is another argument. India has never had this sort of terror infrastructure in place to use against Pakistan, I'm not even going to claim this is because India is the more morally superior nation but mostly because India has the clear conventional military edge that it doesn't need to seek to undermine Pakistan like this.

Anyway the jump that was made in India even during the 26/11 event to claim Pakistan as the likely culprit is perfectly logical as there is precedent- 1993 bomb blasts, 2001 Parliament attacks, Pak involvement to this day in sending terrorists into India through Kashmir and even ISI support for the Khalistan movement in the 80s. Yes, I see a lot of Pakistani members like to claim an Indian hand in Balouchastan but there is zero credible evidence for this. As such it is a perfectly fair assumption to have made during the audacious 26/11 attacks had a Paksitani hand in them and this was proven to be 100% true. I'm not going to say every single act of terror in India is the result of a Pakistani hand, most of the smaller acts of terror are homegrown and this most security agencies in India will freely admit. But even during and after Mehran and Kamra an Indian (foreign but this was often implied to be India) was speculated by many Pakistanis but this has never even remotely been proven or taken up at a govt level. if there was any truth to it the GoP would surely have asked for the wrongdoers in India to be prosecuted like the senior leadership in India has constantly asked the Paksitani side to do on the accused in 26/11. In no act of terror in Pakistan has the preverbal smoking gun been found to hint at Indian involvement but in almost every large scale act of terror in India there has been proof of Pakistani involvement.

I and the world need proof. If you as the Head of RAW or the COAS they will give you a detailed map of Paksitani terror camps aimed at India ( I think the last count was 42) in "Azad" Kashmir, ask any Paksitani to do the same and they'll say "something something Afghanistan, consulates blah blah blah"

The simple fact is that the homegrown terror groups in India don't have the capacity to launch a large-scale attack in India but the same is not true for the home-grown elements in Pakistani who DO have the capacity to commit such large scale attacks in Pakistani and have proven this again and again- Mehran, Kamra, KIA, GHQ, Red Mosque etc

The fallacy that many Pakistanis hold is that India is just like Pakistan in every way and its tactics and thus that because they have a hand in terror in India the reverse must be true also. But India is a very different country than Pakistan and in India there Military and Intel agencies don't have a free hand and are 100% subservient to the civilian leadership.
proven by whom?
so basically... the way to tackle this is to blame india without any evidence. why are you so surprised that you get attacked by terrorists when you guys train them to do the very same in afghanistan and India?

these guys are asking for a sharia law and caliphate... last time I checked, hindu majority india were not exactly pals of such line of thinking.

with a need to constantly not face reality, I'll answer your last question- death like jackal is on the cards.

the whole world goes that pakistan is terrorist training , terrorists infested country... but the whole world is wrong. and everyone else to be blamed. talk about QUOTE: " a person with average IQ"
You dont know a dime about what history is?
For start up, it was all USA and Europeans who bring in Jihad in Afghanistan. At that time go watch Hollywood glorifying these Mujaheddin. For start-up go watch "Beast of War" or the "The Living Daylights"

Once Soviets were defeated they left all the mess, which includes 3.5 million refugees for Pakistan. You dont know a shit what Pakistan has faced in last 4 decades. And Mr. We are not dumb as you like to think us, dont we know what terrorism you did in East Pakistan? Dont we know how you created Mukti Bahini? The False Flag operation of Ganga Airline?

Kindly Zip up..
They were specially trained Auzbecks and carrying over 65 pound back packs. With guns with capability of grenades launcher. A normal soldier carry around 30 pounds.....................Who trained them and who is the handler inside Karachi ?????????????

Pakistan need to secure Afghan-Auzbeck border at any cost. Plus. Auzbeck and chechian using Baluchistan route to enter Pakistan.
You are talking about handler, they can't even find the hiace that dropped them of on Fokker gate!
7 People are stuck inside Cold Storage at Karachi airport but no one there ready to help those people dying inside live on express news
7 People are stuck inside Cold Storage at Karachi airport but no one there ready to help those people dying inside live on express news
WTH! How did the army and all forget to check that?
And why the hell is the stupid tv crew only airing it instead of calling for help?

ti has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt the perpetrators were Pakistani, were trained in Paksitan, launched from Paksitan and were controlled from Pakistan. Of course I don't expect many Pakistanis to accept this but the world does (even your own govt) and that is good enough for me.
So the world involves Only your govt?
Themselves of course! Who else believes their lies?
Hmm, Saudia Arabia (handed over one of the masterminds to India), the US (bounty on LeT chief ), the UN (LeT added to list of terror groups) and pretty much everyone but your nation. Even "big brother" China is wise to your games:

China blames terror camps in Pakistan as 20 killed in for Xinjiang violence - The Times of India

But oh well, this is all lies, right? The world is with Pakistan aren't they? The world doesn't consistently refer to you as the biggest threat to global security do they? It's all just some evil Hindu/Jew/RAW/Mossad conspiracy.
So the world involves Only your govt?
WTH! How did the army and all forget to check that?

So the world involves Only your govt?

And why the hell is the stupid tv crew only airing it instead of calling for help?

fire is not properly extinguished relatives of those 7 people are protesting but no fire brigade no ambulances are on scene weseem akhter is busy on the phone calling to i don't know whom neither he's facing media.... they are protesting from 3 pm no one is hearing them
retired "hurt" 20 years ago.
the hurt was not mental, psychological or butt :)
neither through hostile attack
but an accident, an unfortunate fall while in service that left an oblique fracture on my calf bone, the military doctors did put me together again but I was permanently category C and not good for active duty. so I gave it up and continued with my studies and became a full time civilian.

I do regular runs for 30 mins to an Hour. wanna run with me sometime young man?
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