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Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

According to media and ISPR there is no damage to Air planes. than wot is this :/

This looks like a live satellite image; where did you get this one from? Are there any live satellite feeds available for public consumption?

answered before-

This an old picture. Google maps does not show latest imagery.
Check the time line on this picture in the red circle on the top left.

View attachment 34445
The thing is that the US, or I should say the new world order, dug Pakistan into deep shit before leaving. They intentionally handed over Kunar to Al-Qaeda, so that the war continues on for many more years. Their whole intention was to create an Iraq like situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan after withdrawal. They'll simply say "not our problem, fox your own" once they leave.

The only option Pakistan has left is to develop its own drones, or bomb bases in Nuristan and face the international pressure. Also the purpose of this attack was to economically damage Pakistan. It is quite evident now that these terrorists have sold their souls to the devil.
ar to Al-Qaeda, so that the war continues on for many more years. Their whole intention was to create an Iraq like situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan after withdrawal. They'll simply say "not our problem, fox your own" once they leave.
The only option Pakistan has left is to develop its own drones, or bomb bases in Nuristan and face the international pressure. Also the purpose of this attack was to economically damage Pakistan. It is quite evident now that these terrorists have sold their souls to the devil.
The thing is that the US, or I should say the new world order, dug Pakistan into deep shit before leaving. They intentionally handed over Kunar to Al-Qaeda, so that the war continues on for many more years. Their whole intention was to create an Iraq like situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan after withdrawal. They'll simply say "not our problem, fox your own" once they leave.

The only option Pakistan has left is to develop its own drones, or bomb bases in Nuristan and face the international pressure. Also the purpose of this attack was to economically damage Pakistan. It is quite evident now that these terrorists have sold their souls to the devil.

Not true. They are in Kunar and Nooristan because they have access to a safe haven in N and S Waziristan.

NATO pushed them out and they fled into Pakistan.

This is our fault for not taking steps to secure the border after NATO invasion. This could have all been avoided had we listened to NATO and deployed troops on border to avoid spill over. Its not a trap, its common sense.
there will never be shariah in pakistan mr.
people like you and these terrorists have made us so numb after this fighting. the only thing we want is to finish you people off.
i just hope we get those russian gunships so we can do a big operation and inshallah kill 10,000-20,000 more of mujahideens.
Right......don't allow these scumbags on your soil anymore...i back your words.
An unfortunate incident of terrorism has been turned into a troll fest. Firstly, sorry for the loss of innocent lives...hope they rest in peace. Secondly people jumping to conclusions should use their brain (if they have one). Indian medicine and weapons found with militants doesn't prove anything. India is the largest producer of generic drugs and finding one with somebody is nothing big...however the weapons is of concern as in India weapon sell is regulated. What was the make, model and country of origin of other weapons...I can bet there must be at least one China made AK and grenade...does it mean they were involved too. Furthermore where was the mobile those guys used manufactured...what about the clothes and shoes they were wearing....Now people saying the weapons had Modi's name on them in Sanskrit is something utterly imaginative.....I mean how many people in India speaks Sanskrit...a handful. Nobody in their right mind would write his/her name on weapons meant to be used for a covert op or terrorist activity. When evidence is such easy there must be something fishy.....
Now that TeTPak has claimed responsibility ..... it would mean somebody is wrong.
Manmohan started it and I kindly finished it. Please control trollers.

Probably, you deliberately overlooked this post which started it

And I saw a lot of cow piss drinkers when I visited India. And I knew a 14yrs old Indian Military Attache's son who used to claim that he flew Migs and what not. I see a very close relative of these two kinds.

But then you are a Pakistani. Hypocrisy is expected of you.
An unfortunate incident of terrorism has been turned into a troll fest. Firstly, sorry for the loss of innocent lives...hope they rest in peace. Secondly people jumping to conclusions should use their brain (if they have one). Indian medicine and weapons found with militants doesn't prove anything. India is the largest producer of generic drugs and finding one with somebody is nothing big...however the weapons is of concern as in India weapon sell is regulated. Now people saying the weapons had Modi's name on them in Sanskrit is something utterly imaginative.....I mean how many people in India speaks Sanskrit...a handful. Nobody in their right mind would write his/her name on weapons meant to be used for a covert op or terrorist activity. When evidence is such easy there must be something fishy.....
Now that TeTPak has claimed responsibility ..... it would mean somebody is wrong.

If only Indian reaction over Mumbai attack was the same.

Unfortunately TTP have Indian handlers in Afghanistan and is funded and planned by yours truly.
Not true. They are in Kunar and Nooristan because they have access to a safe haven in N and S Waziristan.

NATO pushed them out and they fled into Pakistan.

This is our fault for not taking steps to secure the border after NATO invasion. This could have all been avoided had we listened to NATO and deployed troops on border to avoid spill over. Its not a trap, its common sense.

Kunar and Nuristan border Bajaur and Dir. Waziristan is pretty far away. Nato vacated all their posts just before the Swat operation. Pakistan even protested that whenever Pakistan launches an operation, they vacate their posts along the border of operation area.

And back then, Pakistan was just too confused. The military had no counter terror training. Almost everyone in Pakistan had sympathies with the Taliban. And till 2009-2010, majority of Pakhtuns of Pakistan supported them against the Pakistan army.
If only Indian reaction over Mumbai attack was the same.

Unfortunately TTP have Indian handlers in Afghanistan and is funded and planned by yours truly.

We had one Pakistani named Azmal Kasab....caught alive...with audio tapes provided. Names of people involved ... fact that Kasab was Pakistani was also proved...no doubt one very intelligent Pakistani analyst claimed Kasab to be Amar Singh and the guy killed with him to be Heera Lal. We aren't saying this incident was your own creation....like the so called conspiracy theorist claimed Mumabi (26/11) to be. It's an internal mess you have created....deal with it...denial and blaming everything on India will not help.
I just had contact with a reliable source. The plane that is dis-assmebled is a very well known story. During Zardari it was sold illegal to the sister of Zardari. She used the plane to scrap it and earn lots of cash by selling the aluminum. There are even some articles published...
And btw another thing to add. The plans to attack airports have been known since a long time. Like last year, terrorists tried to attack Islamabad airport, but abandoned their plan as quickly as possible when their bluff was caught. They were in police uniform. Since no casualty or firing happened, the sensationalist media didn't report the event to much. This attack was a result of gross incompetence. Airport securities should have been increased across all the 5 major cities after that incident.

Also this event should be Pakistan's 911. Now Pakistan should carry out non stop artillery shelling of Kunar and Nooristan.
I just had contact with a reliable source. The plane that is dis-assmebled is a very well known story. During Zardari it was sold illegal to the sister of Zardari. She used the plane to scrap it and earn lots of cash by selling the aluminum. There are even some articles published...

i assume its a 747 :coffee:
Another bad day it was for Pakistan.

The objectives TTP achieved or wanted to achieved..
1. A high-profile attack, so they can organize their shattering alliance.
2. To create an impression with in Pakistan and abroad that they are a force to recon with, have the capability to strike where ever they like. Recent military strikes have not done much harm to their terror structure.
3. By hitting Karachi airport, they have succeeded in portraying Pakistan as the most dangerous country in the world.
4. They failed to hit some high value assets like some foreign airline Plane, which would have caused many airlines to cancel Pakistan as their destination.
5. They failed to take hostages of any local or foreigner passenger.

Something i noticed were:
1. They like Peshawar airport attack utilized their foreign alliances like Uzbik or Tajik militants. What that show is their main fighting body (experience & trained hardcore) is either destroyed or they want to save that for last stand.
2. The terrorists killed were not that experienced or well trained as were in previous high profile attacks of 2008-2011.

What Indians here are saying is utter lie. It cant be that such attacks of sophistication has not got backing of a major enemy country. If you look at the kind of political and diplomatic benefits Indians gain from such incident, a person with average IQ could understand that somewhere Indian Intelligence is involved in terror activities against Pakistan.

Its our Pakistani nation collective conscious that needs to awake, identify our enemy and hit him hard. (once and for all)
Our political and military leadership have to decide that enough is enough. Hit the terrorism with full force. Take it to international level. We have to raise the mercury high enough to make them feel that we want business.

What if a Pakistan national is killed by Uzbik or Tajik security forces? Can we imagine the kind of roar that would have taken place? So why cant we highlight that what the hell the national of these countries are doing on our soil.

Enough is enough. We have to decide that we want to die like a lion or live like a jackal?

so basically... the way to tackle this is to blame india without any evidence. why are you so surprised that you get attacked by terrorists when you guys train them to do the very same in afghanistan and India?

these guys are asking for a sharia law and caliphate... last time I checked, hindu majority india were not exactly pals of such line of thinking.

with a need to constantly not face reality, I'll answer your last question- death like jackal is on the cards.

the whole world goes that pakistan is terrorist training , terrorists infested country... but the whole world is wrong. and everyone else to be blamed. talk about QUOTE: " a person with average IQ"
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