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Jewish settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque, perform rituals

Contrary to common misconception, Kibla-e-Awwal was Kabba in Makkah.
Making Aqsa-Masjid as Kibla was a temporary move & a test of obedience for Rusool-Allah and muslims around him.
Soon after, Kibla status was returned to Kabba.

So Kibla-e-Awwal and Kibla-e-Aakhir is Kabba in Makkah.


Q:3:96:Indeed, the first House [of worship] established for mankind was that at Makkah - blessed and a guidance for the worlds.


As far as a place of worship is concerned, the whole earth is a mosque, except dirty places like toilet and grave-yard.

Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri narrated that : Rusool-Allah said: "All of the earth is a Masjid except for the graveyard and the washroom." (Sahih)

Jami` at-Tirmidhi 317
In-book reference : Book 2, Hadith 169
English translation : Vol. 1, Book 2, Hadith 317
What Pakistani is willing to endorse the right of Jews to pray at their most sacred holy place?
It would be interesting to see comments from saudi members, better yet from house of saud!!!!
What Pakistani is willing to endorse the right of Jews to pray at their most sacred holy place?

Is it established that 2nd temple was at the place where Aqsa-Masjid is? If it is, then I'd be the one at least. As far as I know, when 2nd temple was destroyed by Romans, no sign of it was left and no one knows exactly where it was...!!!
Is it established that 2nd temple was at the place where Aqsa-Masjid is? If it is, then I'd be the one at least.
"Beyond dispute" the Muslims controlling the Mount used to say. Note that there is a movement - purely political, not fact-based - that Palestinian Arab leaders initiated about sixteen years ago to pretend otherwise: link. So standing with the Jews on this matter would be akin to calling these leaders liars.
So quiet all of a sudden. Like the quick silence of prey when their predator approaches. "Oooh, we Pakistanis can't speak because an Angry Arab might be lurking around the corner!"


Seventy years of independence and you quake at the very thought that a keffiyeh or his servant might be lurking nearby. Hey, not all Arabs are angry murderous people! Not even all Palestinian Arabs are. Probably not even the majority.

Still, you guys should be ashamed that you're always siding with the oppressors and criminals, sneering at whoever you think might "play the victim card". It's not even pathetic anymore; it's cowardice turned to evil.
Its unfair that Arabs are expected to basically carry the weight if all Muslims. So many here have been critizing the Arab nations for inaction yet their own nations have never been anything but observers.
by the christian kings you forgot that

The ones who celebrated Jesus(A.S) on the cross(naively thought we killed[Nauzubillah] the False prophet[God forbade and curse on the ones who thinks that]) got what they deserved

Why bother replying these indian idiots? They either don't study history perfectly or they suppress some truths. Like that guy suppressed the fact that in the medieval time the christian aka european were barbaric and muslim liberated them. Crusaders were responsible for orgies and rapes, massacre etc.
christian and muslims believe it as part of their faith that Jesus(A.S) was risen and not martyred(nauzubillah) and Jesus(A.S) will return in the era of false messiah the anti Christ (The jews call him their true messiah and in his anticipation want to build temple in place of Aqsa mosque) and Jesus(A.S) will kill him once and for all

get your facts straight

You believe in bedtime stories.. Fairy tales and ancient Drama.. He was killed by Local rulers for blasphemy and nothing more.. I hope you know what is blasphemy laws..

No one return from deathbed.. He will never return, he is long gone..

Watch this, and tell me where was Allah, Jesus or Bhagwan???

P.S. : I am religious but not Donkey.. Religion is code of conducts made for man to keep the order in house. If Jesus/Allah/Bhagwan is god of Human then who was God of Dianasoures? Diana-Allah? Diana-Jesus or Diana-Bhagwan.. ?? Think logical dude..
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Why bother replying these indian idiots? They either don't study history perfectly or they suppress some truths. Like that guy suppressed the fact that in the medieval time the christian aka european were barbaric and muslim liberated them. Crusaders were responsible for orgies and rapes, massacre etc.

And you Bangladeshi are genius? Remember Pakistani Muslim liberating you in 70s? Unfortunately your history start from 600AD. Brother there were many civilized civilization before Islam born/founded. You forgot the Romans, You forgot King Aurthur, You Forget Vikramaditya (Whose decendent you are), You forgot the Palas, You forgot the great eastern (Chinese) civilization.

You remember only Islam..

You converted when your native religion had some issue (Weak and setarianism) now Islam is going thru same phase, why don't you convert to other religion???

Do you have any idea what was crusade? It was liberating Christians land from Muslims. Now Jews are trying to liberate the same land from christians and Muslims.. Thats why Jews are performing ritual at "So called Al-Aqsa-Mosque". The disputed land belong to Jews.,
You just called all these things FABLE in the other thread? Now you are supporting Jewish Hooligans:what:

I will tell the truth in all thread. These are fables, Moral stories, very first Magnacarta. There is no evidence that God, Allah or Bhagwan exist. I am not supporting Jews I am supporting truth and Justice..

Religion is like species, We must preserve it. They must not extinct.. At the same time they must not invade others.. They must not get viral and destroy everything..
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