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Italian naval guards & India: News & Updates

The Italian government, after negotiation with India led by Deputy Foreign Minister Staffan De Mistura, has decided to comply with the agreements reached earlier and return to New Delhi the two sailor to ccusati to have killed two sailors in February 2012 . In a statement Palazzo Chigi makes it known that "on the basis of the decisions taken by the Interministerial Committee for the security of the Republic, the Italian Government has requested and obtained the written assurance by the Indian authorities about the treatment that will be accorded to the sailor and the protection of their fundamental rights. Given the assurances received, the Government has decided to return to India tomorrow. " The decision closes a delicate phase of the counter between the two countries on the fate of the two non-commissioned officers who were aboard the tanker Marina Enrica Lexie. Staffan De Mistura then stated: "The Indian government has ensured that there will be no death penalty against them" and then said: "The word given by an Italian is sacred: we had suspended" their return "pending that New Delhi would guarantee certain conditions ". Italy ask for a "international arbitration, which is adhered to the concept that military working for your country should be judged in Italy and abroad in their country and that this is resolved quickly. " The two soldiers depart tonight for ' India accompanied by Deputy Foreign Minister Staffan De Mistura, Italian reside in the embassy in New Delhi and have "freedom of movement". He assured the De Mistura adding: "can also go to the restaurant if you want." The decision "was difficult and shared, not easy for the families of two riflemen - added the Secretary - part of the government's assurance that the families will be protected." According to rumors published by Republic Bari,they did a lot of resistance before accepting. took us five hours. Decision up to 24 hours from the date placed by the Minister of Justice Ashwani Kumar of India as a limit for a peaceful resolution of the story: "The two military can still go back to India by March 22 and, if it happens, this unfortunate situation can be remedied, "said Kumar to Indian newspaper The Telegraph. melts so at the moment the crisis that had opposed Delhi to Rome after the refusal of the Ministry of Indian Foreign fulfill the requirement of including the two defendants who were granted permission to return to Italy to vote. The decision was taken, it said in a statement Palazzo Chigi after Massimiliano Latorre and Savior Pool had met with Prime Minister Mario Monti, the Defence Minister Giampaolo Di Paola and Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs Steffan de Mistura "to jointly assess the position Italian and the results of discussions between the Italian authorities and the Indian. " "The government's position was set out in the morning in a special meeting of the CISR (Interministerial Committee for Security of the Republic) chaired by the President Monti, which was attended by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata, Anna Maria Cancellieri Interior, Justice Paola Severino, Defence Giampaolo Di Paola, Vittorio Grilli Economy and Finance, Economic Development Corrado Passera, Secretaries and Gianni Antonio Catricalà De Gennaro. Based on the decisions taken by the CISR, the Italian Government has requested and obtained the written assurance by the Indian authorities about the treatment that will be reserved for riflemen Marina and the protection of their fundamental rights. Given the assurances received, the Government has considered the opportunity, in the interests of Fusiliers Marina, to maintain the commitment made ​​at the time of permission to participate in the vote, return to Italy by 22 March. Fusiliers Marina joined in this assessment ". Napolitano: "A sense of responsibility." The head of state has shown appreciation for the "sense of responsibility" with which the two Fascists have welcomed the government's decision hoped a "prompt, proper recognition of their reasons." Duri comments the PDL and the right . "Decision serious, tragic return all'Italietta," said Secretary of the PDL Angelino Alfano. And Daniela Santanché raises, suggesting that the demonstration on Saturday in support of Berlusconi turns into a demonstration against the "malagiustizia": "Shame What happened to national pride?".

Google translateI due marò torneranno in India. Governo italiano: "Non ci sarà pena di morte" - Repubblica.it
Italians are born idiots.... They good at quality of every product.... Still somehow lacks ability to behave.... What were they thinking when they refused to send two murderers? Their cargo ships pass by india.... India a rising major power.... Taking on india would had cost this bl0ody roman blood nation.... Italians should concentrate on how to stop priests molesting little boys and nuns.... Taking on india would cost them dearly (if bjp comes into power).... Cant say about terrorist organisation congress ruled by the biggest terrorist and looter sonia gandhi....
Yes Baby!! It shows India doesnt back down.. What we need we get.. and we will!!!
Smell Augusta Westland. There is a strong smell either way... The Italians are pawning away the guards for something big - on either side. Either to throw the dirt under the carpet, or buy a new carpet to cover the dust.. Something's fishy.
I don;t think the Italians deserve death. It could have been an accident. Even if it wasnt, more deaths won;t numb the pain. What;s done is done but they should never mock the judicial sysem of any sane, decent country. India may not be perfect but its no North Korea. At the the end of the day, go thru the court, if found guilty, let be repreimanded, banned from India for sometime and let the victims families be well compensated. This is would keept a positive view for both nations.
I don;t think the Italians deserve death. It could have been an accident. Even if it wasnt, more deaths won;t numb the pain. What;s done is done but they should never mock the judicial sysem of any sane, decent country. India may not be perfect but its no North Korea. At the the end of the day, go thru the court, if found guilty, let be repreimanded, banned from India for sometime and let the victims families be well compensated. This is would keept a positive view for both nations.

They are not regular murderers or some gangsters who always mess with common people.... Most probably 5 to 7 years jail....
Where are all the those poster who were having a field day here on PDF when Italy decided not to send back these very sailors? Well friends this is your answer.
Where are all the those poster who were having a field day here on PDF when Italy decided not to send back these very sailors? Well friends this is your answer.

ha ha ha well dont be so harsh on there feelings dude pakistanies have accepted the hegemony of foriegn nationals and there roudy behavious and are happy to sell there pride for so called "Blood Money" as seen in Raymond Davis affair and there cooperation for so called WOT , they were bellistick when they saw same treatment given to there mortal enemy india which aspires to be a regeonal power in coming future but had never thought that Italy will backdown

try to understand my friend
India should show middle finger after they are back. NO special services once they are in India. You cheat me I will cheat you.

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