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Did you read the links I gave?

In a bailable offence, the police HAVE TO give bail, there is no discretion involved. In a non bailable offence, like this one, it is a magistrate or a judge who gives bail, and there is scope for discretion. The discretion involved is whether the accused is a flight risk or not. If not, the norm is to give bail. As the supreme court has said, "Bail is the norm and jail is the exception" for undertrials.

Please read the two links I gave in post number 38, they explain very clearly how it works. You have spent half a page after that asking the same question.

This does not work like the way you want it.
You have to highlight the pertaining comments beside the link, in other words, you want people to go and read the whole matter.

How about if I gave you an ebook (654 pages) for your reference without highlighting the crux of the matter in few lines?

These are deceptive tactics in an internet debate.

So? It is an open forum, and everybody responds to everybody. If you expect a private conversation, use an instant messenger.

The question you raised was not personal in nature either. So I don't see why you expect nobody else to respond.

I told you it was not for you, this reply was tailor made reply to a different poster.
Not that I got offended by yr reply.
This does not work like the way you want it.
You have to highlight the pertaining comments beside the link, in other words, you want people to go and read the whole matter.

How about if I gave you an ebook (654 pages) for your reference without highlighting the crux of the matter in few lines?

These are deceptive tactics in an internet debate.

As far as I know I wasn't engaging in any debate. I was merely taking the time to answer your questions and explain what you don't know. The first link I gave is very short and says in four or five sentences who gives bail and when. The second link is one page long and lays out the entire piece of law that is pertinent to your questions. About bailable v/s non bailable. There is nothing more that that, nothing superfluous in either of these links. They are the shortest possible explanations about the process of bail granting in India. Sometimes you have to make an effort and read one whole page (!) to understand something.

I could have sent you the entire CrPC, but I didn't - I sent you a link to the specific part that deals with bail. That itself is a way of highlighting. If you are looking for even shorter and easier explanations, I am sorry, but it is not possible.

Deceptive tactics? Did you for a moment think I am debating you? I was only trying to help you out in understanding the basics.
So you mean its discretionary alone and not in letter and spirit as laid out under the land of law as in IPC?

The law allows for discretion which is why we have high court judges. High court (& SC) judges have no limitations placed on them when they grant bail. They can be guided by the provisions that govern Section 497 but are not bound by it as they enjoy wide rights in matter of granting bail even in cases of murder.
Good decision, even people get out of jails for a leave serving life imprisonments. Many actors have been allowed to travel abroad if courts find them cooperating and respecting their writ.

This shows sophistication of Indian Judiciary, we are not out to level score, riot on the streets to show fake bravado and scripted protests or avenge life for a life or but at the end doing muk muka with blood money.
Deceptive tactics? Did you for a moment think I am debating you? I was only trying to help you out in understanding the basics.

Govern yourself boy. You were on slippery slope on IPC, and I came to yr rescue.
Is that the reason you were silent on my two posts viz; #39 and #40......


Its kettle vs pot situation in yr case.
I can see you are fumbling for crutches.
Govern yourself boy. You were on slippery slope on IPC, and I came to yr rescue.
Is that the reason you were silent on my two posts viz; #39 and #40......


Its kettle vs pot situation in yr case.
I can see you are fumbling for crutches.

Grow up. I don't have anything else to say. I'm not here looking for internet glory and victories in imagined debates. Sorry, but I have better things to do with my time. Enjoy your "victory".

The law allows for discretion which is why we have high court judges. High court (& SC) judges have no limitations placed on them when they grant bail. They can be guided by the provisions that govern Section 497 but are not bound by it as they enjoy wide rights in matter of granting bail even in cases of murder.

So is it totally discretionary for a judge to grant a bail to Indian Citizen implicated in homicide according to you?
lolz they will come back ?:)

Yes they will- is Raymond Davis coming back btw? Lolz!

Guys these men have been detainees for almost a year now. Not many nations would have withstood the poltical pressure and detained them in the first place. These are not just any prisoners so there may be special considerations for them but the fact remains they are still in Indian custody.
Grow up. I don't have anything else to say. I'm not here looking for internet glory and victories in imagined debates. Sorry, but I have better things to do with my time. Enjoy your "victory".

You are not alone left in this chaotic world to do better things.
Others are too.
Enjoy your better things, as its my time to enjoy my better half.

And before I forget, you are chatting/debating with a grown up man. While I am not sure about your age.
Now WTF is this....It is mockery of justice...Do all under-trails in India are sent home to vote during elections ?????

Fellow Indians and this is not specifically about you @mirage2K,

Has it never occurred to you people that GoI may not have any cause belle to detain Italian marines?

The incident did not occurred in our territorial waters and Italian government is correct in stating that we lack jurisdiction.The marines should have been court martialled in Italy for shooting civilians which is considered a war crime.

We may feel that the marines should pay for what they have done but remember this fact that our defense personals also travel overseas in line of their duty.Italy is a waning power while we are rising.Overseas military activity of India is bound to Increase.A wrong legel precedence may come back to bite our a$ses later on.
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Good decision by Indian court. They have right to caste vote,and this is their basic duty.
Have it occurred to you that anywhere in the world if an under-trail is in prison is he or she given leave from prison for a simple reason of casting their votes or spending time home for christmas...if so there are thousands of under-trails in India imprisoned on some petty crime cases and they should all be allowed to go home....Also it occurs to everyone in the case of these two italian pricks that the Indian courts are bending backwards everytime to accommodate all their whims and fancies....They can always cast their votes at the Italian embassy if they so desired....I had heard sometime back that these guys will run for elections in Italy and if they win then there won't be any chance for them to return back to stand trial....It is part of a bigger scheme that first take permission to go home for christmas than return back and be in the good books of the courts and then again sort permission to go and vote and cunningly stand for elections...win and never come back to India
So is it totally discretionary for a judge to grant a bail to Indian Citizen implicated in homicide according to you?

Yes but guided by the law (for a judge of the appellate courts - to Indian citizens or others)
Way goes like this one: Italian tell Indian government that they will disclose the detail of Indian bribe taker if Indian government not let go of the two Itlian murders. Shame of India, I bet those two motherfucker will not make their back. This kind of stuff will not happen in any other country in the world, never! We will hang these two bitches if it happen in China. Those white take Asians life as shiiiiit!
Folded like a lawchair. Thanks Sonia the Italian waitress :rolleyes:

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