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Israel's Iron Dome grossly over-hyped: scientists

Duh. Palestinian resistance movements already knew this. The next wars will be much more devastating for the Zionist occupying entity.
For some reason, you focus on people's ethnicity regardless of the topic.

Because it is an ethnic conflict and not a religious one. Tell me why South Asians should be so concerned about Arab affairs when any non muslim European or East Asian man can go to the GCC and expect better treatment? Especially South Asia's own living standards are far below Arabs?

I'm just amused after hearing about Bengali servants being beheaded weekly in KSA.

But excuse my interjection, carry on....
Because it is an ethnic conflict and not a religious one. Tell me why South Asians should be so concerned about Arab affairs when any non muslim European or East Asian man can go to the GCC and expect better treatment? Especially South Asia's own living standards are far below Arabs?

I'm just amused after hearing about Bengali servants being beheaded weekly in KSA.

But excuse my interjection, carry on....

I'm amused to see level of your moronic intellect.Thread belongs to Iron dome anti missile system,and you are relating it with Bangali servant behaded by some arab.Hight of trolling.@MOD should take care of this guy..


This article didn't clearly mentioned whether this damage happened in the area which Iron Dome protects or outside its protective zone..Iron Dome doesn't protect everything even if rocket falls within its protective zone.it only intercepts a rocket if its trajectory shows that it'll hit a high value target(populated area or govt buildings and installations that is going to be protected).
You can google about India missile defence system:cheers: . I believe Iranian tech is superior to Pakistan's.

on wikkipedia it says under develop ment and not DEPLOYED IT SAYS IT CAN BE DEPLOYED JUST LIKE SOME OTHER PROJECTS
WE HAVE SEEN fROM drdo AND YES iranian tech is far superior to pakistan as pakistan lack funds for research and development compared with iran But we are talking about india getting iRon dome and iran is not a threat to India Pakistan is

Thats why i was saying if you get iron dome it will cause serious concerns for the pakistani planners as their strategic edge willl be completely loss and will only resort to conventional weaponry in which INdia and over whelm them :cheers:
on wikkipedia it says under develop ment and not DEPLOYED IT SAYS IT CAN BE DEPLOYED JUST LIKE SOME OTHER PROJECTS

Actually Indian ABM is almost ready.Several systems were tested and Phase 1 is going to be deployed soon(report says,in 2013).work on Phase 2 is going on for several years now.
Actually Indian ABM is almost ready.Several systems were tested and Phase 1 is going to be deployed soon(report says,in 2013).work on Phase 2 is going on for several years now.

OKay may they will change some thing in it to make it more capable perhaps from Mk1 to Mk2 type Deal I get

thank YOu come again
on wikkipedia it says under develop ment and not DEPLOYED IT SAYS IT CAN BE DEPLOYED JUST LIKE SOME OTHER PROJECTS
all the tests had been successful for 2 layer missile defence syste,, it will be installed in major Indian cities, it will take some time after that Pakistani nukes won't be a threat to major Indian cities.

Iran dome is for short range missiles, its not that much necessary for India right now, all major Indian cities are far away from Pakistan border.
all the tests had been successful for 2 layer missile defence syste,, it will be installed in major Indian cities, it will take some time after that Pakistani nukes won't be a threat to major Indian cities.

Iran dome is for short range missiles, its not that much necessary for India right now, all major Indian cities are far away from Pakistan border.

thats good news on the side note why do you think pakistan will attack cities when they can use nukes on the armed forces bases all over india to achive even more potent result then attacking the poor civilians that are in the cities I dont know if India Bases are in the cities which i highly doubt it because they need a Huge place and cities are too crowded for military ops/ cantonement but good to know about the ABM from india side

Thank you come again :cheers:
Unrelated bile from some a** hurt Western supremacist. Please, mods, ban this usless f***er.

Wright, why are you so ********? Seems the story hit a nerve with ya.
Anyway, what does that have to do with anything? I'm reporting your post for your unintelligent, incoherent bile spewing is completely unrelated with the matter at hand.

Whine, whine, whine, *****, *****, *****

I'm not even going to read you, buddy. I know what I can expect from you: hearsay and pseudo-information for which you'll absolutely refuse to give sources even if begged to.

As stated in the article I posted before, missile defense systems have a record of being hyped-up -- Iron Dome is not the first to fall from grace. It was the same with the Patriot missile system, the American-Israeli project developed to intercept missiles fired on Israel during the Gulf War. First there was much government hype, eagerly received by a credulous media, about its efficiency. Later on, studies showed it to have been absoluted useless against Saddam's Scuds.

This article didn't clearly mentioned whether this damage happened in the area which Iron Dome protects or outside its protective zone..Iron Dome doesn't protect everything even if rocket falls within its protective zone

Don't know if you followed very closely the news of Israel's November assault on Gaza at the time it was still unfolding. But the narrative repeated by the press at that time, probably fed to it by the IDF, was that the system was supposed to target all rockets posing a danger to populated areas in Israel -- only when it seemed that it'd fall over an open space, was the Iron Dome supposed to ignore it. That doesn't seem to have been the case, though. The article indicates that the extent of civilian material damage suffered by Israel during the war, refutes IDF allegations that only a small number of rockets were able to pass through Iron Dome's protection.
I'm not even going to read you
I know that you are scared from facts.

As stated in the article I posted before, missile defense systems have a record of being hyped-up -- Iron Dome is not the first to fall from grace.
You can say so, but it works. I even seen that with my own eyes twice.

Duh. Palestinian resistance movements already knew this. The next wars will be much more devastating for the Zionist occupying entity.
Yep, your "resistance" movements know it and therefore sit quiet.
How many rockets has Iron Dome really intercepted?
While IDF figures put the Iron Dome missile defense system's success rate at 84 percent, three scientists claim the real figure could be much lower than that.

"Iron Dome’s intercept rate, defined as destruction of the rocket's warhead, was relatively low, perhaps as low as 5%, but could well be lower."

This astonishing figure, which casts a shadow of doubt on the figures published by the Israel Defense Forces regarding the Iron Dome missile defense system, was suggested by Professor Theodore Postol, a world-renowned scientist and expert in missile defense.

Postol, and two other rocket scientists, Dr. Mordechai Shefer, formerly of Rafael, and D., a scientist who until recently worked for Raytheon, the manufacturer of PATRIOT missiles, investigated the performance of Iron Dome performance during Operation Pillar of Defense and all reached similar conclusions: Iron Dome’s rate of success did not come close to the figure of 84% as reported by the IDF.

According to the three scientists, who conducted their research separately by analyzing dozens of videos filmed during the operation, most of the explosions which look as if they were successful interceptions, are actually just the self-destruction of the Iron Dome’s own missiles. The scientists point out that in every case the explosions, seen as balls of fire during the day and clouds of smoke at night, were round and symmetrical. In the case of successful interceptions, in which the incoming missile’s warhead is destroyed, there should have been another ball of fire or cloud of smoke.

They also uncovered a strange phenomenon whereby the Iron Dome’s missiles followed identical trajectories, and self-destructed at precisely the same time. In some of the videos, it appears that the Iron Dome’s missiles made a very sharp turn shortly before self-destruction. That cannot be, say the scientists, as there is no way that the missile defense system could “remember” that it needs to turn in the direction of the incoming Grad missile a quarter-second before it self-destructs.

In some cases, it seems as if the trajectories of Iron Dome missiles were preset.

In many cases, the Iron Dome’s missiles are seen taking a sharp plunge, and chasing after the incoming rockets from behind. In such a scenario, the chances that the interceptor could come into close enough proximity to destroy the incoming missile’s warhead are miniscule. In order to destroy an incoming missile’s warhead, the Iron Dome missile would need to follow a trajectory that would result in a direct hit, or at least a hit at a sharp angle.

The scientists also discovered that 3,200 civilian damage reports were filed for destruction caused by incoming rockets. It is impossible, claim the scientists, that the 58 rockets that weren’t intercepted – the number reported by the IDF – could have caused damage on such a large scale.

When they compare the damage during Pillar of Defense to the damage from the Gulf War, or the Second Lebanon War, serious questions arise regarding the number of rockets that were not successfully intercepted by Iron Dome, and fell in populated areas. Also, Israel Police reported that it dealt with 109 cases of rockets falling in populated areas, which is almost double the figure reported by the IDF.

The reports compiled by the three scientists cast even more doubt on the rate of success touted by the IDF. While it is difficult to stomach such harsh criticism of the army’s figures, the scientists’ claims should not be ignored without remembering the aftermath of the Gulf War. Initial reports following that conflict claimed a 96% rate of success for Patriot missiles. Later, an extensive study carried out by Professor Postol revealed that the rate of success was actually zero.

IDF spokesperson's response: Operation Pillar of Cloud will be investigated in all its aspects, including the activity of the Iron Dome system. All interceptions [of missiles] by Iron Dome are investigated, with cross-checking of system data, radar [data], reports of different sources on the ground and other information. The data of [Iron Dome] activity was arrived at based on this process.

How many rockets has Iron Dome really intercepted? - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
Hamas official in his recent interview with Iranian channel2 TV, said "36% of our rockets are intercepted by Irone dome, but at the last 4 days of war, Iron dome couldn't Intercept any rockets".
Hamas rockets don't have high payload, so they wont do much damage, but Israel report about number of casualty and death is fake too. just like their reports about Hezbollah's drone"ayub" which ruined reputation of Israel radars and Iron dome.
rate of migration to Israel already has become reverse, what would happen if they announce true statistics about war too?
Says person with flying Ghaher 313 on his avatar :lol:
It's not flying, It's qaher313 without background. but I'm glad to see you are still burning, just keep doing.:enjoy:
They will be fielding the Directed energy Weapon now the SOlid State Laser which have a classified Range of about miles not km SO they are good to Go, oh and its made in the US of A, AND IT WORKS and is already fielded with navy airforce and Marines
They just passed a law where all the defence budget and aid would come out of Pentagons Budget so this way they wont get effected by the budget cuts under a strategic ally status

Thank you Come again :cheers:
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