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Israel will not allow its officers to be terrorized by Turkey

at the end of the day, 9 activists were killed....in international waters, in an indiscriminate use of triggerhappy force.

Turkiye pursued the matter the way that any other country would do in given circumstances

it was an unjust operation and it's only fair that the victims families receive the justice theyre waiting for
More than half of the danes I know dislikes Israel, but two things are different: Judaism and Zionism. I have respect for Jews as fellow humans, but I can't tolerate Zionists. And no people I've met likes Zionists. So no, if you come and tell that you are a Zionist, people will not give you "free drinks". And fyi, at least 1/6 of worlds population is Muslim, that's a big lot of people who directly hates you.

I'll indulge your false presumptions:

1.I'm assuming you mean Denmark citizens and not the Great Danes, because dogs love me. :)

2.I would never visit a country like Denmark, when the likes of you are the largest minority there.

3.FYI, Only Muslims and those Palestinian sympathizers actually know what Zionism is.

4.Only 10% of the Muslim world hates me, and i am proud of that hatred, it means my country is doing what is right and unpopular. Making the world a better place with one dead terrorist at a time.

5.You could never understand such respect men and women feel when they hear where you are from, which country you have served.

Don't be surprised that your Denmark turns against you with Neo-Nazis making you the Jews, there are barely any Jews left in Denmark and they are looking at people like you to turn their hatred for.
You do not know the amount of respect and free drinks you get when you say you are Israeli in foreign countries. I'd suggest you try it, though not in any Muslim country, might get you killed.

I disagree. Israel is hated amongst my Canadian friends. Many of the whites here come from foreign backgrounds, all of them seem to dislike Israel.

My Italian neighbour mentioned Israel to me in a discussion once. She said to me, ''I don't understand how you stand them over there in the middle east''.

Mind you, she got the location of the region of my country wrong, but she seemed to be filled with rage and pure disgust as she mentioned Israel. And she's usually always very kind.

And this is just one instance.
Muslims and Jews actually have many striking similarities.....many similar (if not identical) beliefs and values

the issue is political, not religious (except for the whackos of all religious groups who insist on making it religious issue)
Most Jews didn't follow their book sent by God, they have preferred the gold cow, so the similarity with Islam is notwithstanding, and the same applies when you talk about values; apart from extremely few pious Jews, The values of the majority is almost non-existent, or should I say always, since they have immoral ways of getting around moral values without showing it, and it is deceit.
I disagree. Israel is hated amongst my Canadian friends. Many of the whites here come from foreign backgrounds, all of them seem to dislike Israel.

My Italian neighbour mentioned Israel to me in a discussion once. She said to me, ''I don't understand how you stand them over there in the middle east''.

Mind you, she got the location of the region of my country wrong, but she seemed to be filled with rage and pure disgust as she mentioned Israel. And she's usually always very kind.

And this is just one instance.
It baffles me how you sometimes make sense and then other times...

Ignorance is bliss. What people do not understand and are taught lies, they hate, but i do not mind.
I felt very welcome by the Canadians that do support Israel.
Ignorance is bliss. What people do not understand and are taught lies, they hate, but i do not mind.
I felt very welcome by the Canadians that do support Israel.

Canada has a population of about 36 Million people. 10 Million of these people don't know what Israel is. The rest share different opinions about Israel.

Just because you've enjoyed a good occasion with a few Canadians doesn't represent that the whole country, although it may represent the majority of the 26 Million Canadians who've heard about Israel.

It baffles me how you sometimes make sense and then other times...

I told myself the same thing, but then I realized that you're filled with notorious pride. You do make sense on issues that do not relate to your country, but when it comes to your country, the notoriety of Israel seems to make you deluded into believing the lies fed to you.
Canada has a population of about 36 Million people. 10 Million of these people don't know what Israel is. The rest share different opinions about Israel.

Just because you've enjoyed a good occasion with a few Canadians doesn't represent that the whole country, although it may represent the majority of the 26 Million Canadians who've heard about Israel.

I told myself the same thing, but then I realized that you're filled with notorious pride. You do make sense on issues that do not relate to your country, but when it comes to your country, the notoriety of Israel seems to make you deluded into believing the lies fed to you.

The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven...

You are free to believe what you like.
Your immaturity, with your level of correspondence, suggests you've never quite developed your speaking skills.
You say "Zionist" as if it is an insult, but i wear the name with pride. I wear it everywhere i go, though i doubt you do the same with your Pakistani origin.
Must be frustrating, living in a country where you are considered a terrorist. But really, you are just an old man who has never quite grown up.

For someone who does not know me your assumptions are a proof of your Ignorance. I teach at New York University and I am one of the most respected Faculty member in my Department. Everybody knows I am from Pakistan and my students love me. Only ignorant Zionist like yourself think all Pakistanis are terrorist. New Yorkers are a pretty sophisticated bunch and do not stereotype like an ignorant ZIONIST like yourself, kid.
For someone who does not know me your assumptions are a proof of your Ignorance. I teach at New York University and I am one of the most respected Faculty member in my Department. Everybody knows I am from Pakistan and my students love me. Only ignorant Zionist like yourself think all Pakistanis are terrorist. New Yorkers are a pretty sophisticated bunch and do not stereotype like ignorant ZIONIST like yourself, kid.

I would be easy on the insults, Sage.

PteX had control over his posts, you should do the same.
I`m glad you think so, since everything you say is wrong, thus making my statement correct.
You seem to be stressed, i suggest you relax, brother. No one in Israel knows you exist nor cares for your hatred.

It will only consume you.

Geeeezs the Irony in that post ....he talks about other people hate but not aware of his own.......
Jis hatred against Muslims alike.

When an Islamist is the Prime Minister, one cannot expect anything other than utter stupidity.

Lets not forget the zionist jealous of Muslikms being the chosen one.

and Europe needs Turkey more than Israel period.
The hundreds of times Erdogan and Turks called Israel names, and i have yet to hold any resentment towards Turkey and Turks.
Take it easy, not to heart.

I meant Israel as general, its citizens and politicians. If i'm not mistaken you with another Israeli member in this forum, you were quite optimistic (just like many other Israelis) about the relationship between Turkey and Israel in post-AKP times. My point was, your politicians are not better than AKP and if your politicians keeps saying things like "Europeans should put Turkey back in its place", nothing will be change even after the AKP.

4.Only 10% of the Muslim world hates me, and i am proud of that hatred, it means my country is doing what is right and unpopular. Making the world a better place with one dead terrorist at a time.

If your country surrounded by that %10, it's not something you should be proud of.
I meant Israel as general, its citizens and politicians. If i'm not mistaken you with another Israeli member in this forum, you were quite optimistic (just like many other Israelis) about the relationship between Turkey and Israel in post-AKP times. My point was, your politicians are not better than AKP and if your politicians keeps saying things like "Europeans should put Turkey back in its place", nothing will be change even after the AKP.

If your country surrounded by that %10, it's not something you should be proud of.
It will be a long time till there is another election in Turkey, so things won't be looking up for a while.

When a nation outnumbered 10 to 1 and has absolutely dominated their enemies again and again, it does feel you with pride.
The 10% can continue to hate all they want, it simply poisons them and does not affect Israel at all. We simply progress while they regress.

For someone who does not know me your assumptions are a proof of your Ignorance. I teach at New York University and I am one of the most respected Faculty member in my Department. Everybody knows I am from Pakistan and my students love me. Only ignorant Zionist like yourself think all Pakistanis are terrorist. New Yorkers are a pretty sophisticated bunch and do not stereotype like an ignorant ZIONIST like yourself, kid.

Pakistani "Rage", if your student knew what you were... Unless you act like an adult and not a child, speak like the so called "professor" that you say you are, your comments will be ignored henceforth.
I'll indulge your false presumptions:

1.I'm assuming you mean Denmark citizens and not the Great Danes, because dogs love me. :)

2.I would never visit a country like Denmark, when the likes of you are the largest minority there.

3.FYI, Only Muslims and those Palestinian sympathizers actually know what Zionism is.

4.Only 10% of the Muslim world hates me, and i am proud of that hatred, it means my country is doing what is right and unpopular. Making the world a better place with one dead terrorist at a time.

5.You could never understand such respect men and women feel when they hear where you are from, which country you have served.

Don't be surprised that your Denmark turns against you with Neo-Nazis making you the Jews, there are barely any Jews left in Denmark and they are looking at people like you to turn their hatred for.

You make 0,1 percent sense with this post. Recently BBC published its work over least liked countries, and surprise surprise you were at the bottom! However Turks are a people who are very welcomed in Muslim countries all around the world, from Indonesia to Pakistan, from Somalia to Saudi Arabia, from Egypt to Malaysia. When you say you are a Turk in these countries they give you free stuff or make extra discount for you because in every single countries' history Turkey has helped them and vice versa. Israel? Israel has been a pain in the *** for everyone. Israeli tourists are the wors, everybody in the tourism industry is perfectly aware of that. You are the most arrogant tourist types in the world (this has maked news materials for most newspapers).

Not to forget, South Korea and Japan loves Turks too, South Korea because we helped them in their war agains the north, Japan because well i think they just love us because they are like us in the way they can't stand the zionists.
It will be a long time till there is another election in Turkey, so things won't be looking up for a while.

When a nation outnumbered 10 to 1 and has absolutely dominated their enemies again and again, it does feel you with pride.
The 10% can continue to hate all they want, it simply poisons them and does not affect Israel at all. We simply progress while they regress.

You are resisting to understand this: This is not just about the AKP or Erdogan. Your government is as guilty as AKP. And the difference between Israel and Turkey is, there is people in Turkey that saying "we shouldn't have sent those ships in the first place" etc.. Although its limited and under pressure, there is opposition in Turkey.
However there is lack of opposition in Israel. I haven't seen a single Israeli that saying "that was too much, couldn't we stop it without boarding the ship?" etc... Instead you people keep talking about how evil the passangers were, how radical AKP is... Trying to prove they were terrorists with the knifes from the ship's kitchen and that kind of BS. I don't care what they were, what you should have done was solve this non-violently and seek vengance in the international courts. If you had done this, your hand would be much stronger and most importantly AKP wouldn't have this much of support in Turkey.

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